Feb 09, 2025  
2013-2014 HillBook (Class of 2017) 
2013-2014 HillBook (Class of 2017) [ARCHIVED HILL BOOK]

Student Life

Mission Division

Educating the mind and the heart…

This vision of education as a work of forming the whole person inspired Blessed Basil Moreau, C.S.C. The religious community that he founded, the Congregation of Holy Cross, who founded and continue to sponsor Stonehill College, carry on his legacy of forming the whole person.

Stonehill College is proud to share in the educational heritage of Fr. Moreau. Moreau’s vision of education as a “work of resurrection” continues to inspire us to pursue the blessings of new life that come from a diligent pursuit of all that is true, beautiful and good.

Moreau’s vision of education as an art that never “deprives our students of anything they should know,” spurs us to academic excellence in every discipline of study.

Moreau’s vision of education as the formation of the whole person such that the “mind will not be cultivated at the expense of the heart,” leads us to value the co-curricular and spiritual dimensions of life at Stonehill.

And Moreau’s vision of education as the work of forming students “into justice” underlies our mission of educating students to lead “with courage toward creating a more just and compassionate world.”

The staff of the Mission Division, inspired by Blessed Basil Moreau’s vision of education, works with students and the entire Stonehill community to live the values of a Holy Cross education by preparing “good citizens for both earth and heaven.” Campus Ministry, the Farm at Stonehill, the Center for Nonprofit Management, the Stonehill Extension Programs, and the Stonehill Post-Graduate Service Program in Brockton all work together in fostering this noble mission.

Campus Ministry

The Department of Campus Ministry has a five-fold charge: the ministry of Word and sacrament, religious formation, evangelization, pastoral care, service beyond the campus. Consistent with this effort, Campus Ministry is committed to helping students of various faith traditions to find opportunities for affirming and strengthening their own faith and value system.

From every quarter, Campus Ministry summons the College community for the worship and praise of God, especially for celebration of the Sunday Eucharist. In the Chapel of Mary, Mother of the Church, the Word of God is heard anew, prayers are offered for the needs of all, and the assembly is nourished at the Lord’s Table. In times of sickness, bereavement, or crisis, Campus Ministry is present to recall God’s gracious promises of redemption from every loss, and to extend the support of the community. Campus Ministry challenges students to discern the face of God in the suffering and the oppressed. Through retreats, the Christian Initiation program, and spiritual direction, Campus Ministry offers students and other Stonehill community members the opportunity to deepen their faith and to be more active members of their local Christian communities. In its call to evangelize, Campus Ministry extends an invitation to the entire College community to hear again – or for the first time – the message of the Catholic tradition and its relevance for our times. In this period of crisis in culture, Campus Ministry works collaboratively with various departments as it seeks to revitalize the Church and form future leaders.

Finally, diverse programs, such as HOPE, our alternative spring break program (with both domestic and international sites), and Into the Streets, our community service program, provide students with the opportunity to act on behalf of others through works of solidarity and justice with those who are young, elderly, physically challenged, and poor and/or homeless.

Common to these diverse expressions of the faith is Campus Ministry’s effort to uphold everywhere the value of community and to encourage a lived reflection on the importance of the common good on campus, in the neighboring community, in the family, and in the Church.

The Center for Nonprofit Management 

The Center for Nonprofit Management works with and builds the leadership and management capacity of community-based nonprofit organizations throughout southern Massachusetts, Cape Cod and northern Rhode Island.

The Center is focused on enhancing critical management skills, while also fostering relationships with and among the region’s diverse community-based organizations so that they may better achieve their missions. Drawing on expertise within the nonprofit sector and Stonehill, including student interns, the Center conducts research and provides workshops and other learning programs for the region’s nonprofit sector. Additionally, the Center hosts the Developing Fundraising Leaders Institute in conjunction with the Advancement Division, a program for selected students aimed at developing nonprofit leadership skills.

The Farm at Stonehill

The Farm at Stonehill is an initiative of The Mission Division and attempts to enrich students’ academic endeavors - providing them with opportunities to actively engage in social justice issues and courses pertaining to food. At the same time, students, faculty, and staff volunteer at The Farm to help make available fresh, nutritious, locally grown food to local food pantries and meal providers for families and individuals in need.

