Sep 24, 2024  
2011-2012 HillBook (Class of 2015) 
2011-2012 HillBook (Class of 2015) [ARCHIVED HILL BOOK]

Course Descriptions



  • ENG 389 - Alternative Modernisms

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2011-2012

    An examination of the anti-colonial, feminist, and queer foundations of literary modernism between 1890 and 1945.
  • ENG 390 - Topics in Modernism

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semester

    Critical study of representative literature from the modernist period. May be taken twice.
  • ENG 391 - Topics in Gender Studies

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    A study of issues of gender, race, and class as they emerge in critical and literary texts. May be taken twice.
  • ENG 392 - Topics in Postcolonial and Global Literature

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    An investigation of themes within the frame of postcolonial studies. Topics will vary from semester to semester. May be taken twice.
  • ENG 394 - Sexuality and Textuality

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    A critical examination of the definitions of sexual orientation found in diverse texts.
  • ENG 395 - Introduction to Postcolonial Literature and Culture

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2011-2012

    A critical introduction to the poetry, fiction, and drama of the postcolonial world. Discussions will be informed by an introduction to postcolonial theory.
  • ENG 398 - Telling Tales: Theories of Narrative

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    The study of how and why we construct stories: an introduction to narrative theory, using texts from Jane Austen to comic books.
  • ENG 422 - Seminar

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    An examination of thematically related works within the framework of contemporary critical theory.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 300 .
    Fall topic: Keats, Shelley and the Romantic Age.

    Spring topics: (1) Race, Gender and Reform in the 19th Century America; (2) Are We Postracial Yet? Roots Culture and the Rise of Identity in Contemporary America.

  • ENG 475 - Internship

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Designed to give English majors an acquaintance with – and experience in – careers that extend from their training in the major. Internships provide a practicum where students work for a particular business and a seminar where students meet on a regular basis with the instructor.
  • ENG 476 - Teaching Apprenticeship

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Designed for senior English majors seriously intending to pursue graduate study, this apprenticeship gives the students experience in creating and coordinating a general studies course under the direction of a faculty member.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 200  and ENG 300 , and permission of Department Chairperson. May be taken twice.
  • ENG 497 - Senior Thesis

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    A course for students who want to do an extended project.
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Department Chairperson.

Environmental Studies

  • ENV 101 - Eco Representatives

    One Credit
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Students enrolled will learn the basics of ecological sustainability, and then design and implement education programs for their peers (in their residence hall or among the commuter population).
    Prerequisite(s): Firs-Year Students and Sophomores only.
  • ENV 200 - Principles of Environmental Science

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Fundamentals of the life sciences and physical sciences as they pertain to our environmental problems and solutions, as well as consideration of the pertinent social sciences such as economics. This interdisciplinary science course teaches relevant basic research techniques for field and lab work, and students will conduct research on real environmental problems.
    Fulfills the General Education Natural Scientific Inquiry requirement.
  • ENV 270 - Environmental Ethics

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    This course will satisfy the requirement under Moral Reasoning. Moral theory aims to discover actions that are universally binding while allowing for individual differences and various circumstances. This course examines ethical theories as applied to contemporary problems and specifically problems related to the natural environment.
    Fulfills the General Education Moral Inquiry requirement.
  • ENV 275 - Environmental Law

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    This course explores rationales for environmental protection; the choice of policy instruments to address environmental problems; and the roles played by governmental and non-governmental actors. Practical experience with issues of environmental law will be gained through a partnership with the Natural Resources Trust of Easton.
  • ENV 295 - Environmental Geology

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    A systems approach to geology and landforms, including ecosystems that develop on the abiotic substrate. Scientific study of the earth’s modern and ancient lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere. Includes substantial field work both on- and off-campus.
    Fulfills the General Education Natural Scientific Inquiry requirement.
  • ENV 299 - Ecology, Theologies and Worldviews

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2011-2012

    How does our world function? Where do we fit, ecologically and cosmically? Methodological and historical approaches to understanding reality from scientific and religious perspectives. Consideration of ecological principles, biodiversity and evolution; realism/relativism; scientific materialism/biblical literalism; reductionism/holism; immanence/ transcendence; ecospiritualities/ecotheologies.
    Fulfills the General Education Natural Scientific Inquiry requirement.
  • ENV 301 - Water Resource Management

