Sep 24, 2024  
2011-2012 HillBook (Class of 2015) 
2011-2012 HillBook (Class of 2015) [ARCHIVED HILL BOOK]

Course Descriptions



  • HIS 220 - Comparative Empires: Spain and Portugal

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2010-2011

    Investigation of the historical foundations and development of the Iberian Empires of Spain and Portugal, the first global maritime empires of the modern era, and evaluation of their historical significance; Columbus and the age of exploration and conquest; and the maturation and decline of the Iberian Empires.
    Considered a European and World History.
  • HIS 225 - History and Film

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2010-2011

    For years, Hollywood has offered an array of films, both epic and provincial, that center upon events in history. Using primary and secondary written accounts, this course will view a comparative selection of these films in the search for “historical” truth.
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing.
    Considered a United States and European History.
  • HIS 227 - Renaissance and Revolutions: Early Modern Europe

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2010-2011

    This course examines the major developments of a pivotal time in European history known as the Early Modern Era (1400-1800). These developments include the educational reforms of the Renaissance, the religious change and violence of the Reformation, the rise of centralized monarchies, European expansion overseas, the Enlightenment, and democratic revolutions.
    Considered a European History.
  • HIS 228 - History of U.S. Foreign Relations

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    In this survey of American foreign relations from the late eighteenth century to the recent past, we will explore significant trends and changes to explain the movement of the United States from a fledgling nation, to regional power, to global empire, and, finally, to declining superpower.
    Considered a United States History.
  • HIS 229 - Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2010-2011

    This history of women, men and gender in early modern Europe, between the Renaissance and the early nineteenth century. The course will consider philosophical, medical and religious beliefs about women and men, and the real and imagined roles that women played in early modern society: queens, scientist, healers, witches and saints.
    Considered a European History.
  • HIS 230 - History of Sexuality in America

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2010-2011

    This course traces the history of sexuality in America from colonial times to the present. It explores the relationship between history and sexuality by examining the changing meanings of sexuality and its relationship to ideologies, economy, family and other historical forces.
    Considered a United States History.
  • HIS 233 - American Catholic Social History

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    An historical presentation of the numerous social issues, conflicts, and varied solutions in American Catholicism from the late 19th century forward with emphasis on how the many issues of society impacted Catholicism. The course demonstrates how the application of faith and various theological and philosophical theories were used in resolution of social conflict.
    Crosslisted with REL 233 .
    Considered a United States History.
    Fulfills the General Education  Moral Inquiry requirement.
  • HIS 241 - A History of Horror Films

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2010-2011

    An examination of the history of horror films. This course is an excursion that will compare and contrast the fictional world of the macabre with the historical realities that form and challenge our social and cultural lives. With the aid of film, literature, and art, this course will analyze the phenomenon of the horror genre down through the ages.
    Considered United States and European History.
  • HIS 244 - Colonial Latin America

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2010-2011

    This course is a survey of the historical, economic, political, social, and cultural development of colonial Latin America from before the European discovery to the era of independence. It addresses the major themes and substance of the three centuries of colonial government and an appreciation for the complexity and diversity of colonial Latin America.
    Considered a World History.
  • HIS 245 - Modern France

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    An examination of the rise of modern France from the 1789 Revolution to France’s role in the search for European Union. This includes a study of the reign of Napoleon, the Franco- Prussian War, the German Occupation and the Vichy regime, and De Gaulle and the Fifth Republic. The course will place special emphasis on the lives of French men and women.
    Considered a European History.
  • HIS 247 - Modern Germany

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2010-2011

    A history of Modern Germany from the 1871 unification under Chancellor Otto von Bismark through the fall of the Berlin Wall and reunification in 1990. The course material will consider such topics as German colonization, the World Wars, National Socialism, and Communism.
    Considered a European History.
  • HIS 251 - United States Economic History

    Three Credits
    Fall 2011 (Not offered 2012-2013)

    For description, see ECO 206 .
    Cross listed with ECO 206 .
    Not open to first semester students.
    Considered a United States History.
  • HIS 257 - Modern Latin America

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2010-2011

    This course seeks to locate Modern Latin America (c. 1800-present) within a global framework and to understand the origins and development of the political, economic, social, and cultural issues that challenge and define Latin America today, including US foreign policy and changing ethnic, gender, and class relations.
    Considered a World History.
  • HIS 262 - Medieval – Renaissance – Reformation

