Sep 22, 2024  
2017-2018 HillBook (Class of 2021) 
2017-2018 HillBook (Class of 2021) [ARCHIVED HILL BOOK]

Course Descriptions



  • CRM 410 - Seminar: Juvenile Justice

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2017-2018

    This course examines promising strategies, primarily in the private sector, for handling juvenile offenders. Students directly observe programs and work with program managers to develop plans to expand community-based and private-sector support. Presentation, advocacy, and networking skills are emphasized.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CRM 224  and one additional CRM course.
  • CRM 411 - Seminar: Police and Society

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2017-2018

    Police discretion and values. Affirmative action, hiring, training, police organization, police and the community. Research and evaluation in criminology.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CRM 201  and one additional CRM course.
  • CRM 412 - Seminar: Punishment and Public Policy

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Seminar will focus on the development of punishment policy, judicial discretion, and the sanctioning process. It will trace the history of punishment in the US; compare our policies with those of other countries; and examine the impact of punitive society. Students will study death penalty policy, considering its morality, implementation, and impact.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CRM 201  and one additional CRM course.
  • CRM 430 - Seminar: Race, Class and Gender in the Criminal Justice System

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    A comparative examination of women and minorities in the criminal justice system. Topics include: women and minority offenders; women and minority victims; women and minorities at different stages of the criminal justice process (police, courts, and corrections); women and minorities employed within the system; and societal attitudes toward women and minorities involved in the system.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CRM 201  and one additional CRM course.
    Course Applies to: American Studies and Gender & Sexuality Studies
  • CRM 432 - Seminar: At-Risk Families and Youth

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    This course examines characteristics of the growing numbers of families and youths on the “fault line” of present-day society in the United States. Causes and solutions that have been proposed to understand, control, and redress problems of at-risk families and youths are discussed. Topics include social stratification, victimization, crime prevention, innovative school programs, and other social intervention programs.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CRM 201  or CRM 224  and one additional CRM course.
    Note: Equivalent to CRM 111 - At-Risk Families and Youths (First-Year Seminar) . May not take both. CRM 111 may not count as an advanced seminar in Criminology.
  • CRM 440 - Seminar: White Collar Crime

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    The course focuses on crimes committed by persons of respectability and high social status as opposed to traditional “street crimes” normally spotlighted in criminal justice courses. Such crimes include: restraint of trade, misrepresentation in advertising, infringement of patents and copyrights, unfair labor practices, financial fraud, and violations of trust. The extent, societal costs, and enforcement practices of such crimes are evaluated. Implications for prevention and for the punishment of offenders are presented for class discussion. The case method is used as the basis of class structure.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CRM 201  and one additional CRM course.
  • CRM 470 - Capstone Internship in Criminology

    Four Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    The Capstone course for the major, the Internship provides an academic experience in which the third- or fourth-year student (only) contribute to the ongoing organizational process while learning to apply criminology theories to observations of structure, function, and process in a criminal justice setting. Students must complete 8 hours/week on site for a minimum of 112 hours (14-week average).

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Senior or Second-Semester, Junior Criminology majors who have completed CRM 201 CRM 310  and at least one other Criminology course.
    General Education Attribute(s): Capstone
    Note: Must complete the “U.S. Internship Request for Approval” process found under the myPlans tab in myHill to register for this Internship. May not take the Capstone twice.
  • CRM 471 - Capstone Internship in Criminology

    Six Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    The Capstone course for the major, the Internship provides an academic experience in which the third- or fourth-year student (only) contribute to the ongoing organizational process while learning to apply criminology theories to observations of structure, function, and process in a criminal justice setting. Students must complete 16 hours/week on site for a minimum of 224 hours (14 week average).

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Senior and second-semester, Criminology majors who have completed CRM 201 CRM 310  and at least one other Criminology course.
    Course Applies to: Capstone
    Note: Must complete the “U.S. Internship Request for Approval” process found under the myPlans tab in myHill to register for this Internship. May not take the Capstone twice.
  • CRM 475 - Internship in Criminology

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Gain experience and/or research skills in local, state, or federal criminal justice agencies.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s):  .
    Note: Must complete the “U.S. Internship Request for Approval” process found under the myPlans tab in myHill to register for this Internship.
  • CRM 490 - Directed Study - Criminology

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Supervised reading and research directed by Department member.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Students must complete the online Directed Study and Independent Research Application process and obtain the signatures of the faculty member and the Department Chair.
  • CRM 496 - Independent Research

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Opportunity for a student to conduct research in a specialized area of Criminology under the direction of a faculty member.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Approval of both the faculty member directing the research project and the Department Chair.
  • CRM 497 - Senior Thesis

    Three Credits
    Offered Periodically

    Fourth-year students will polish their communication skills and build on prior coursework. The goal is preparation of a paper suitable for presentation at an annual meeting of a professional association during the spring semester. Taught in seminar/workshop format, the course includes presentations from departmental faculty about conducting research in sociology, criminology and anthropology.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Permission of Department Chairperson.