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Offered through the Massachusetts Bay Marine Studies Consortium. Interdisciplinary examination of water, our most precious natural resource. A look at water from scientific, historical, and cultural viewpoints. Survey of contemporary water problems in all dimensions: political, economic, and technological.
  • ENV 302 - Coastal Zone Management

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Current issues in coastal environmental affairs. Scientific, legal, economic, management, and technical aspects of coastal issues are integrated into problem-solving exercises. History of the degradation and clean-up of Boston Harbor.
    Prerequisite(s): Course in Biology, Chemistry, Geology, or Environmental Planning.
  • ENV 350 - Climate Change

    Three Credits
    Spring Semesters

    An overview of the Earth’s climate system, including major physical and chemical components and interactions. Students will acquire the scientific perspective necessary to competently assess issues related to current climate change concerns.
    Prerequisite(s):   or  .
  • ENV 475 - Environmental Internship

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Opportunity for qualified students to work in the environmental industry under professional supervision.
  • ENV 490 - Directed Study

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Opportunity for upper level students to do advanced work in a specialized area of environmental studies.
  • ENV 496 - Senior Thesis

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Independent scholarly work under the guidance of a faculty member, resulting in a substantial written work.


  • FRN 131 - Elementary French I

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    For students with no previous study or 1-2 years of high school French/German/Italian/Spanish. First and Second Semester of Elementary Courses (131-132) in French/German/Italian/Spanish During the first semester students develop the ability to: when speaking and writing, use short sentences, learned words and phrases, simple questions, and commands; when listening, understand some ideas and familiar details presented in a clear, uncomplicated speech; when reading, understand short texts enhanced by visuals. During the second semester students expand their ability from the first semester, and develop the ability to: when speaking and listening, use and understand learned expressions, sentences, and strings of sentences, questions, and commands; when writing, create simple par agraphs; when reading, understand important ideas and some details in highly contextualized authentic texts. During both semesters content includes: the Self (family, friends, home, rooms, health, school, schedules, leisure activities, campus life, likes and dislikes, shopping, clothes, prices, sizes and quantity, pets and aimals) and Beyond Self (geography, topography, direction, buildings and monuments, weather and seasons, symbols, cultural and historical figures, places and events, colors, numbers, days, dates, months, time, food and customs, transportation, travel, and professions and work.)
  • FRN 132 - Elementary French II

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    For students with no previous study or 1-2 years of high school French/German/Italian/Spanish. First and Second Semester of Elementary Courses (131-132) in French/German/Italian/Spanish During the first semester students develop the ability to: when speaking and writing, use short sentences, learned words and phrases, simple questions, and commands; when listening, understand some ideas and familiar details presented in a clear, uncomplicated speech; when reading, understand short texts enhanced by visuals. During the second semester students expand their ability from the first semester, and develop the ability to: when speaking and listening, use and understand learned expressions, sentences, and strings of sentences, questions, and commands; when writing, create simple paragraphs; when reading, understand important ideas and some details in highly contextualized authentic texts. During both semesters content includes: the Self (family, friends, home, rooms, health, school, schedules, leisure activities, campus life, likes and dislikes, shopping, clothes, prices, sizes and quantity, pets and aimals) and Beyond Self (geography, topography, direction, buildings and monuments, weather and seasons, symbols, cultural and historical figures, places and events, colors, numbers, days, dates, months, time, food and customs, transportation, travel, and professions and work.)
  • FRN 231 - Intermediate French I

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    For students with 2-3 years of high school French/German/Italian/Spanish. First and Second Semesters of Intermediate Courses (231-232) in French/Italian/Spanish (German take GRM 231  & GRM 233 ) In the Intermediate Courses students expand their previous ability in their foreign language, and develop the ability to: when speaking, use strings of related sentences; when listening, understand most spoken language when the message is deliberately and carefully conveyed by a speaker accustomed to dealing with learners; when writing, create simple paragraphs; when reading, acquire knowledge and new information from comprehensive authentic text. Content includes topics culturally pertinent to the language; e.g., history, art, literature, music, cultural affairs, and civilization, with an emphasis on significant people and events in these fields. Familiar topics may include career choices, the environment, social issues, and political issues.
  • FRN 232 - Intermediate French II

