Stonehill College Investment Finance Initiative (SCIFI) Program
The SCIFI academic program is a senior level course of study in investment finance. Applications for the program are accepted from students taking FIN 327 - Investments either in the fall or spring semester of junior year. However, students with a strong academic record can seek participation in Junior year. Prerequisite course requirements include: ACC 203 - Financial Accounting and FIN 320 - Corporate Finance . Students need not be business majors or business minors to apply. Participation in the program provides an advanced forum for learning with an emphasis of putting classroom knowledge into practice. SCIFI enables students to explore in-depth financial topics such as:
- Modern Investment Philosophy
- Economic and Industry Analysis
- Investment Valuation Tools
- Portfolio Management Theory and Practice
- Options and Futures
- Behavioral Finance
Business Internship Program
Business majors are encouraged to participate in multiple internships throughout the course of their studies. Junior and senior business majors with a cumulative GPA of 2.8 or higher may earn credits for participating in an internship.
Students must work a minimum of 12 hours per week for 14 weeks (168 hours total) to earn 3 credits. Students are also required to submit a professional journal or portfolio and a research paper as part of their internship.
Business majors may apply a maximum of 6 internship credits to their business degree.
Students who are interested in earning internship credit should contact Professor Katherine Marsland, Business Internship Coordinator at