  • VPD 141 - Dance and Movement

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    This class is an introduction the body, space time and energy and their effect on movement.  Students will explore various dance and movement traditions (Western and Non-Western) and gain a solid foundation in both the practice and theory of those styles and traditions. Class appropriate for the beginner and non-dancer.

  • VPD 186 - Introduction to Dance History

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    This course will explore the history of movement through dance from the primitive to the contemporary.  Students will gain a deeper understanding of the history of dance in its social, political and theoretical contexts. Students will learn through lecture, video and readings as well as from demonstrations from guest artists.

  • VPD 251 - Dance Technique: Ballet, Jazz, Tap and Modern

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2017-2018

    This course will provide an overview of dance styles and techniques including ballet, modern, tap and jazz. The focus will be on placement, movement, and the effort required to execute shapes that are prevalent in these various styles. This class is appropriate for the student looking to expand their understanding of the world of dance. 

  • VPD 252 - Introduction to Tap

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    An introduction to the principles of tap dance technique. Students will learn the fundamental steps of tap dance. Emphasis is placed on rhythmic structure, technique, style, and vocabulary of tap dance.

  • VPD 253 - Introduction to Jazz Dance

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    An introduction to the American dance form of jazz. Class focuses on the development of strength, flexibility, isolation, and control through a series of stretches, strengthening exercises, and center floor combinations.

  • VPD 254 - Modern Dance Technique

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Students will be introduced to the fundamental movement principals and the basic elements of modern dance choreography. Students explore the connection between movement and breath, body alignment, rhythm, dynamics space and self-motivation. Students can expect to raise the level of their technical ability, while understanding technique as a tool for self-expression. Short videos and reading assignments will introduce important figures and trends in 20th-century dance.

  • VPD 255 - Ballet I

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    This course will cover ballet technique: The principles of proper alignment, placement, ballet terminology and steps. Ballet barre and center will give students the practice required for developing their dance ability. This class is open to both beginning ballet students and to those who have had more classical training.

  • VPD 256 - Dance for Musical Theatre

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Explores the world of musical theatre through dance. Students will learn a variety of dance styles associated with musicals throughout the decades. Broadway style dance will be incorporated.

  • VPD 257 - Introduction to Dance Composition

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Explores the different approaches to dance choreography. The influence of music, costume and lighting suitable for choreographic purposes and dance performance will also be studied. Different dance styles will be utilized by each student to create combinations that will lend to fully composed original pieces

  • VPD 354 - Modern Dance Technique II

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    This course offers intermediate level work in the technique and performance of modern dance.  Biomechanical alignment is highlighted in this course as students are challenged to investigate their artistic potential as dancers.  Students will experience floor work, improvisation, inversions, and partner work. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): VPD 254  or permission of the instructor.
    Note: Prior dance experience is required.
  • VPD 355 - Jazz Dance II

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Intended for the student with some previous dance experience. It expands the dancer’s basic understanding of alignment, develops a deeper understanding of musicality including syncopation, and introduces complex movement skills. Students discover various styles and trends in American vernacular dance and learn to express themselves through their own choreography.

  • VPD 356 - Ballet II

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Expands the knowledge gained in previous ballet classes. Students are encouraged to explore the technical and artistic aspects of classical ballet. Each class will include barre and center work as well as some study of current ballets.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s):   or Instructor permission.
  • VPD 357 - Dance Company

    One Credit
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    The Stonehill College Dance Company provides performing experience for qualified students through participation in a company that reflects the spirit of the College. The company is comprised of auditioned dancers who will learn choreography of well-known area choreographers in an organized manner and perform in various venues on and off campus throughout the semester. Individual creative expression will be emphasized.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Consent of the Instructor. Course may be repeated for credit. Course must be taken three times to earn the equivalent of a 3-credit course.
  • VPD 360 - Arts Outreach: Dance

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Combining art and community service, Stonehill students are paired with middle-schoolers from the greater Brockton area and help lead them through various movement and performance activities. Students with an interest not only in dance, but in Theater, Sociology, Psychology, Art Therapy, and Education, are encouraged to participate. There is no experience needed.

    Note: A background check is required by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to participate in this class. A fee of approximately $40 must be paid toward this check by the student during the first few weeks of class.
  • VPD 490 - Directed Study - Dance

    One to Four Credits
    As Needed

    Opportunity for upper-level students to do an advanced research project or investigation in a field of special interest not covered by a normally-scheduled course. Student and a full-time faculty member familiar with the student’s area of interest agree on a plan of study and research and on evaluation methods.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Students must complete the online Directed Study and Independent Research Application process and obtain the signatures of the faculty member and the Department Chair.