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    For students with 2-3 years of high school French/German/Italian/Spanish. First and Second Semesters of Intermediate Courses (231-232) in French/Italian/Spanish (German take GRM 231  & GRM 233 ) In the Intermediate Courses students expand their previous ability in their foreign language, and develop the ability to: when speaking, use strings of related sentences; when listening, understand most spoken language when the message is deliberately and carefully conveyed by a speaker accustomed to dealing with learners; when writing, create simple paragraphs; when reading, acquire knowledge and new information from comprehensive authentic text. Content includes topics culturally pertinent to the language; e.g., history, art, literature, music, cultural affairs, and civilization, with an emphasis on significant people and events in these fields. Familiar topics may include career choices, the environment, social issues, and political issues.
  • FRN 331 - Advanced French I

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    For students with three or more years of French/Spanish. First and Second Semesters of Advanced Courses (331-332) in French/Spanish In the Advanced Courses students expand their previous ability in their foreign language, and develop the ability to: when speaking, use simple dialogue of paragraph length in a series of cohesive and coherent paragraphs; when listening, understand most authentic spoken language; when writing, create a series of coherent paragraphs; when reading, acquire knowledge and new information from comprehensive authentic text. Content embraces concepts of broader cultural significance, including institutions, such as the educational system, the government, and political and social issues in the target culture. Both concepts and abstract topics of human and personal interest including music, literature, the arts, and the sciences.
  • FRN 332 - Advanced French II

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    For students with three or more years of French/Spanish. First and Second Semesters of Advanced Courses (331-332) in French/Spanish In the Advanced Courses students expand their previous ability in their foreign language, and develop the ability to: when speaking, use simple dialogue of paragraph length in a series of cohesive and coherent paragraphs; when listening, understand most authentic spoken language; when writing, create a series of coherent paragraphs; when reading, acquire knowledge and new information from comprehensive authentic text. Content embraces concepts of broader cultural significance, including institutions, such as the educational system, the government, and political and social issues in the target culture. Both concepts and abstract topics of human and personal interest including music, literature, the arts, and the sciences.
  • FRN 333 - French Culture and Civilization I

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Study of contemporary French culture and its recent history, social issues, economy, attitudes and institutions.
    Prerequisite(s): (Recommended 4 years of high school French) FRN 332  or higher.
  • FRN 334 - French Culture and Civilization II

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Study of contemporary French culture and its recent history, social issues, economy, attitudes and institutions.
    Prerequisite(s): (Recommended 4 years of high school French) FRN 332  or higher.
  • FRN 335 - Survey of French Literature I

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Survey of writers representing major movements in French Literature from the Middle Ages to the present.
    Prerequisite(s): (Recommended 4 years of high school French) FRN 332  or higher.
  • FRN 336 - Survey of French Literature II

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Survey of writers representing major movements in French Literature from the Middle Ages to the present.
    Prerequisite(s): (Recommended 4 years of high school French) FRN 332  or higher.
  • FRN 337 - French Conversation and Composition

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Builds fluency in both oral and written work. Students learn to express themselves with more ease and to write with advanced level of thought, organization and linguistic correction. Materials used will include newspapers, films and literary texts.
    Prerequisite(s): FRN 332  or higher.
  • FRN 338 - Histoire(s) De Rire(s): Comedy in French Culture

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Study of social satire and comedy in French culture. We will attempt to understand what is funny and how one laughs in a variety of literary texts, songs, comics, TV shows and films. The course will explore the humorous mechanisms of irony, caricature, parody, satire, situational comedy, black humor, etc.
    Prerequisite(s): FRN 332  or higher.
  • FRN 340 - French Cinema

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Study of contemporary French cinema with an emphasis on conversation and language proficiency.
    Prerequisite(s): Recommended 4 years of high school French. FRN 332  or higher.
  • FRN 342 - Gender Construction in Francophone Culture

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    The course examines how race, gender and sexuality are represented in literary works by French male and female authors and film directors and how they have used alterity as a mirror for self-reflection, as an example for social change, and as the locus of a threat to cultural homogeneity.
    Prerequisite(s): FRN 332  .
  • FRN 348 - Nineteenth Century French Literature

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Major aesthetic movements in French literature from the nineteenth century. Poems and novels associated with Romanticism, Realism and Symbolism will be studied with an attention to the dialogue between literature and fine arts.
    Prerequisite(s): FRN 332  or higher and ability to read prose in French.
  • FRN 475 - Internship in French Studies

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Opportunity for qualified student to work with their foreign language skills in a variety of professional areas. Field placement depends on the student’s interests and abilities.
    Prerequisite(s): FRN 332   or higher.