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Rise of Medieval Europe through the “barbarization” and Christianization of the Roman Order. Idea of Empire and Christendom, the conflict of Papacy and Kingship. Feudalization of Europe and the rise of cities, popular religious movements. The culmination and crisis of this order in Renaissance cities and its fragmentation in the political and religious conflicts of the Reformation Era.
    Considered a European History.
  • HIS 263 - Religion in America

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    An examination of a variety of religious ideas, institutions, and traditions in the United States from the colonial period to the present. Special emphasis is placed upon questions of religious pluralism, religion and cultural identity, and religion in public life.
    Cross-listed with REL 262 .
    Considered a United States History.
  • HIS 265 - Western Civilization I

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    An examination of the historical development of culture and society in the pre-modern era with a focus on the theoretical justifications for authority, law, freedom, and community.
    Considered a European History.
  • HIS 266 - Western Civilization II

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    A survey of the rise of the nation state and nationalism among the masses from the 16th century to the present. This course explores such topics as industrialization, geography, modern warfare, colonization, totalitarianism, and the Cold War.
    Considered a European History.
  • HIS 270 - The Making of Modern China

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2010-2011

    An introduction to the dramatic transformations in China’s political, economic and socio-cultural life from the seventeenth century to the present. The course will cover transitions from dynastic to republican to communist rule, encounters with the West, socio-economic reforms, and the challenges of modernization in the world’s oldest continuous civilization and bureaucratic state.
    Considered a World History.
  • HIS 271 - World History I

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    This course examines the history of humanity from the emergence of our species to the early modern era. Explores how and why humans shifted from nomadic hunting and gathering to settled agriculture societies creating cities, states, and empires. Examines the consequences of this transition for human societies and the environment.
    Considered a World History.
  • HIS 272 - World History II

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Examines the history of the human community from the early modern era to the present. Explores how and why industry, nation states, and European style economics have come to define the modern world. It analyzes the interconnections and interdependencies, nowadays called “globalization”, that continue to define human historical development.
    Considered a World History.
  • HIS 277 - History of Brazil

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2010-2011

    This course examines the history of Brazil from 1500 to the present and explores its richly diverse culture, politics, economy, and geography that ultimately tie it to the histories of Europe, Africa, Asia, the U.S. Major themes include: race relations, national development, military dictatorships, and popular culture.
    Considered a World History.
  • HIS 279 - Modern Japan

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2010-2011

    From shogun to skinkansen – a survey of Japan from the seventeenth century to the present, examining the political, social and economic changes that accompanied its transformation from feudal shogunate to modern nation-state. Topics covered include the Meiji Revolution, modernization, the rise of nationalism, and Japan’s relations with Western and Asian powers.
    Considered a World History.
  • HIS 281 - American Nation I

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Comprehensive study of American historical development with a focus on the development of U.S. political principles, ideals, founding documents, institutions, and processes. Topics include modes of colonial life, geographical perspectives, the Revolution and Constitution, urban development, westward movement, constructions of race and gender, popular culture, the Civil War and Reconstruction.
    Considered a United States History.
  • HIS 282 - American Nation II

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    An analysis and interpretation of the development of American politics, foreign policy, and domestic society from Reconstruction to the present. Topics include the gilded society, world power, the rise of consumer culture, the New Deal, World War II, the Cold War, affluence and discontent.
    Considered a United States History.
  • HIS 283 - East Asian History I

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    A broad survey of major developments in East Asian history from the time of its earliest written records (circa 1200 B.C.E.) to 1800 C.E. Draws on primary sources, secondary scholarship, and examples of material culture to highlight key themes in the political, social and cultural life in China, Japan and Korea. These themes include state formation and dissolution, religious beliefs, political ideologies, philosophy and literature, economic activities and social relations.
    Considered a World History.
  • HIS 284 - East Asian History II

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    An introduction to the turbulent histories of modern China, Japan and Korea, covering their major political, economic and socio-cultural transformations from 1800 onwards. Themes considered include encounters with Western military and economic expansion, the role of cultural exchanges in Asia, and the rapidly growing role of East Asia in present-day globalization.
    Considered a World History.
  • HIS 285 - Women in America: 1630-1890

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2010-2011

    The history of women from the colonial era through the end of the nineteenth century. Examines the diversity of experiences among women of different races and classes in America, focusing on issues central to female experience: reproduction and family life, work, religion and reform, and political struggles for civil rights.
    Considered a United States History.
  • HIS 286 - Asian American History

    Three Credits
    Alternate Years: Fall 2011, 2013

    An introduction to the history of Asian migration and experience in the United States from approximately 1850 to the present. Explores the changing experiences of immigrants in economic, social and political terms, and situate this history within the larger context of immigration, race relations and multiculturalism within modern American history.
    Considered a United States and World History.
  • HIS 301 - Colonial America