Data Science

  • DSC 201 - Introduction to Data Science

    Three Credits
    Fall Semesters

    Introduction to the theory and practice of data science.  This course exposes students to the range of applications across fields and provides rudimentary coverage of data structures, simple data queries, the types and goals of analytic models and modern visualization. Lecture, exercises, projects and guest speakers.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Any of the following Statistical Reasoning courses: BUS 206 , CHM 331 , CRM 311 , ECO 241 , EDU 301 , MTH 145 , MTH 207 , MTH 225 , MTH 396 , POL 210 , PSY 261 , or SOC 311  
    Note: Course may be applied to the Data Science and Sports, Science & Society programs.
  • DSC 395 - Data Science Integrated Project

    Three Credits
    Offered Periodically

    This is a project-based interdisciplinary course, required of all minors. Students apply data management and analytical skills to large scale data mining and modeling projects appropriate to their major disciplines. Participating students meet weekly in a seminar format, working with faculty guides, to design and develop their projects, reporting regularly to the seminar about progress and challenges.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): DSC 201 , CSC 103 , CSC 104  and one additional data science minor course. Open to Data Science minors only.
    Note: Course may be applied to the Data Science program.

Digital Media Production

  • DMP 210 - Introduction to Digital Feature Production

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    The course emphasizes single-camera production of longer form works. Working in groups, students will learn the basics of pre-production (including writing treatments and scripts, scouting locations), production (camera operation, sound capture, lighting, composition), and post-production (editing, score, special effects).  

    Note: Course is considered the equivalent to LC 339 - Learning Community: Making Movies . Students may not take both DMP 210 and LC 339.
  • DMP 215 - Introduction to Digital Media Production

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Understanding the principles and elements of video: the camera, lighting, direction, editing, sound. Practice in making a video composition.

    Note: Students may not earn credit for both DMP 215 and its former number COM 215 Digital Video Production.
  • DMP 315 - Advanced Digital Feature Production

    Three Credits
    Fall Semesters

    This course extends the skills introduced in DMP 210 - Introduction to Digital Feature Production  by allowing students to produce original, in-depth projects. Students will further develop mastery of single-camera production techniques and improve competency in the areas of storytelling, design, sound, and editing.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): DMP 210  or DMP 215  or LC 339 .
  • DMP 320 - Writing for Digital Media

    Three Credits
    Fall Semesters

    This course enables students to learn the fundamentals of screenplay writing in film, television, sketch, animation, and web format. We will also touch upon writing for blogs, podcasts, and news reporting.

  • DMP 475 - Internship in Digital Media Production

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Experience in the practice of media production complementary to the work done in courses.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s):  ; A 3.0 GPA in the minor or permission of Program Director
    Note: Must complete the “U.S. Internship Request for Approval” process found under the myPlans tab in myHill to register for this Internship.
  • DMP 497 - Thesis Film Project

    Four Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Students will produce their final film projects under the guidance of the course instructor and will screen their completed works for on campus for the Stonehill community.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): DMP 315 ,  , and Junior Standing

Digital Studies

  • DIG 201 - Digital Design Studio

    One Credit
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    In a digital studio, students will receive instruction in the technical skills necessary to pursue individual and/or team digital projects.

    Note: This course is a 1-credit course and is taken in conjunction with another (parent) course. Students will receive technical instruction and consultation in the use of digital technologies as needed to pursue digital projects assigned in the parent course.

    DIG 201 is the equivalent of LC 214 - Learning Community: Literature & Social Control in the Information Age .


  • ECO 110 - The Economics of eBay (First-Year Seminar)

    Four Credits
    Fall 2017

    Why do some items sell for such ridiculously high prices at auctions of reputable establishments such as Christie’s, Bonham’s, Sotheby’s or even eBay? Has it ever occurred to you why the owners of a house listed for $1.5 million last year cannot get 1/3 of that price this year? In this class we will examine the way consumers and businesses think and behave as rational entities.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Open to First-Year Students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): First-Year Seminar, Social Scientific Inquiry
    Note: Equivalent to ECO 176 . May not take both.
  • ECO 176 - Microeconomic Principles

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Economic analysis of product and resource markets. The consumption behavior of households, the price and output decisions of firms under various forms of market structure, the distribution of income.

    General Education Attribute(s): Social Scientific Inquiry
    Note: Equivalent to ECO 110 . May not take both.
  • ECO 178 - Macroeconomic Principles

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Descriptive, historical and theoretical treatment of the overall level of economic activity, prices and employment within the framework of American capitalism. Contributions of Smith, Ricardo, Keynes, and others.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ECO 176  or the First-Year Seminar equivalent.
    General Education Attribute(s): Social Scientific Inquiry
  • ECO 205 - Economics of Social Issues and Public Policy

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2017-2018

    Economic analysis of issues often neglected in traditional economics courses, emphasizing policies that may alleviate social problems. Topics include healthcare, education, crime, substance abuse, cigarette smoking, gambling, housing, and family issues.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ECO 176  or the First-Year Seminar equivalent.
    Note: Course may be applied to the American Studies program.
  • ECO 206 - United States Economic History

    Three Credits
    Alternate Years: Fall Semester 2018, 2020

    Basic economic analysis is used to study important aspects of the economic history of the United States. Concentration is on the period from 1830 to 1945, when the U.S. became a major industrial power. Emphasized are the development of big business, the effect of race and gender on markets, opportunities and incomes, and government policy.