Gender and Sexuality Studies

  • GND 101 - Introduction to Gender and Sexuality Studies

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    This course fosters critical thinking about sex and gender. It is an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural study of the key questions and debates surrounding the biological, psychological and sociological determinants of gender. This course examines historical and contemporary issues including systems of gender oppression, media, education, work, parenting, health and wellness, and violence.
  • GND 200 - Topics in Gender and Sexuality Studies

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Introductory seminars that investigate a timely topic from the perspective of gender and/or sexuality studies. Topics vary semester to semester. Course may be taken three times.
  • GND 475 - Internship

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    An internship with a focus on gender and/or sexuality, culminating in a critical reflection project. Possible internships include working in women’s organizations, domestic abuse shelters, rape crisis centers, law offices, women’s resource centers, gay and lesbian organizations, and political campaigns. The internship is supervised by a committee consisting of two or three faculty members. Students must obtain project approval from the program Directors before beginning the internship (more details are provided on the “Student Proposal for Capstone Project” form on the program website).
  • GND 490 - Directed Study

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    An in-depth study of an original research question regarding gender and/or sexuality, culminating in a major project. The directed study is supervised by a committee consisting of two or three faculty members. Students must obtain project approval from the program Directors before beginning the directed study (more details are provided on the “Student Proposal for Capstone Project” form on the program website).


  • GRM 131 - Elementary German I

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    For students with no previous study or 1-2 years of high school French/German/Italian/Spanish. First and Second Semester of Elementary Courses (131-132) in French/German/Italian/Spanish During the first semester students develop the ability to: when speaking and writing, use short sentences, learned words and phrases, simple questions, and commands; when listening, understand some ideas and familiar details presented in a clear, uncomplicated speech; when reading, understand short texts enhanced by visuals. During the second semester students expand their ability from the first semester, and develop the ability to: when speaking and listening, use and understand learned expressions, sentences, and strings of sentences, questions, and commands; when writing, create simple paragraphs; when reading, understand important ideas and some details in highly contextualized authentic texts. During both semesters content includes: the Self (family, friends, home, rooms, health, school, schedules, leisure activities, campus life, likes and dislikes, shopping, clothes, prices, sizes and quantity, pets and aimals) and Beyond Self (geography, topography, direction, buildings and monuments, weather and seasons, symbols, cultural and historical figures, places and events, colors, numbers, days, dates, months, time, food and customs, transportation, travel, and professions and work.)
  • GRM 132 - Elementary German II

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    For students with no previous study or 1-2 years of high school French/German/Italian/Spanish. First and Second Semester of Elementary Courses (131-132) in French/German/Italian/Spanish During the first semester students develop the ability to: when speaking and writing, use short sentences, learned words and phrases, simple questions, and commands; when listening, understand some ideas and familiar details presented in a clear, uncomplicated speech; when reading, understand short texts enhanced by visuals. During the second semester students expand their ability from the first semester, and develop the ability to: when speaking and listening, use and understand learned expressions, sentences, and strings of sentences, questions, and commands; when writing, create simple paragraphs; when reading, understand important ideas and some details in highly contextualized authentic texts. During both semesters content includes: the Self (family, friends, home, rooms, health, school, schedules, leisure activities, campus life, likes and dislikes, shopping, clothes, prices, sizes and quantity, pets and aimals) and Beyond Self (geography, topography, direction, buildings and monuments, weather and seasons, symbols, cultural and historical figures, places and events, colors, numbers, days, dates, months, time, food and customs, transportation, travel, and professions and work.)
  • GRM 231 - Intermediate German I

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    In the Intermediate Courses students expand their previous ability in their foreign language, and develop the ability to: when speaking, use strings of related sentences; when listening, understand most spoken language when the message is deliberately and carefully conveyed by a speaker accustomed to dealing with learners; when writing, create simple paragraphs; when reading, acquire knowledge and new information from comprehensive authentic text. Content includes topics culturally pertinent to the language; e.g., history, art, literature, music, cultural affairs, and civilization, with an emphasis on significant people and events in these fields. Familiar topics may include career choices, the environment, social issues, and political issues.
  • GRM 233 - German Through Film