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2010-2011

    This course examines the social consequences of colonization, migration and war in early America, 1500-1775. Emphasis is placed on the evolution of regional cultures, and the interaction of British colonies with competing European cultures (French, Spanish, Dutch), with Native Americans, and with African-American slaves.
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing.
    Considered a United States History.
  • HIS 304 - U.S. Popular Culture

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    An investigation of U.S. popular culture focusing on its ability to illuminate important themes in the nation’s social, economic, and political development. A special emphasis will be given to twentieth-century popular culture. Important questions and themes will include popular culture’s role in perpetuating attitudes regarding race and gender.
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing.
    Considered a United States History.
  • HIS 305 - U.S. Popular Music

    Three Credits
    Alternate Years: Spring 2013

    In a seminar format, this course will analyze how American popular music reflected and shaped public notions about class, gender, and race. Topics will include jazz, rap, rock and roll, rhythm and blues, country, and folk music.
    Considered a United States History.
  • HIS 306 - Contemporary America

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2010-2011

    This course studies the political, social, and economic life of the United States in the post World War II era. Historically significant individuals, events, and programs and their contribution to the American nation are analyzed through presentations, critical reading, and writing.
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing.
    Considered a United States History.
  • HIS 308 - The Early Republic

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2010-2011

    Explores the tumultuous years following the American Revolution when Americans fought over the meaning of the war and the future direction of the country. We will examine the major conflicts of the period, including ratification of the Constitution, slavery, reform movements, Indian removal, immigration and capitalist development.
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing.
    Considered a United States History.
  • HIS 310 - Ancient Mediterranean Greece and Rome

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    A study of the ancient civilizations that coalesced into Hellenistic Culture with a focus on the political, institutional, and intellectual movements, which provided the context for the development of European Civilization.
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing.
    Considered a European History.
  • HIS 313 - Modern European Intellectual History

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    This course will cover the intellectual history of modern Europe by way of and engagement with four of the most compelling and influential modern European thinkers: Darwin, Marx, Nietzsche and Freud. Students will read substantial selections from their texts as well as some of the intellectual historiography.
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing.
    Considered a European History.
  • HIS 320 - Historical Methods and Materials

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    This course explores the nature and study of history along with introducing students to various types of evidence and their uses. Majors will prepare a detailed proposal for their Senior History Projects, including an extended assessment of primary sources. Majors should register in their junior year in preparation for the Senior History Project.
    Prerequisite(s): Juniors only.
  • HIS 321 - African-American History I

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2010-2011

    This course explores African-American history and culture from the beginnings of slavery in America to the Civil War. Themes include ethnic origins in West Africa, the trans-Atlantic slave trade, the emergence of plantations societies in the Americas, slave resistance, the abolition movement, gender, Civil War and emancipation.
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing.
    Considered a United States History.
  • HIS 322 - African-American History II

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2010-2011

    This course surveys the history of African- Americans from emancipation to the present. It begins by exploring the meaning of black freedom during emancipation and Reconstruction. It examines the economic and cultural lives of African-Americans as they confronted segregation and Jim Crow laws in the American South. Other topics include the Great Migration, Harlem Renaissance, black nationalism, and Civil Rights.
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing.
    Considered a United States History.
  • HIS 324 - From Jackson to Lincoln

    Three Credits
    Alternate Years, Spring 2011

    Examination of the major political, social, and economic developments in U.S. Society from the election of Andrew Jackson to the presidency in 1828, to that of Abraham Lincoln in 1860.
    Considered a United States History.
  • HIS 325 - Lincoln and His America

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    An examination of the life and times of Abraham Lincoln, one of the most important and frequently studied figures in U.S. history. The course is conducted as a seminar, and readings include Lincoln’s own speeches and writings as well as scholarly studies of his life and career.
    Prerequisite(s): Open to Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors only.
    Considered a United States History.
  • HIS 326 - The Christian Churches in Nazi Germany

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2010-2011

    An examination of the choices that the Catholic and Protestant churches made under the impact of National Socialism. The course will also examine the reaction of the churches to the persecution of the Jews and the Holocaust.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
    Considered a European History. 
    Fulfills the General Education Moral Inquiry requirement


  • HIS 327 - American Civil War and Reconstruction

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Examines the era of the Civil War and Reconstruction in U.S. history (1860 – 1880), including the war’s origins and consequences. The course explores, in addition to the military aspects of the war, the major political, social, and economic development of the period.
    Considered a United States History.
  • HIS 328 - Pursuits of Happiness in Revolutionary America