Post-Graduate Service Programs

At Stonehill College, it is our hope that “each graduate thinks, acts and leads with courage toward the creation of a more just and compassionate world.” Upon graduating, many seniors feel the call to advocate for others and give back to their local and global communities. In 2009, Stonehill launched its own post graduate year-of-service program, International Extension, with sites in the Dominican Republic, Honduras and India. In 2013, the College created a program in neighboring Brockton, Massachusetts. Partnering with local service agencies, volunteers have the opportunity to serve in teaching, community organizing, youth ministry, mentoring, and more. Through these programs, Stonehill graduates live in and serve the community as an expression of Stonehill’s mission as a Catholic and Holy Cross institution. Volunteers espouse to the program’s core principles of service, simple living, community and spirituality

Student Affairs

It is the goal of Stonehill College to foster the total development of our students. While this is the responsibility of the entire community, the Student Affairs Division provides many opportunities for integrating the intellectual, physical, social, and spiritual development of students.

Below is an overview of the departments within Student Affairs. Additional information regarding these departments and other departments associated with campus life can be found by accessing the A – Z index on the College’s main website.

Counseling Services

The mission of Counseling Services is to support all students as members of this learning community. Counseling Services regards each student as a unique individual and empowers her/his efforts to attain self-understanding, integrity and academic success. Counselors assist students with personal, emotional and educational concerns by providing short-term individual and group counseling, consultation and referrals to area specialty support services. The Counseling Services clinicians also offer programs and workshops throughout the campus aimed at the developmental needs of college students to help them maximize their potential and benefit fully from the college environment. Counseling Services is staffed with clinicians who are social workers and mental health counselors, as well as graduate-level interns pursuing master’s degrees in social work and counseling. In addition, a psychiatrist is available for medication consultation, however students must have an ongoing relationship with a Counseling Services clinician in order to access the psychiatrist. Referrals to local counseling and psychiatric providers are also readily available for students who choose to be seen off-campus.

Health Services

Health Services is an appointment-based, ambulatory care setting designed to manage the acute episodic health concerns of our full-time students. The management of chronic health problems can also be coordinated in collaboration with the student’s personal physician. The facility is open Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and is staffed by nurse practitioners and physician assistants. An internal medicine physician is always available to the nurse practitioners and physician assistants for consultation. After hours emergency care is available in close proximity to campus and can be coordinated through Campus Police. The Health Services facility is located in the Chapel of Mary building.

The Health and Wellness Office provides health education, awareness events, and prevention programs on a variety of topics including stress reduction, physical activity, nutrition, smoking cessation, and healthy relationships. Services range from workshops, individual consultation or presentations by request. The office is located in the Roche Dining Commons, Room 113.

Intercultural Affairs

The mission of Intercultural Affairs at Stonehill is to contribute to the creation, influence, and sustainability of a community where the dignity of all people is respected. Intercultural Affairs works to support students in academic, cultural, and personal endeavors and facilitates dialog with faculty, staff, and students on issues of privilege, power, and social justice. Intercultural Affairs supports the whole Stonehill community in creating a more inclusive culture through opportunities such as Safe Space, the Diversity Networking Group, RACE Dialogues, MOSAIC men of color discussion group, RISE women of color discussion group, Freshmen Leadership Through Diversity Program, the Inclusive Excellent Grant, ALANA-A Leadership Program, Conference on Diversity and Inclusion, and various heritage month events. In addition, Intercultural Affairs provides services ranging from personal consultations to larger group training in order to empower Stonehill community members to thrive in a diverse and global society. Staff members serve on the Bias Response Team and the Bias Reduction Education Team.

Recreational Sports

The Recreational Sports Program at Stonehill seeks to provide formal recreational opportunities to all students, faculty and staff by:

  • Offering opportunities for interesting and rewarding competitions involving men’s, women’s and co-recreational sports;
  • Presenting a varied and diverse program of sports, recreational, fitness and wellness activities so that the entire campus community has the opportunity to participate regardless of athletic ability or preference; and
  • Attempting, whenever possible, to expand current facilities and to accommodate the recreational wishes or needs of the majority of participants.