    Note: Not open to first semester students.

    Course may be applied to the American Studies program.

  • ECO 211 - Economics of Labor Unions

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Examines the historical and current role of organized labor in the U.S. and its impact on employment, wages, prices, and trade. Additional topics include collective bargaining, labor market discrimination, and the globalization of production.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ECO 176  and ECO 178  or their corresponding First-Year Seminar equivalents.
    Note:  Course may be applied to the American Studies program.
  • ECO 217 - Economic History of the 20th Century American Family

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2017-2018

    The course traces the socioeconomic progress of a variety of American families over the century. Changes in real income, employment conditions, labor force participation, education, residence, and family life are examined within the context of larger economic, political, and social events such as immigration, war, depression, the labor movement, civil rights, and women’s rights.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ECO 176  and ECO 178  or their corresponding First-Year Seminar equivalents.
    Note: Course may be applied to the American Studies program.
  • ECO 219 - History of World Economic Development

    Three Credits
    Alternate Years: Fall 2017 and 2019

    The world has experienced an extraordinary but unevenly distributed increase in material living standards over the last 250 years. This course examines major developments, issues, and controversies related to long run economic development and change. Themes include the causes of technological leadership, the connection between technological change and business structure, and the spread of industry.

    Note: Considered a World History.

    Course may be applied to the Asian Studies, Anthropology, and Middle Eastern Studies programs. May also be applied to the Latin American Studies programs with permission of the Program Director.
  • ECO 230 - Development Economics

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Why are some countries rich and others poor? What can be done to improve living standards for the billion people living on less than $2 a day? Students will study major questions and theories of economic development, and controversies over appropriate policies and programs. Topics include poverty and inequality, education, health, foreign aid and others. Focus of the course is on empirical examination of these topics with emphasis on the latest evidence from developing countries.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s):   and   (or their corresponding First-Year Seminar equivalents) and one Statistical Reasoning Course (ECO 241 , BUS 206 , CHM 331 , CRM 311 , EDU 301 , MTH 145 , MTH 207 , MTH 225 MTH 396 PHY 321 , POL 210 , PSY 261  or SOC 311 ).
    Note: Course may be applied to the Asian Studies minor.
  • ECO 241 - Economic Statistics

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Descriptive statistics; probability; probability distributions; expected values; the binomial distribution; the normal distribution; sampling and sampling distributions; statistical inference - estimation and hypothesis testing; index numbers.

    General Education Attribute(s): Statistical Reasoning
  • ECO 242 - Econometrics (WID)

    Four Credits
    Spring Semester

    Is secondary smoke harmful? Learn econometrics to appropriately answer questions like this. The theory and application of multivariate regression analysis. We concentrate on problems of estimation and hypothesis testing of the direction and magnitude of possible causal relationships among variables. We use STATA econometrics software.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ECO 176  and ECO 178  (or their corresponding First-Year Seminar equivalents) and completion of any statistical reasoning course.
    General Education Attribute(s): Writing-in-the-Disciplines
    Course Applies to: Data Science
  • ECO 244 - The Economics of Sports

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    The course analyzes the industry of sports, particularly professional and big-time college sports, using and developing tools of economic analysis, mainly microeconomics.  Topics include the salary structure of professional team sports and the effects of free agency; the factors affecting sports attendance; the value of sports programming to broadcasters and the effect of television revenue; issues in college sports like conference realignment, television contracts, and eligibility rules; the economic effects of professional sports franchises and stadia; and factors affecting competitive balance.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ECO 176  and ECO 178  (or their corresponding First-Year Seminar equivalents) and completion of any Statistical Reasoning course.
    Note: Course may be applied to the American Studies and Sports, Science & Society programs.
  • ECO 246 - Forensic Economics

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Forensic Economics is the study of the contributions made by economists in providing expert opinions related to the measurement of economic damages in a vast array of legal dilemmas and circumstances. Such circumstances include the wrongful death associated with medical malpractice, discrimination and wrongful termination, catastrophic personal injuries, and others. This course provides students with an opportunity to “do economics” by incorporating active learning techniques associated with the functions of the forensic economist.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ECO 176  and ECO 178  (or their corresponding First-Year Seminar equivalents), and completion of any Statistical Reasoning course. Familiarity with spreadsheet software (such as Excel) is also strongly recommended.
  • ECO 301 - Intermediate Microeconomics

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semester

    Theory of consumer behavior, the firm, product and factor markets, with emphasis on application of theory to real world problems.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ECO 176  and ECO 178  (or their corresponding First-Year Seminar equivalents.)
  • ECO 303 - Intermediate Macroeconomics

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Theory of income, employment, and output; economic fluctuations, inflation, interest rates, growth, and stabilization policy.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ECO 176  and ECO 178  (or their corresponding First-Year Seminar equivalents.)
  • ECO 305 - Public Sector Economics