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2010-2011

    This course traces the events and conditions that led North American colonists to pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness through political conflict, revolution, and war. We will examine the breakup of empire in North America and consider how ordinary men and women, African-Americans, and Native Americans responded to and shaped revolutionary events.
    Prerequisite(s): GENH 100  or GENH 140  and Sophomore standing.
    Considered a United States History.
  • HIS 329 - The Vietnam Era and Its Legacy

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2010-2011

    An examination of U.S. policy toward Southeast Asia and the war in Vietnam from the 1940s to the present. The course explores the origins of the U.S. military commitment in Southeast Asia and the ultimate failure of U.S. policy. The effects of the war on veterans and the home front, the peace movement, and the legacy of the war for contemporary U.S. society is also examined.
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing.
    Considered a United States History.
  • HIS 330 - United States Seminar: Topical

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Offers an opportunity to study a specific area or problem in U.S. history in greater depth. Seminar format focusing on discussion of primary sources and secondary literature. Alternating topics to be announced prior to registration.
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing.
    Considered a United States History.
  • HIS 332 - America in the Nuclear Age

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    This course explores the origins and evolution of the nuclear age, both at home and abroad, looking at politics, diplomacy, as well as cultural and social trends. Students will also examine the continuing presence of nuclear weapons as cultural symbols and threats to world peace despite the end of the Cold War.
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing.
    Considered a United States History.
  • HIS 333 - The American Catholic Experience

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    A critical examination and analysis of the peoples, events, and ideas that shaped American Catholicism from the era of discovery to the 21st century. Catholicism’s minority status and the perennial tension being American and Catholic are used as guiding principles in this study.
    Crosslisted with REL 333 .
    Considered a United States History.
  • HIS 335 - The Debate Over Slavery in Antebellum America

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2010-2011

    An examination of writing and speeches attacking and defending slavery in the United States between the American Revolution and the Civil War.
    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing.
    Considered a United States History.
    Fulfills the General Education Moral Inquiry requirement.
  • HIS 343 - Christian Theology as Ideology

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2010-2011

    How the use of Greek philosophy and Roman imperial theory transformed the Gospel of Jesus into a society that regarded its culture as providential history. This synthesis created but eventually tore Christendom apart. The political, economic, intellectual, and scientific dynamics of Europe are incomprehensible without this theological development.
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing.
    Considered a European History.
  • HIS 347 - Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    An in-depth study of the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi movement from the establishment of the Weimar Republic through the end of World War II.
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing.
    Considered a European History.
  • HIS 349 - The Inquisition: Myth and History

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2010-2011

    Explores the myths and history of the Inquisition as a social, political and religious institution in Europe, the Americas, and in Goa, India, from its Medieval inception to its final abolition in the nineteenth century. Students will seek to understand why it was created, how it functioned, the impact it had on the societies that sustained it, and why it was finally abolished.
    Considered a European and World History.
  • HIS 351 - The French Revolution

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    This course focuses on the decade of political upheaval in France (1789-1799) that later became a catalyst for widespread political changes in countries all around the world. In addition to the key events of the Revolution, students explore how ordinary people (including women and people of color) experienced this tumultuous event.
    Prerequisite(s): Open to Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors only.
    Considered a European History.
  • HIS 353 - A World at War

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Organized violence represents one of the most common of human activities. Warfare shapes, and is shaped by, deep seated political, social, economic, religious, and technological values and attitudes. For good or ill, warfare has played, and continues to play, a key role in shaping the world we live in. The course explores warfare and its consequences from a world historical perspective from Paleolithic times to ancient China and the Middle East to modern day forms of state and extra-state violence.
    Considered a World History.
  • HIS 360 - European Seminar: Topical

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2010-2011

    Offers an opportunity to study a specific area or problem in European history in greater depth. Seminar format focusing on discussion of primary sources and secondary literature. Alternating topics to be announced prior to registration.
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing.
    Considered a European History.
  • HIS 362 - World History Seminar: Topical

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Offers an opportunity to study a specific area or problem in World history in greater depth. Seminar format focusing on discussion of primary sources and secondary literature. Alternating topics to be announced prior to registration.
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing.
    Considered a World History.
  • HIS 371 - The Age of Absolutism

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2010-2011

    This course examines the political, social, and cultural conditions surrounding the development of strong, centralized monarchies of continental Europe and constitutional monarchy of England. Using film, art and primary sources students explore the daily lives of both kings and their subjects during this fascinating era.
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing.
    Considered a European History.
  • HIS 373 - Asian Encounters with Empire