Throughout the academic year, there are over twenty intramural sports, over ten sport clubs and a variety of fitness and instructional programs offered through this office. The office is located within the Sally Blair Ames Sports Complex, which offers over 55,000 square feet of recreational and leisure space for members of the Stonehill community.

Intercollegiate Sport Clubs

  • Bowling
  • Cheerleading
  • Dance Team
  • Golf (Men and Women)
  • Men’s Lacrosse
  • Men’s and Women’s Rugby
  • Men’s Volleyball
  • Men’s and Women’s Ultimate Disc
  • Wrestling
  • …and More!

Intramural Sports

  • Basketball
  • Beach Volleyball
  • Broomball
  • Flag Football
  • Floor Hockey
  • Indoor Soccer
  • Pond Hockey
  • Racquetball
  • Softball
  • Tennis
  • Volleyball
  • …and more!

Residence Life

The Office of Residence Life works to create in our residence halls a safe and secure environment that supports the academic mission of the College, encourages individual student development, and fosters a community of responsibility and compassion. The living-learning environments that we strive to build are characterized by civility and cooperation, where individual needs and desires are balanced with the common good. By providing an enriching residential experience, we will afford students the opportunity to develop life-long skills to become contributing members of society. For more information, please visit the Residence Life website at http://www.stonehill.edu/offices-services/residence-life/.

Community Standards

Stonehill College’s Office of Community Standards works to provide students with a living and learning environment that reflects the values of the Stonehill community and supports the College’s commitment to developing the moral, spiritual, intellectual and social competencies of our students. To achieve this goal, Stonehill looks to the students to be partners in this process with the hope of creating an environment that is respectful of the rights of all individuals within the community. Shared responsibility for the life and governance of the College should lead all its members to make the best of their own talents, to work together, to be sensitive to one another, to serve others, and to seek justice within and beyond the Stonehill community. As such, the Office of Community Standards seeks to educate students regarding the rights and responsibilities of being a member of Stonehill College and will call students to accountability for their actions as a necessary part of community life.

Student Activities

The Office of Student Activities is committed to enhancing the overall education of the Stonehill community through collaboration with students, faculty, and staff in order to create social, cultural, recreational, and spiritual growth opportunities. Throughout the year, a variety of co-curricular, social and educational programs are organized for students by students. Stonehill values the co-curricular program as an integral facet of the College and believes that these experiences enrich the quality of student life.

Therefore, all students are encouraged to become involved in the many clubs and organizations as interested members or as student leaders. A complete list of all officially recognized student groups is listed below:

Clubs and Organizations


  • Accounting Association
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • Biochemistry Club
  • Biology Society
  • Chemistry Club
  • Criminology Club
  • Education Society
  • English Society
  • Financial Management Association
  • History Society
  • International Business Association
  • Marketing Management Association
  • Neuroscience Society
  • Psychology Society
  • Religious Studies Society

Cultural & Special Interests

  • Activism Club
  • Anime Club
  • Anthropology Society
  • Art Club
  • Asian American Society
  • Autism Speaks U Stonehill
  • Colleges Against Cancer
  • Commuter Council
  • Creative Writing Club
  • disABILITY Enlightenment Project
  • Diversity on Campus
  • French Club
  • Health @ the Hill
  • Hip Hop Club
  • Italian Club
  • Men Against Violence
  • Mock Trial
  • Model U.N.
  • Philosophy Society
  • PRIDE (Providing a Responsible, Inclusive, & Diverse Environment)
  • SciFi Club
  • SEA (Students for Environmental Action)
  • Silent Witness Initiative
  • Spanish Club
  • Students for Education Reform
  • Students for Pan-African Community Engagement
  • WHEN (Women’s Health and Empowerment Now)

Governance & Programming

  • Class Committees
  • Diversity Committee
  • Programming Committee
  • SGA (Student Government Association)


  • ACRES (yearbook)
  • CAIRN (literary magazine)
  • Rolling Stonehill
  • The SUMMIT (newspaper)
  • WSHL 91.3 (radio station)