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Theoretical and empirical microeconomic analysis of government policy with respect to the efficient allocation of resources and the equitable distribution of income. Learn how appropriately chosen government policy enhances (rather than hinders) efficiency and equity in our society.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ECO 176  and ECO 178  (or their corresponding First-Year Seminar equivalents.)
    Note: Course may be applied to the American Studies program.
  • ECO 309 - Money and Banking

    Four Credits
    Fall Semester

    Analysis of the operation of financial markets and financial institutions focusing on financial intermediaries including commercial banks, investment banks and the central bank. Examines the structure and performance of the bond and stock markets, derivatives, and other financial instruments. Extensive use current market information prepares students with the real-world knowledge and experience necessary for careers in the financial world.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ECO 176  and ECO 178  (or their corresponding First-Year Seminar equivalents.)
    Note: Course may be applied to the American Studies program.
  • ECO 311 - International Economics

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    This course covers the major themes of the theory of international trade. The gains from trade, tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade, the theories of international trade such as the theory of absolute and comparative advantage and the Heckscher-Ohlin theory will be studied. The justifications for trade protection, its effects on the economy, historical and contemporary U.S. trade policy and the economics of regional trade agreements will also be discussed.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ECO 176  and ECO 178  (or their corresponding First-Year Seminar equivalents.)
    Note: Course may be applied to the Asian Studies and Middle Eastern Studies programs.
    Course may be applied to the Latin American Studies program with permission of the Program Director.
  • ECO 319 - Urban and Regional Economics

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2017-2018

    Economic analysis of urban and regional dynamics, especially changing population and business location factors. Examines the problems of modern cities, e.g., housing, transportation, education, crime, and the cost of providing municipal services.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ECO 176  or First-Year Seminar equivalent.
    Note: Course may be applied to the American Studies program.
  • ECO 321 - Economics of Healthcare

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2017-2018

    Economic analysis of healthcare delivery markets, physician and nurse shortages, insurance industry distortions, models of hospital behavior, demand and supply considerations, impact of market failure.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ECO 176  or First-Year Seminar equivalent.
  • ECO 323 - Labor Economics and Manpower Policy

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2017-2018

    Economic analysis of labor markets, supply and demand considerations, labor force participation, wage determination models, discrimination theories, unemployment, manpower planning programs, and other public policies.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ECO 176  and ECO 178  (or their corresponding First-Year Seminar equivalents.)
    Note: Course may be applied to the American Studies program.
  • ECO 327 - Environmental Economics

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2017-2018

    Topics in natural resource and energy economics and environmental regulation, include the allocation, development, conservation, and scarcity of natural resources. We study pollution control through taxes, quotas and standards using cost-benefit models as a policy guide. Types of energy resources, substitutability, conversion and the relevance of energy to economic growth is discussed.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ECO 176  or the First-Year Seminar equivalent.
  • ECO 329 - Industrial Organization

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Analysis of industries with varying degrees of monopoly power and influence: monopolies, cartels, oligopolies, monopolistic competition, and dominant firms.  Firm strategies and likely outcomes, under both collusive arrangements and competitive pressures.  Policy implications like antitrust and regulation. Effects of asymmetrically held information - how parties with information try to use it, those lacking information respond.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ECO 176  and ECO 178  (or their corresponding First-Year Seminar equivalents), and one Statistical Reasoning course.
  • ECO 337 - Mathematics for Economists

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    Development of mathematical skills and techniques applied to problem solving in microeconomics and macroeconomics. Mathematical concepts will be explored that enhance understanding of economic theories and their applications to policy making. Of particular interest to students interested in graduate studies in economics, public policy, finance, and related fields.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ECO 176 , ECO 178   (or their corresponding First-Year Seminar equivalents) and MTH 126 .
  • ECO 343 - International Finance

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    Different aspects of the international financial markets, international trade, and balance of payments are studied by using analytical models of an open economy. This course examines the structure and the performance of the foreign exchange market through an extensive use of the Bloomberg technology. Using Bloomberg, students learn the interactions between economic news, global financial markets and exchange rates. Particular emphasis is placed on current issues related to the global financial crisis, international monetary system, the European Union and The European Bank. Other topics include money and financial management for international corporations, interest and commodity arbitrage, spot and forward currency markets. Bloomberg Financial Terminals and Bridge Telerate are used in the course in order to give students a more hands-on knowledge of the international financial markets.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ECO 176  and ECO 178  or their corresponding First-Year Seminar equivalents. 
    Note: Course may be applied to the Asian Studies minor and Middle Eastern Studies minor.
  • ECO 420 - Fixed Income Analysis

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    This course covers valuation and portfolio management techniques for fixed income securities. Major topics include: the term of structure or interest rates; the measurement and management of price volatility using duration and immunization; credit risk embedded options and option-adjusted spreads; mortgages and prepayments risk; and international bond portfolios.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ECO 309  or BUS 327 .
  • ECO 421 - Capstone Seminar in Economic Research

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Students gain experience in reading and doing economic research.  Students write a major research paper, provide each other and receive intermediate feedback, and present their research to the department.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Permission of Department Chair (given during advising in spring of Junior year) and ECO 301  ,ECO 303  and Economics Statistics requirement (ECO 241  or BUS 206  or MTH 225 , or MTH 396 ).