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    This fourth-semester course uses 5 contemporary German films and a myriad of activities around them to continue the development of skill related to the “5Cs” underlying foreign language pedagogy: Communication, Culture, Connection, Comparison, and Community.
    Prerequisite(s): GRM 231 
  • GRM 331 - Germany Since 1945

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    For students with three or more years of German. In the advanced course students expand their previous ability in their foreign language, and develop the ability to: when speaking, use simple dialogue of paragraph length in a series of cohesive and coherent paragraphs; when listening, understand most authentic spoken language; when writing, create a series of coherent paragraphs; when reading, acquire knowledge and new information from comprehensive authentic text. Content embraces concepts of broader cultural significance, including institutions, such as the educational system, the government, and political and social issues in the target culture. Both concepts and abstract topics of human and personal interest including music, literature, the arts, and the sciences.
    Prerequisite(s):   or 3-4 years of High School German.
  • GRM 333 - Germany Today

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    This sixth-semester course uses the latest events in Germany to refine the skills related to the “5Cs: underlying foreign language pedagogy: Communication, Culture, Connection, Comparison, and Community. Students read, view, discuss, and write about reports of those events in internet editions of German magazines and newspapers and internet videos.
    Prerequisite(s): GRM 331 

Graphic Design

  • VPG 202 - Graphic Design Foundations

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Students learn the various processes involved in graphic design from initial ideas/concepts through working stages to finished presentation, applying the principles of design to projects pertaining to the design and production of primary print and also screen-based solutions. Students sharpen basic computer skills in preparing their projects.
  • VPG 203 - Introduction to Digital Imaging

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Using individual workstations, students learn scanning, designing and working with pictures using Photoshop. Students will be encouraged to use this medium as a form of personal expression as well as considering its practical application. An art background is helpful, but not necessary.
  • VPG 230 - Publication Design

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    In this hands-on studio class students, will learn to design for publications. The structure, construction, and production of magazines, newspapers, corporate publication will be explored, along with their conceptual and aesthetic attributes and environmental concerns.
    Prerequisite(s): VPG 202  or VPG 203 .
  • VPG 302 - Package Design

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    This studio course is an introduction to the design of packaging. Students will explore the concept of brand identity and apply branding strategies to the design and production of packaging for products that are common in today’s market. Students will learn how to design visual continuity for a 3-D format. Sustainable/environmentally-conscious packaging materials will be explored.
    Prerequisite(s): VPG 202  or VPG 203 .
  • VPG 303 - Typography: Letterforms and Words in Graphic Design

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Students learn about the development and use of typefaces. Legibility, readability, history and perception will be examined. The impact of images accompanied by text will be explored. Students use computers and traditional methods to develop visual projects.
  • VPG 304 - Advertising Design

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Explores advertising concepts, media and techniques. Projects simulate actual work performed at an advertising agency. Students will experience the role of an advertising designer as they develop skills in producing design for various media.
  • VPG 305 - Web Site Design

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    This introductory course covers the processes involved in making visual communication for the web. Aesthetic concerns, conceptual skills, and technical/production procedures will be covered to facilitate understanding of and participation in the process of web design. Students will work through initial ideas to a finished presentation.
  • VPG 306 - Motion Graphics

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    This studio design course is an introduction to the use of computer software to create animations and time-based visuals for use in professional applications such as advertising, multimedia, film, video and the web. The expressive and informative impact of motion and time when presenting screen-based graphics, type and sound will be exposed. Software will include Adobe After Affects and Macromedia Flash.
  • VPG 307 - 3-D Graphics, Illustration and Animation

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2011-2012

    This studio graphic design course explores within the computer the construction, modeling and rendering of simulated 3-D objects in a virtual space. These objects are then photographed with a virtual still or movie camera to produce a digital illustration or animation. The course emphasizes 3-D graphics to solve various design problems. The use of sound in animation will be introduced.
    Prerequisite(s): VPG 202  or VPG 203 .
  • VPG 405 - Advanced Study in Graphic Design