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2010-2011

    An examination of the imperial experience in East, Southeast and South Asia during the nineteenth and twentieth century’s, encompassing the impact of both European and Asian expansions. Themes include issues of race, gender, modernization, orientalism and colonial legacies.
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing.
    Considered a World History.
  • HIS 380 - Public History

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    This academic and experiential course looks at the practice, methods, and possibilities associated with practicing history in museums, historic sites, and archives. In the classroom, we will explore the nature of public history through curatorial, archival, and preservation issues, as well as examine the roles of education, interpretation, exhibitions, and living history. A substantial field component has students encountering museums, archives, and historic sites to interact with professionals, discover what public historians do, and critically assess their public history offerings. As a final project, students will collaboratively produce a museum exhibition at Stonehill.
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing.
    Considered a United States History.
  • HIS 385 - Topics in U.S. Women’s History

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    This course moves beyond a broad overview of the role of women in eighteenth and nineteenth century U.S. History to examine specific topics such as education, reform, labor, culture, and political organization in depth.
    Prerequisite(s): GENH 100  or GENH 140  and HIS 281 , HIS 282  and Sophomore standing.
    Considered a United States History.
  • HIS 411 - Senior Research Seminar

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Training in historical research methodologies and strategies with practical instruction in archival research, note taking, analysis, argumentation, writing, citation, and oral presentation. This training will occur while engaged in researching and writing the senior thesis, which is the History major capstone project.
    Prerequisite(s): HIS 320 ; course must be taken concurrently with HIS 415 .
  • HIS 415 - Senior History Thesis

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    An independent, in-depth thesis designed in HIS 320 - Historical Methods and Materials , then carried out with the assistance of a faculty member. Arrangements with the faculty must be made at least one semester in advance and no later than the fall of the fourth year.
    Prerequisite(s): HIS 320 
  • HIS 475 - Internship in Historical Research

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Internships are available to History students to give them an opportunity to experience the relevance of the past to the present through active participation in contemporary institutions and organizations.
  • HIS 490 - Directed Study

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    An in-depth study of an historical question under the tutorial direction of a faculty member.
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing. Approval of faculty member directing the project and Department Chairperson required.

Honors Program

  • HON 100 - Moreau Honors Leadership Seminar

    One Credit
    Spring Semester

    The Moreau Honors Leadership Seminar introduces Honors students to the practice of leadership in academic and co-curricular activities such as organizing lectures, musical or dramatic performances, or tutoring in after-school programs.

Interdisciplinary Studies

  • IND 142 - Applications of Learning Theory

    One Credit
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Cornell system of note-taking taught along with individual learning style assessment, exam strategies and SQ3R method of text book reading. Learn how to break up large tasks and complex ideas into small understandable parts. Strategies have shown to produce significant improvements in GPA. Study skills class for first year students.
  • IND 300 - Post-Graduate Preparation Seminar – Law School I

    One Credit
    Fall Semester

    Students will learn methods for answering each of the LSAT question types as they appear on the LSAT. Test-taking strategies to maximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses will be emphasized. The course begins with a full-length, three-hour pre-test which will be corrected and discussed during the second class. Mandatory homework will be taken from released LSATs and will support principles taught in class. Classes during the first session meet twice a week on Sunday and Wednesday, for four hours per session, for the first month of the Fall Semester and the last month and ½ of the spring semester. Students enrolled in this one credit course will be billed an additional $300 on their semester tuition bills. Pre-requisites: Junior or Senior Standing
  • IND 301 - Post-Graduate Preparation Seminar – Law School II

    One Credit
    Fall Semester

    Students will hear from law school admission officers, the pre-law advisor and other Stonehill Faculty, and will discuss strategies for applying to law school, the personal statement, develop a list of criteria important to the student, and a list of potential law schools. Law School II will meet from October to December in the Fall Semester only.
    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing and Permission of Director.
  • IND 357 - Topic in Interdisciplinary Studies

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    This special topics course offers opportunities for study in various topics of interest within the field of interdisciplinary studies.
  • IND 400 - Final Integrative Project for Interdisciplinary Studies