    Note: This course fulfills the Capstone requirement in Economics.

  • ECO 423 - Capstone Seminar in Economic Policy

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    The opinion pages and content of the popular press, NY Times, Wall Street Journal, The Economist, and The New Yorker, for example are studied to provide a model for students to choose events on a weekly basis to write their own op-ed pieces, clearly articulating an opinion incorporating economic theory and statistical reasoning to support those opinions.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Permission of Department Chair (given during advising in spring of Junior year) and ECO 176 , ECO 178  or equivalent First-Year Seminar) and ECO 301 , ECO 303  and Economics Statistics requirement (ECO 241  or BUS 206  or MTH 225 , or MTH 396 ).
    Note: This course fulfills the Capstone requirement in Economics.
  • ECO 449 - Economics Honors Thesis I

    Three Credits
    Offered as Needed

    Thesis-writing seniors in the economics Honor Program, consult with a faculty advisor and to begin research for a thesis. This requires a minimum of a well-developed topic, comprehensive review of the literature and evidence that sufficient data is available to conduct empirical work, as demonstrated in writing and through an oral presentation to the economics faculty, Consult “Departmental Honors Program” section for more detail.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Senior Standing, acceptance to the Economics Honors Program, consent of Department Chair.
  • ECO 450 - Economics Honors Thesis II

    Three Credits
    Offered as Needed

    Thesis-writing seniors in the Economics Honors Program are required to complete a thesis paper and will make an oral presentation to the economics faculty in accordance with Department’s timetable. Consult “Department Honors Program” section for more detail.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s):   or  , Senior Standing, acceptance to the Economics Honors Program, acceptance of proposal developed in ECO 421 or ECO 449, consent of Department Chair.
  • ECO 475 - Internship in Economic Research

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Students work at a business, government or not-for profit organization (sponsor) under the supervision of both a faculty member and the sponsor. The field of study and sponsoring organization is specific to the student’s interest. In the past, students have worked in a wide variety of fields, including brokerage firms, state and local government agencies, private banks, consulting organizations and policy research institutes. The student’s main academic requirement is to successfully complete a detailed paper describing the connection between their internship responsibilities and economic theory and quantitative techniques.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Minimum 3.0 GPA and permission of the Internship Coordinator and Department Chairperson.
    Note: Must complete the “U.S. Internship Request for Approval” process found under the myPlans tab in myHill to register for this Internship.
  • ECO 490 - Directed Study - Economics

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Investigation in some field for which the student has special interest not covered by a normally-scheduled course. Student must present a plan in advance of registration to a full-time faculty member who will agree to direct and evaluate the project.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Students must complete the online Directed Study and Independent Research Application process and obtain the signatures of the faculty member and the Department Chair.


  • EDU 102 - Foundations of Education

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Introduces students to the field of education. Built both on abstract and concrete experiences: two-thirds of course time is devoted to historic, social, and philosophical foundations of education. Current issues and information concerning teacher certification are included in the course.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Open to first-year or sophomore-year students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): Social Scientific Inquiry
    Note: Pre-practicum recommended.
  • EDU 104 - Early Care and Education

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Covers historical, social and philosophical foundations of early childhood education and the integrated preschool. It examines a variety of instructional models in the field and looks at developmentally appropriate practice in terms of classroom environments, classroom management and constructivist learning theories.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Open to first-year or sophomore-year students only.
    Note: Pre-practicum recommended.
  • EDU 130 - Introduction to Special Education

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    This course provides a survey of current knowledge on individuals with disabilities within the context of human growth and development across the life span. Content includes historical factors, legislation, etiology, characteristics, needs, educational strategies, including existing and emerging technologies, assessment, and support services of/for individuals with disabilities ranging from mild, moderate to severe levels of varying disabilities. The course will study the impact of disabilities on academic and social/emotional performances. Field experience is required.

    Note: Pre-practicum recommended.
  • EDU 140 - Teaching the Adolescent Learner

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    This course focuses on students in secondary classrooms, and their unique developmental needs.  Using a neuroscience lens, we will explore the challenging and exciting period of adolescence, with a specific focus on implications for education and the work of secondary teachers.  

    Note: This course has an optional 20-hour pre-practicum field experience in a setting with adolescents.

    Students may not take both EDU 125 and EDU 140.

  • EDU 201 - Developmental Theories

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Developmental Theories focuses on the cognitive, social, emotional, linguistic, physical and cultural development of children (from conception through adolescence) and how their development impacts the learning and teaching process. Course emphasizes the application of theory and research from the field of psychology to the realm of teaching and learning in contemporary classrooms.