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Opportunity for graphic design majors to pursue advanced projects and research related to their individual needs and interests. Critiques with other members of the class will help to give additional assessment and are an important component of the course.
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of Instructor.
  • VPG 423 - Graphic Design Portfolio

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    In this Capstone for Graphic Design concentrators, students will assemble a professional level portfolio. Each senior will review previous work and be guided to choose and develop significant design projects appropriate for specific career choices, including programs and job interviews.
    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing.
  • VPG 475 - Internship in Graphic Design

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

Healthcare Administration

  • HCA 101 - American Sign Language I

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Introduces American Sign Language and deaf culture, focusing on frequently used signs, basic rules of grammar, non-manual aspects of ASL, introductory fingerspelling, and some cultural features of the deaf community.
  • HCA 102 - American Sign Language II

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Continues basic language and culture study. Offers an opportunity to build receptive and expressive ASL vocabulary. Topics include the use of signing space and further use of non-manual components, including facial expression and body postures.
    Prerequisite(s): HCA 101 .
  • HCA 103 - Introduction to Gerontology

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    The process of aging. How does and will it affect me personally? What is our national response to the problems associated with aging? How does ageism, or aged-based prejudice affect society? What social, governmental, financial, and healthcare systems operate to help the aged and in what ways do they fail? What can I do to change that? Students identify and combat agism, in themselves and in other social institutions. Distinctions between normal aging and disorders which occur in the older people. Bio-psycho- social theories of aging. Evaluation of aging services.
  • HCA 105 - Healthcare Foundations

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Examines the parts of the healthcare system in the U.S. and stresses the patient and family as the primary focus of the system. Who are the players in health services? What are the structures of the system and the behaviors of the system participants, and how does our present system prevent meaningful reform?
  • HCA 170 - Disability?

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    What do the words disability, handicapped and challenged really mean? In what ways am I disabled and how can I use that knowledge? What has science contributed to our challenged populations? What are the personal and societal values toward challenged populations? How have history and religion contributed to those values? Am I, are we, doing enough? Students review personal and societal fears about disability, learn to confront and change negative attitudes and values, understand medical causes, effects and treatment of a wide range of clinical disorders, and develop a belief and value system which includes positive attitudes toward the emotionally and physically challenged.
  • HCA 191 - Aids and Emerging Infections

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    An examination of the biomedical, social, cultural, political, and historical issues surrounding AIDS and emerging infections.
    Fulfills the General Education Natural Scientific Inquiry requirement.
  • HCA 200 - Creative Process

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Developed to respond to an environment of shrinking resources and expanding regulation, this course explores the creative process. Examine theory and practice methods to increase creative potential in yourself and those around you. Turn problems into challenges with active practice of theoretical concepts; consider issues of ethics, supervision, innovation, productivity, resource management and service development in the light of what is known about creativity. This course is designed for any student.
  • HCA 205 - Computer Concepts for Healthcare

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Principles of analysis, design, evaluation, selection, acquisition and utilization of information systems in healthcare. Review of current trends in information technology and how information systems support high-quality patient care. Business software applications are an essential ingredient of the course and are used in student projects.
  • HCA 208 - The Continuum of Long Term Healthcare Service

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    What is and who makes up the continuum? Who are its clients? The course examines medical care from hospitals to hospices, from nursing homes to informal care giving. Case management, financing, and ethical issues are studied and evaluated. Focus is placed on the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of clients and families. Case studies are emphasized.
    Prerequisite(s): HCA 105 .
  • HCA 209 - Public and Community Health

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    This course reviews the principles, legal authority, historical development, and future of public health. The specific mission of public health with respect to the following topics is discussed: infectious disease, environmental health, maternal and child health, AIDS, substance abuse, and tobacco control. Disparities in health status, the relationship of poverty to poor health, the prioritization of the most prominent community health problems, and the mobilization of local resources to address them are considered.
  • HCA 219 - Epidemiology

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    The role of epidemiology as a tool for analyzing health problems in managerial settings. Introduction to study designs, bias, confounding, and significance; association and causation.
  • HCA 220 - Healthcare Policy and Politics

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Historical development of the nation’s system of healthcare including visions for the future. Review of healthcare policy development and implementation at the local, state, and federal levels; major healthcare and related social issues and concerns are addressed in both readings and class discussions.
    Course is crosslisted with POL 220 .
  • HCA 250 - Mind, Body, Spirit, and Health