    Three Credits
    The final unit of an interdisciplinary minor is a required integrative essay, project, or performance. A student must register for IND 400 the semester he or she will complete the integrative unit. Once enrolled in IND 400, the student and faculty sponsor must submit a detailed plan of study to the Director of the Martin Institute. The student will need to answer the following question: What form will this integrative unit take? They must note the specific description of the proposed unit, the learning outcomes that will result, the criteria for assessment, the frequency of contact between student and faculty sponsor, and a preliminary list or readings and assignments. Students pursuing an Interdisciplinary Studies Major may also register for IND 400 as a capstone with the approval of the Director of the Martin Institute. For more information please refer to The Curriculum  or contact the Program Director, Professor Peter Ubertaccio, Director of the Martin Institute.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior Standing, Completion of Interdisciplinary Minor Application.
  • IND 489 - Internship in Career Planning

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Trains interns to assist first-year students in the career decision-making process by: Providing an informational overview of the Career Planning Program, interviewing students, interpreting the Strong Interest Inventory, and giving tours of Career Services. Interns have the opportunity to sharpen writing skills through weekly reports of interview sessions. Designed to assist third- and fourth-year students in developing professional work habits, as well as strengthening communication, interpersonal, and organizational skills. For more information please contact Dick Grant, Associate Dean of Student Achievement.

Irish Studies

  • IRS 200 - Christian Ireland, 431-1169

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Early Irish culture and society from the introduction of Christianity in the 5th century, through the 8th century Viking invasion and the beginning of the 12th century Anglo- Norman conquest. Emphasizes literature created out of the rapprochement between the pagan tradition and the new religion. Includes extracts from Old-Irish literature including the heroic saga, Táin Bó Cuailgne (The Cattle-Raid of Cooley) and lyric poetry produced in monasteries.
  • IRS 201 - Medieval Ireland, 1169-1603

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    The impact of the 12th century Anglo-Norman invasion on Irish social, political and cultural life. The creation of the pale region of Anglo- Norman dominance and the different culture from that of Gaelic Ireland. Provides a brief historical survey of Gaelic Ireland in the early middle ages and insight into the archaeology of the medieval Irish Church. Introduces the world of the Irish bardic poet and his work.
  • IRS 202 - Pre-Famine Ireland, 1603-1845

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    The destruction of the Gaelic heroic world following defeat of Irish forces at the Battle of Kinsale and subsequent dispersal of native Irish and Old English aristocracy. Introduces political, social and economic structures of this period and the disintegration of Gaelic Irish cultural values and literary traditions from the Elizabethan period to the famines of the 1840s. Concludes with an overview of economic, social and demographic trends in pre-famine Ireland.
  • IRS 203 - Modern Ireland: 1845-1998

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Introduces the patterns of modern and contemporary Irish life and culture from a multidisciplinary perspective. Investigates the impact of famine on Irish society and the subsequent Gaelic Revival and Anglo-Irish Literary Revival from the 1880s until establishment of the Irish Free State in 1922. Explores the impact of cultural nationalism and the progress of 20th century literature in Irish and English. Studies the work of J.M. Synge, James Joyce, W.B. Yeats, Seamus Heaney and others. Examines the Irish response to changes in modern Irish society including religion, the family, social change, and the Irish economy.
  • IRS 204 - Contemporary Ireland: 1922-2002

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    There is an underlying question examined through the different topics – how has Irish society been changed by the economic transformation that was initiated in the 1950s? Using sociological and political research in Ireland the course examines the planned economic growth and unplanned political and social changes that have come to shape contemporary Irish society and its place in Europe and the world.


  • ITA 131 - Elementary Italian I

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    For students with no previous study or 1-2 years of high school French/German/Italian/Spanish. First and Second Semester of Elementary Courses (131-132) in French/German/Italian/Spanish During the first semester students develop the ability to: when speaking and writing, use short sentences, learned words and phrases, simple questions, and commands; when listening, understand some ideas and familiar details presented in a clear, uncomplicated speech; when reading, understand short texts enhanced by visuals. During the second semester students expand their ability from the first semester, and develop the ability to: when speaking and listening, use and understand learned expressions, sentences, and strings of sentences, questions, and commands; when writing, create simple paragraphs; when reading, understand important ideas and some details in highly contextualized authentic texts. During both semesters content includes: the Self (family, friends, home, rooms, health, school, schedules, leisure activities, campus life, likes and dislikes, shopping, clothes, prices, sizes and quantity, pets and aimals) and Beyond Self (geography, topography, direction, buildings and monuments, weather and seasons, symbols, cultural and historical figures, places and events, colors, numbers, days, dates, months, time, food and customs, transportation, travel, and professions and work.)
  • ITA 132 - Elementary Italian II