    Note: Pre-practicum recommended.
  • EDU 202 - Reading: Theory and Instruction

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Introduces principles and procedures for teaching the fundamentals of reading. Examines reading as a process. Emphasizes current reading research, methodology, multicultural concerns, reading disability, innovative practices, grouping patterns, and changing language philosophies. Emergent literacy through the intermediate grades.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): EDU 102  or EDU 104 . Not open to first-year students.
  • EDU 203 - The NUMB3RS Project

    One Credit
    Spring Semester

    The NUMB3RS Project provides students with opportunities to think in new ways about mathematics instruction. Students will design and implement problems of their own creation in local schools and programs. Through this service learning experience, students learn not only about the power and beauty of mathematics, but also about best practices in mathematics education. The goal is to move beyond rote memorization, and to develop deeper conceptual understandings of the BIG IDEAS in mathematics.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Open to all students with approval of faculty member directing the project.
    Note: Pre-practicum required.
  • EDU 207 - English Language Learners in Classrooms

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Course will prepare teachers with knowledge and skills to accommodate English Language Learners in schools. Topics will include language and literacy development, vocabulary and academic language development, diversity issues and current policy requirements, with focus on implications for second language learners and Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) classrooms.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): EDU 102  or EDU 104  or EDU 201 .
  • EDU 208 - Planning for Multicultural Learning

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Defines concerns regarding human diversity as they relate to the education process. Engages students in a personal and group process toward understanding differences. Extends student awareness for the variety, richness, and contrasts in cultures as a basis for appreciating the force of culture in identity, behavior, belief, and attitude. Develops ability to perceive and analyze the sources and consequences of prejudice, discrimination, and racism. Relates all the above to teaching concerns. Emphasizes students’ choice of material for reflection and examination.

    Note: Course may be applied to the American Studies program.
  • EDU 209 - Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Examines disabling conditions, legal requirements, and the instructional methods/techniques used for serving exceptional children and youth in the regular classroom, with strong emphasis on inclusion, diversity, and multiculturalism. Fieldwork with students with special needs is required.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): EDU 207 . Not open to first-year students.
    Note: Pre-practicum required.
  • EDU 210 - Children in Preschools and Kindergarten

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Course for Early Childhood majors and others interested in familiarizing themselves with the needs of preschool and kindergarten children as they apply to school environments. Explores the physical, emotional, social, cognitive, and creative needs of the child 3 through 5 years of age with and without disabilities. Focuses on typical and atypical development, early literacy, parents and families, the role of play and other concerns of the Early Childhood field. Field Work: One half day per week.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Not open to first-year students.
    Note: Pre-practicum required.
  • EDU 213 - Inclusive Learning in Early Education

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Provides students with a comprehensive study of issues surrounding children (ages birth to school age) who have special needs. Focus includes legislation, Early Intervention and the role of the family in the education of a young exceptional child. Fieldwork with preschool/ kindergarten students with special needs is required.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): EDU 207 . Not open to first-year students.
    Note: Pre-practicum required.
  • EDU 214 - The Inclusive Secondary Classroom

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2017-2018

    This course is a review of the legal requirements, assessment responsibilities and the instructional methods used for supporting students with special needs in secondary classrooms. There is a strong emphasis on collaboration, and universal design to include all students as well as differentiation to meet individual needs.  Field Work is required of all students enrolled in this course. Students are placed in general education and resource classrooms to observe and assist. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): EDU 102 .
  • EDU 220 - Children’s Literature

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Develops an awareness of and sensitivity to children’s literature. Builds skills necessary to guide children’s experiences with literature. Explores a variety of genres including multicultural literature. 

  • EDU 225 - Learning to Teach II

    One Credit
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    This course will provide pre-service secondary education teachers an opportunity to explore pedagogical approaches particular to their discipline and to examine the pedagogical decisions that content teachers must make as they design effective lessons.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): EDU 125 .
    Note: Pre-practicum required.
  • EDU 301 - Assessment and Analysis in Education

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    A systematic and comprehensive exploration that introduces the prospective teacher to the elements of measurement and elements of evaluation essential to good teaching. Course content also examines statistical reasoning as it applies to educational research and practice.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): EDU 102  or EDU 104 . Course requires junior status or higher.
    General Education Attribute(s): Statistical Reasoning
  • EDU 306 - Speech and Language Development

    Three Credits
    Fall Semesters

    Investigates normal children’s acquisition of sounds, structures, and meanings of their native language. The stages of language acquisition discussed considering of: (a) the organization and description of adult language, (b) biological and cognitive development, and (c) universal and individual patterns of development.

    Note: Course may be applied to the Speech Language Pathology minor.
  • EDU 307 - Classroom Management

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Relationship of classroom organization to academic achievement and classroom behavior. An analysis of alternative classroom designs, patterns of interactions, and hierarchies of learning to create a well-organized and effective learning environment.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Not open to first-year students.
  • EDU 312 - Art, Music and Movement

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Course focus is on art, music and movement as creative processes, as expressive modalities and as educative and insight-building tools for children with and without disabilities. Course work stresses a developmental perspective of children’s art, music and movement expression.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Not open to first-year students.
  • EDU 315 - Curriculum and Instructional Design

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Course familiarizes PK-12 pre-service teachers with instructional and pedagogical approaches and materials for teaching. Develops beginning competence in designing and evaluating curricular programs and activities. Course emphasizes lesson planning, unit planning, and implementation in the PK-12 classroom. Computer literacy skills are addressed throughout the course.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): EDU 102  or EDU 104 , Junior status or higher.
    Note: Pre-practicum: one full day per week required.
  • EDU 316 - Classroom Theater

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2017-2018

    An introduction to dramatic literature suitable for use in grades K-6. The use of this type of material has been shown to increase reading skills, self-image, and sense of community. To experience this type of learning, students undergo the process involved in classroom drama so that they might better utilize this teaching philosophy in their own classrooms.