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    This course reviews alternative approaches to health promotion and health interventions. It contrasts Western medicine with strategies that utilize the mind and spirit in building defenses against illness and in coping with the problems of chronic pain. The increasing roles of these alternative approaches in current healthcare delivery systems are discussed.
  • HCA 300 - Quality Assessment Methods

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    The purpose of this course is twofold: to provide the tools necessary to conduct patient based assessments that meet the internal and external measurement needs of community medical practices, hospitals, and other Healthcare facilities; to provide a working knowledge of the essential qualitative and quantitative Continuous Quality Improvement measurement techniques necessary for process improvement in healthcare facilities.
    Prerequisite(s): HCA 105 .
  • HCA 301 - Health Communication

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Introduction to the theory and practice of communication within the healthcare context. Topics include interpersonal communication (e.g., provider-patient, physician-nurse, family-patient, family-provider), communication within health service organizations, and external communication between health service organizations and third-party payers and regulators (e.g., conflict management, negotiation, public relations). Designed for those majoring or minoring in Communication or Healthcare Administration; recommended for anyone interested in working in a facility providing Healthcare services.
  • HCA 303 - Quality Improvement and Methods in Healthcare

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2011-2012

    Examines the critical principles underlying quality improvement principles and practices in the context of healthcare: motivating clinicians and patients to change their behavior; methodologies for motivation; models or paradigms that govern professional thinking.
    Prerequisite(s): HCA 105 .
  • HCA 321 - Economics of Healthcare

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Economic analysis of healthcare delivery markets, physician and nurse shortages, insurance industry distortions, models of hospital behavior, demand and supply considerations, impact of market failure.
    Prerequisite(s): ECO 176 .
  • HCA 323 - Healthcare Law

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Examines legal issues in provision of healthcare services. What are the three sources of law? What should you do if your healthcare facility is sued for malpractice? What is informed consent? Do you have to tell a patient everything? What should be documented in a medical record and when can such a record be released? When can a patient refuse treatment? When can a healthcare facility refuse to treat a patient? What are a patient’s rights? Negotiation and legal writing skills are developed. Recommended for anyone interested in working in a facility providing healthcare social services, either as a manager or a provider.
  • HCA 325 - Healthcare Finance

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Focuses on: How do I make sense of financial statements? How can I use accounting information to manage effectively? How can I determine the relative “health” of healthcare organizations? How can I budget more effectively? What special issues are raised in the complex area of third-party insurance reimbursement and how will that affect an organization’s behavior?
  • HCA 326 - Healthcare Supply Chain Management

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2011-2012

    The role of supply chain management in the healthcare industries: what are supply chains and how do they work? The course studies not only traditional logistics or operation management but also marketing, new product development, finance, and customer service. Material presented in lectures and through case studies.
  • HCA 330 - Healthcare Product and Service Delivery

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    This course is intended to teach the skills needed to keep organizations competitive in the constantly changing healthcare environment. The course discusses developments in the healthcare field that require managers to have heightened skills in strategic planning and competitive analysis. The course also examines the models that exist for delivering quality service to consumers and how to build a base of loyal customers.
  • HCA 334 - Comparative Health Systems

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2011-2012

    An examination of the organization, finance, and performance of healthcare systems in selected developed and developing countries to identify possible lessons that can be applied to other healthcare systems. Also, a consideration of the impact of globalization on health services delivery: greater consumer responsibility, demographic shifts, regulatory approval schemes, intellectual property processes, public reporting of provider quality, and performance-adjusted reimbursement.
  • HCA 335 - Healthcare Employment Law

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Examines legal issues regarding interviewing, hiring, and disciplining employees. What questions can you legally not ask during an interview? What shouldn’t you say in a reference? When can you legally fire an employee? Are personnel policies on a contract between the employer and the employee? Training and motivational skills developed.
  • HCA 336 - Supervision/Leadership

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    How do I establish a proper work setting, getting the most from myself and those who work for me? How do I hire, discipline and fire employees? How do I set proper objectives for the work environment? How do I counsel the “problem employee”? Heavy use of casework and role play with significant focus on understanding and using leadership styles, and developing conflict resolution and negotiating skills.
  • HCA 337 - Strategic Management of Healthcare Organizations