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    For students with no previous study or 1-2 years of high school French/German/Italian/Spanish. First and Second Semester of Elementary Courses (131-132) in French/German/Italian/Spanish During the first semester students develop the ability to: when speaking and writing, use short sentences, learned words and phrases, simple questions, and commands; when listening, understand some ideas and familiar details presented in a clear, uncomplicated speech; when reading, understand short texts enhanced by visuals. During the second semester students expand their ability from the first semester, and develop the ability to: when speaking and listening, use and understand learned expressions, sentences, and strings of sentences, questions, and commands; when writing, create simple paragraphs; when reading, understand important ideas and some details in highly contextualized authentic texts. During both semesters content includes: the Self (family, friends, home, rooms, health, school, schedules, leisure activities, campus life, likes and dislikes, shopping, clothes, prices, sizes and quantity, pets and aimals) and Beyond Self (geography, topography, direction, buildings and monuments, weather and seasons, symbols, cultural and historical figures, places and events, colors, numbers, days, dates, months, time, food and customs, transportation, travel, and professions and work.)
  • ITA 231 - Intermediate Italian I

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    For students with 2-3 years of high school French/German/Italian/Spanish. First and Second Semesters of Intermediate Courses (231-232) in French/Italian/Spanish (German take GRM 231  & GRM 233 ) In the Intermediate Courses students expand their previous ability in their foreign language, and develop the ability to: when speaking, use strings of related sentences; when listening, understand most spoken language when the message is deliberately and carefully conveyed by a speaker accustomed to dealing with learners; when writing, create simple paragraphs; when reading, acquire knowledge and new information from comprehensive authentic text. Content includes topics culturally pertinent to the language; e.g., history, art, literature, music, cultural affairs, and civilization, with an emphasis on significant people and events in these fields. Familiar topics may include career choices, the environment, social issues, and political issues.
  • ITA 232 - Intermediate Italian II

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    For students with 2-3 years of high school French/German/Italian/Spanish. First and Second Semesters of Intermediate Courses (231-232) in French/Italian/Spanish (German take GRM 231  & GRM 233 ) In the Intermediate Courses students expand their previous ability in their foreign language, and develop the ability to: when speaking, use strings of related sentences; when listening, understand most spoken language when the message is deliberately and carefully conveyed by a speaker accustomed to dealing with learners; when writing, create simple paragraphs; when reading, acquire knowledge and new information from comprehensive authentic text. Content includes topics culturally pertinent to the language; e.g., history, art, literature, music, cultural affairs, and civilization, with an emphasis on significant people and events in these fields. Familiar topics may include career choices, the environment, social issues, and political issues.
  • ITA 331 - Italy: Language and Identity

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    ITA 331 is designed to refine and apply language skills in writing, speaking, reading and listening beyond the Intermediate level. Topics on regional and national identity serve as a context for language acquisition. Students investigate what constitutes the Italian identity through the study of authentic texts and Internet resources. Class projects involve individual research about the history, art and popular culture of contemporary Italy.
    Prerequisite(s): ITA 232 , or placement above the intermediate level, or consent of Instructor.
  • ITA 332 - Italian Conversation and Composition

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    As a course leading to the Minor in Italian Studies for many students, ITA 332 is designed to strengthen speaking and writing skills through advanced vocabulary acquisition, listening comprehension and the analysis of short texts. Activities include discussions on cultural readings, conversations on current events as well as group and individual oral reports. Students write weekly compositions and use online collaboration tools such as blogs.
    Prerequisite(s): ITA 331 , or placement above the intermediate level.
  • ITA 337 - Contemporary Italy Through Film

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    An understanding of contemporary Italian society and culture by viewing, reflecting on, and discussing Italian films of the last sixty years. The class will analyze 6-8 films, learning their context and through them the key events that have shaped the national identity of Italy. Students will read a selection of essays on Italian cinema and complete writing assignments and oral presentations.
    Prerequisite(s): ITA 232 , or placement above the intermediate level, or consent of Instructor.
  • ITA 338 - Survey of Italian Culture and Civilization

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    A broad overview of Italian culture from the Middle Ages to the present, highlighting key historical and literary developments of each century. Students will become familiar with a variety of texts from different fields of knowledge. To have course count for Italian minor credit, students must read texts and write papers in Italian.
    Prerequisite(s): ITA 331  andITA 332 , ITA 337 , or Consent of Instructor.
  • ITA 490 - Directed Study: Selected Topics

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Foreign Language minors are encouraged to spend a semester abroad in an approved international program of study or in one of the internships sponsored by Stonehill College.
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of Instructor.