  • EDU 320 - Teaching Math, Science & Technology

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Course focuses on developing content/pedagogy aligned with national standards in the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering & mathematics). Emphasis will be placed on how students learn within these disciplines. Course culminates in the creation of a community based STEM project.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Not open to first-year students.
    Note: Pre-practicum required.
  • EDU 327 - Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading Disabilities

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2017-2018

    Examination of diagnostic techniques used in the identification of reading disabilities. Students will develop a remedial plan based on diagnostic information.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): EDU 202  and (EDU 209  or EDU 213 ).
  • EDU 330 - Reading & Writing in the Content Areas

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2017-2018

    Development of techniques to meet the reading and writing needs of students across content areas. Emphasis is placed on strategies which teach students to improve learning through application of reading and writing techniques.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Not open to first-year students.
  • EDU 333 - Topics in Education

    Three Credits
    Offered Periodically

    In-depth coverage of an up-to-date advanced educational topic. This course is an advanced education elective for Education majors / Secondary Education minors. Specific content focuses on cutting edge educational theory and practice in the specific sub-discipline of the faculty member teaching the course. Course is repeatable with consent of Department Chair.

  • EDU 430 - Practicum: Early Childhood Education

    Nine Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Supervised practicum leading to initial teaching licensure [Teacher: Early Childhood: Teacher of Students with and Without Disabilities, (PK-2)]. Practicum hours in two settings (1) PK/K & (2) 1st /2nd grade. Evaluation based upon Massachusetts DESE Initial License Teaching Standards.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Senior standing, completion of all Education requirements, minimum 3.00 GPA, passing scores on all MTEL subtests, and consent of Director of Licensure, Placement and Supervision. Must be taken concurrently with EDU 440 .
  • EDU 435 - Practicum: Elementary Education

    Nine Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Supervised practicum leading to initial teaching licensure [Elementary (1-6)]. Evaluation based upon Massachusetts DESE Initial License Teaching Standards.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Senior standing, completion of all Education requirements, minimum 3.00 GPA, passing scores on all MTEL subtests, and consent of Director of Licensure, Placement and Supervision. Must be taken concurrently with EDU 440 .
  • EDU 437 - Practicum: Secondary Education 5-12 Level

    Nine Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Supervised practicum leading to initial teaching licensure [Secondary (content area, e.g. foreign language): 5-12]. Practicum hours in two settings (1) middle school & (2) high school. Evaluation based on Massachusetts DESE Initial License Teaching Standards.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Senior standing, completion of all Education requirements, minimum 3.00 GPA, passing scores on all MTEL subtests, and consent of Director of Licensure, Placement and Supervision. Must be taken concurrently with EDU 440 .
  • EDU 439 - Practicum: Secondary Education 8-12 Level

    Nine Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Supervised practicum leading to initial teaching license [Secondary (content area, e.g. Biology, Chemistry, English, History, Mathematics, Political Science/Political Philosophy): 8-12]. Evaluation based on the Massachusetts DESE Initial License Teaching Standards.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Senior standing, completion of all Education requirements, minimum 3.00 GPA, passing scores on all MTEL subtests, and consent of Director of Licensure, Placement and Supervision. Must be taken concurrently with EDU 440 .
  • EDU 440 - Practicum: Reflective Seminar

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Series of evening seminars taken concurrently with appropriate practicum. Facilitated by Stonehill faculty and professional education practitioners, this capstone seminar will address current issues of best practice in education. Issues around assessment and evaluation of teaching as well as professional development and teacher support will be addressed.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Senior standing, completion of all Education requirements, minimum 3.00 GPA, passing scores on all MTEL subtests, and consent of Director of Licensure, Placement and Supervision.
    Note: Must be taken concurrently with EDU 430, EDU 435, EDU 437, or EDU 439.
  • EDU 450 - Education Capstone Seminar

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2017-2018

    In this seminar style class taken concurrently with a 3-credit (minimum) internship in education, students will explore contemporary issues in education.  Over the course of the semester, students will review research related to a problem in a selected educational domain, conduct an investigation, and synthesize information gathered from field work and research in a product that will be shared with the Stonehill community.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Junior or Senior Education Non-licensure majors only.
    Corequisite(s): Must be taken with EDU 476 - Internship in Education  
  • EDU 475 - Senior Field Project

    Nine or Twelve Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Field experience for 15 weeks, 3 or 5 days per week. Student will design a field-based research project in consultation with an Education Department faculty member.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Senior standing and permission of instructor and Department Chairperson required.

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