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2009-2010

    Strategy formulation and evaluation for healthcare organizations. Employing an extensive study of strategic concepts along with case studies, this course will focus on evaluating the external and internal environments of organizations. Tools and techniques for analyzing strategies will also be introduced.
    Prerequisite(s): HCA 336 .
  • HCA 410 - Healthcare Administration Senior Seminar

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Stresses problem identification, selection of alternative solutions, solution implementation and evaluation; case method is used; management memos and senior research paper required. Capstone course.
  • HCA 411 - Special Topics in Healthcare

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2009-2010

    Through readings and discussion, this course reviews the relationship of poverty to wellbeing; the value of community organization in mobilizing needed changes in the healthcare system; the importance of a stronger role for women in healthcare deliberations; the cowardice of government inaction in the face of devastating health problems; the limits of modern technology in addressing some of our most recalcitrant social problems.
  • HCA 475 - Internship in Healthcare Administration

    Six or Nine Credits/Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters/Summer

    Usually fulfilled by a 400-hour, for-credit experience in the summer between third and fourth years. Tailored to the student, placement requires a high level of employment-like preparation (resumes, interview, etc.). Student evaluation is performed by the on-site preceptor and faculty advisor. Locations may be selected from medical organizations affiliated with the program or identified by the student with respect to geographic needs or other criteria. Paid stipend usually available.
  • HCA 490 - Directed Studies

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Supervised reading and research. Permission of faculty member directing the project and the Department Chairperson required.
  • HCA 495 - Field Study

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    A limited number of 10 hours per week field studies are available each semester. For the highly motivated student.


  • HIS 203 - Modern American Social History

    Three Credits
    Alternate Years: Not Offered 2010, 2012

    This course explores major social developments since 1850: Industrialization and the history of labor, immigration, urban growth, race relations, and the history of women and the family. Readings focus on both primary and secondary literature with an emphasis on oral history, local records, and material culture.
    Considered a United States History.
  • HIS 205 - Irish-American Experience

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Irish background, different waves of Irish immigration, Irish contributions to politics, religion, business and fine arts, as well as the different interpretations of the Irish experience in America.
    Considered a United States History.
  • HIS 207 - The Holocaust

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    This course will offer an historical analysis of the Holocaust of European Jews under National Socialism. This includes a study of the origins of antisemitism, the rise of National Socialism, German Jews in the Weimar Republic and their exclusion from public life under National Socialism, the euthanasia action, Reichskristallnacht, ghettoization, deportation, and the concentration and death camps.
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing.
    Considered a European History.
    Fulfills the General Education Moral Inquiry requirement.
  • HIS 208 - The Immigrant Experience in American History

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    A comprehensive survey of America’s immigrants from the colonial period to the present. It examines both the unique history of various ethnic groups who peopled America as well as comparative elements in their migration and settlement patterns from Europe, Asia, and Latin America.
    Condidered a United States History.
  • HIS 209 - Native American History

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    An interdisciplinary survey of the aboriginal inhabitants of North America from pre-history to the present. Confronts long-standing stereotypes of Native Americans and seeks a deeper understanding of native beliefs, values, and historical experiences. Course deals extensively with European and Native American encounters and evaluates their continuing impact on indigenous communities.
    Considered a United States History.
  • HIS 214 - Ireland: From Colony to Nation State

    Three Credits
    Fall 2011

    An introduction to Ireland: its history, people, culture, and mystique. This course explores Irish history from the Norman invasion to the present. Topics include the Cromwellian settlement of Ireland, the Anglo-Irish estate system, revolution and nationalism in Ireland from 1780, the Great Famine, and Irish emigration.
    Considered a European History.
  • HIS 216 - Modern Britain

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    This course will cover the history of Britain from the time of the Tudors to the 20th century. It will focus on the political, social, cultural, and intellectual history of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland.
    Considered a European History.
  • HIS 218 - Winston Churchill’s World Wars

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2010-2011

    This course will cover the World Wars by way of Winston Churchill’s well-known histories of them; and in this way will be able to engage with the historical and historiographical issue that arise from the interest and the influence of his version of events.
    Considered a European History.
  • HIS 219 - History of World Economic Development

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    For description, see ECO 219 .
    Cross-listed with ECO 219 .
    COnsidered a World History.

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