  • JRN 100 - Reporting and News Writing

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Principles and practices of gathering, writing, and editing news and feature material for mass media dissemination; stresses the craft of clear writing.
  • JRN 101 - Advanced Reporting and News Writing

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Focus on advanced writing, rewriting, and editing news articles.
    Prerequisite(s): JRN 100 .
  • JRN 222 - Development of American News Media

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2011-2012

    This course traces the development of the news media, print, and broadcast, from their beginning stages in the 1830s to the present. Primary attention is given to the economic, cultural, political, and social dimensions of the development processes.
  • JRN 309 - Narrative Writing

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Learn to use fiction writing techniques in the growing non-fiction narrative writing field. Students will learn how to get the best interviews from people, how to develop characters, what type of research information is needed, where to get it and how to gather it to create riveting narrative stories.
    Prerequisite(s): JRN 100 
  • JRN 313 - Journalism Ethics and Law

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    The theory and practice of journalism in the United States within the parameters of both legal and ethical constraints.
  • JRN 421 - Journalism Practicum

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Advanced news writing and research in the context of the student newspaper under the individual supervision of the instructor in a laboratory setting. May be taken twice.
    Prerequisite(s): JRN 100 .
  • JRN 475 - Internship in Journalism

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Opportunity for students, usually in their fourth year, to practice journalism with a news organization.
    Prerequisite(s): JRN 100 , minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA, and permission of Internship Director. See Requirements for Internships in Communication .
  • JRN 490 - Directed Study

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Opportunity for upper-level students to do an advanced research project or investigation in a field of special interest not covered by a normally-scheduled course. Student and a full-time faculty member familiar with the student’s area of interest agree on a plan of study and research and on evaluation methods.
    Prerequisite(s): Approval of both the faculty member directing the project and the Department Chairperson required.


  • LAT 131 - Elementary Latin I

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Introduction to Latin grammar and pronunciation. Development of listening, reading, and writing skills, and of the crosscultural effects of Latin on the English language and of the Romans upon American life. No previous experience necessary.
  • LAT 132 - Elementary Latin II

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Introduction to Latin grammar and pronunciation. Development of listening, reading, and writing skills, and of the crosscultural effects of Latin on the English language and of the Romans upon American life. No previous experience necessary.
  • LAT 231 - Intermediate Latin I

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Intensive review of Latin grammar with an emphasis on the development of reading comprehension. Materials used will include a variety of readings in Latin. For students with 2-3 years of high school Latin or LAT 131  - LAT 132 
  • LAT 232 - Intermediate Latin II

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Intensive review of Latin grammar with an emphasis on the development of reading comprehension. Materials used will include a variety of readings in Latin. For students with 2-3 years of high school Latin or LAT 131  - LAT 132 

Learning Community

The following descriptions represent learning communities that have been offered in the past and are meant to be illustrative. Learning Community offerings change from year to year. Current listings are available on the Registrar’s website. Students select Learning Communities based on preference, but placement in the student’s first choice is not guaranteed.

  • LC 205 - Integrative Seminar: HCA 105/BIO 291 The Practice of Medicine and You

    Three Credits
    The seminar addresses medical issues of widespread concern: how diseases are diagnosed and treated; how structures of health care delivery affect health status; and, how patient’s assertiveness intervention skills are developed for success as a patient in the modern health care system. Class involves guest lectures, visits to health care institutions, travel to the state house to see the legislative process at work, and team exercises.
  • LC 207 - Integrative Seminar: CSC 201/CSC 211 Mathematical Experiments in Computer Science

    Three Credits
    Computers provide us with tools to explore mathematics in deeper ways than ever before. They allow empirical testing of mathematical conjectures with elusive proofs. Computers enable us to experimentally analyze algorithms whose performance defies theoretical analysis. This LC focuses on the delicate balance between theory and practice in computer science, revealing the dual and sometimes contradictory nature of computer science as both an engineering and a mathematical discipline.
  • LC 209 - Integrative Seminar: BIO 211/CHM 222 Organic Chemistry of the Cell

    Three Credits
    Students select, read, and critique primary literature that ties together topics concurrently learned in Cell Biology and Organic Chemistry II in order to develop their abilities to understand and critically analyze the literature. The seminar culminates with student teams proposing an experiment or series of experiments that address a specific area of interest on the boundary between organic chemistry and cell biology. These proposals are presented in both written and oral forms, allowing fellow students to evaluate and expand upon the proposed ideas.
  • LC 225 - Integrative Seminar: ENV 200/COM 320 Change the World?

    Three Credits
    In this LC, students will apply knowledge from the disciplinary courses to serve organizations addressing environmental and social justice problems. Such community-based learning will help each student understand the challenges and rewards of attempting to “change the world” as well as develop a variety of transferable skills in leadership, organizing and communication.

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