  • Chapel Choir
  • Dance Club
  • Girls from the Hill (a cappella group)
  • Goose Troupe Improv Comedy Club
  • RUCKUS Step Squad
  • Stonehill Musical Theater Company
  • Surround Sound (a cappella group)


  • College Democrats
  • College Republicans
  • Young Americans for Liberty
  • Youth in Government


  • Healthcare Society
  • Pre-Allied Health Society
  • Pre-Dental Society
  • Public Relations Society
  • St. Thomas Moore Pre-Law Society


  • Catholic Daughters of the Americas
  • Campus Christian Fellowship
  • The Good News
  • Knights of Columbus

Service and Volunteering

  • Circle K
  • Enactus (formerly SIFE)
  • Habitat for Humanity
  • Into The Streets Volunteer and Service Organizations

Recreational and Sports

  • High Adventure Club
  • Riding Club
  • Running Club
  • Ski/snowboard Club
  • Swim Club
  • Intramural Sports Teams
  • Sport Clubs (Competitive)
    • Bowling Team
    • Cheerleading Team
    • Dance Team
    • Golf Team
    • Lacrosse Team (men’s)
    • Rugby Team (men’s and women’s)
    • Ultimate Disk Team (men’s and women’s)
    • Volleyball Team (men’s)
    • Wrestling

Varsity Athletics

With 20 intercollegiate sports and a tradition of winning both on and off the field, the Stonehill Skyhawks are one of the top athletic and academic programs in the country.

The Skyhawks, who compete in the NCAA Division II Northeast-10 Conference, have finished in the top three in the final Presidents’ Cup standings nine straight years, winning the Cup four times, including a streak of three-straight from 2009-10 through 2011-12. This prestigious award is given to the top performing athletic school in the Northeast-10, across all sports and seasons.

Stonehill has received the NCAA Division II Presidents’ Award for Academic Achievement each of the first two years of the program’s existence of honoring programs with an Academic Success Rate (ASR) of 90% or better. The Skyhawks earned a 97% Academic Success Ranking (ASR) by the NCAA, which considers the academic success rate of the institution based on the graduation rate of student-athletes while also giving credit for any student-athletes who transferred from the institution while in good academic standing. Stonehill’s ASR rating ranks fifth among all NCAA Division II institutions, with 9 teams receiving a perfect rating of 100%.  

In addition, the Skyhawks are ranked sixth in the National Collegiate Scouting Associatioon (NCSA) Power Rankings used to assess the academic and athletic standards of all NCAA and NAIA athletic programs.

2012-2013 – A Year of Athletic Success

  • Third in NE-10 Presidents’ Cup standings - ninth straight top three finish
  • 8 All-Americans
  • 7 NCAA Tournament Bids
  • Led NE-10 with four Conference championships (men’s & women’s cross country, men’s indoor track & field, women’s tennis)
  • Ice Hockey senior, Dana Borges named inaugural winner of NE-10 Man of the Year Award

Skyhawk Student-Athlete Success

  • 97% Academic Success Rating from the NCAA - Second in Division II
  • Second-straight NCAA Division II President’s Award Winner for Academic Excellence
  • 11 Capital One/CoSIDA Academic All-District Honorees
  • 48% of student athletes achieved 3.20 GPA (Director of Athletics Honor Roll)

Varsity Teams


  • Baseball
  • Basketball
  • Cross Country
  • Football
  • Ice Hockey
  • Soccer
  • Tennis
  • Track and Field (indoor and outdoor)


  • Basketball
  • Cross Country
  • Equestrian
  • Field Hockey
  • Lacrosse
  • Soccer
  • Softball
  • Tennis
  • Track and Field (indoor and outdoor)
  • Volleyball

“Ace” the Skyhawk

Stonehill’s mascot, “Ace”, is a crowd favorite who makes regular appearances at many events on campus. The origin of the Skyhawk mascot lies in the mists of Stonehill history. In the 1920s, the beautiful 375-acre campus belonged to the wealthy Ames family, and young Frederick Ames – an early aviator – had an airfield built on the property. Today, “Ace” leads spirited Stonehill students as they cheer the Skyhawks to even greater heights.