2016-2017 HillBook (Class of 2020) [ARCHIVED HILL BOOK]
Cornerstone Program of General Education
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Program Director:
The mission of the Cornerstone Program is to lead students to critically examine the self, society, culture, and the natural world. The program honors Stonehill College’s commitment to free inquiry and social responsibility in the tradition of Catholic higher education. Through the development of the knowledge, competencies, and values that are central to the Cornerstone Program, every Stonehill student will be prepared for a life of learning and responsible citizenship.
Expectations for Students
The Cornerstone Program puts students at the center of their own learning by providing a cohesive framework that helps to unify and deepen the variety of experiences that comprise a Stonehill education. Through innovative and inspiring learning experiences (such as First-Year Seminars and sophomore Learning Communities) students connect knowledge of academic content and disciplines with the development of core competencies: intellectual engagement, effective communication, leadership and collaboration, social responsibility, and personal growth and discovery.
Intellectual Engagement
- Acquiring a breadth of knowledge in the liberal arts and sciences
- Demonstrating critical reading abilities
- Demonstrating critical thinking abilities
- Integrating knowledge across disciplines
Effective Communication
- Demonstrating the ability to write clearly and effectively
- Demonstrating the ability to speak clearly and effectively in public
Leadership and Collaboration
- Demonstrating the ability to contribute effectively to the work of a group
- Demonstrating the ability to facilitate the work of a group
- Demonstrating the ability to lead the work of a group
Social Responsibility
- Valuing the diversity of persons and cultures
- Recognizing the inherent dignity of all persons
- Making informed decisions about ethical and social justice issues
- Engaging in civic life and participatory citizenship
Personal Growth and Discovery
- Developing the capacity and desire for continued learning
- Exploring and developing one’s values and worldview
- Valuing free inquiry into all issues and questions of significance
Overview of the Cornerstone Program
The Cornerstone Program fosters active learning and personal growth by engaging students in the major modes of understanding the world and helping them to hone essential intellectual skills-effective communication, analytical thinking, and the ability to deal with unstructured problems. The curriculum features a two-part sequence of writing-intensive courses: a First-Year Seminar and an advanced Writing-in-the-Disciplines course situated in the student’s major. One course in each of four humanities disciplines is required: History, Literature, Philosophy, and Religious Studies. One course in each of three scientific/mathematical modes of thought is required: Natural Scientific Inquiry, Social Scientific Inquiry, and Statistical Reasoning. Students also typically complete a year-long sequence of foreign language study.
In the sophomore year, students enroll in a Learning Community – a distinctive feature of the Cornerstone Program – to study an issue, problem, or theme applying knowledge and skills gained from two disciplines or perspectives. During the junior year, students take one course in Moral Inquiry. These courses are rooted in philosophical or religious ethics or engage significant moral questions from a disciplinary perspective, from history or political science, for example. In the third or fourth year, students take a course in Catholic Intellectual Traditions, diverse courses that reflect Stonehill’s Catholic identity. Finally, as seniors, students demonstrate mastery of a discipline or field of study through a relevant Capstone course or experience. Courses that fulfill Cornerstone requirements are ordinarily taken at Stonehill College. Students who wish to make the case that a course taken elsewhere meets our criteria must provide a rationale along with a detailed course description or syllabus to Professor Todd Gernes, Assistant Dean of General Education.

First Year
In the first year, each student enrolls in a First-Year Seminar, an opportunity to explore an engaging topic or question in a small-class format emphasizing writing, discussion, critical thinking, and academic inquiry. Because effective writing is integral to critical thinking, all First-Year Seminars emphasize frequent writing, close examination of texts, rigorous analysis and reasoning, and information literacy. First-Year Seminars may be rooted in individual disciplines or may be interdisciplinary in nature. All First-Year Seminars bear four credits, have no prerequisites, and are open to all first-year students on a space-available basis, regardless of major. Many First-Year Seminars fulfill other Cornerstone requirements or requirements for specific majors. First-year students also take a sequence of foundational humanities courses: Philosophy, Religious Studies, Literature, and History. In most cases, students complete a year of foreign language study (a year-long sequence of Arabic, Attic Greek, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Latin, or Spanish), experiencing the diversity of human culture. Second Year
In the second year, students enroll in a Learning Community (LC). LCs at Stonehill feature linked or collaboratively-taught classes from different disciplines or perspectives and are designed to foster students’ ability to integrate learning across courses, over time, and between campus and community life. In most cases, two stand-alone-courses are linked with a third LC Integrative Seminar. Many LCs include short-term travel or community-based learning. LCs are all about making connections, and these connections often surface in reflective work, self-assessment, and creative endeavors of all kinds. Some LCs fulfill other Cornerstone requirements (e.g. Natural Scientific Inquiry, Statistical Reasoning, Moral Inquiry, etc.) as well. Third Year
In the third year, students take two pivotal courses that raise important questions about values, ethics, faith, and belief: Moral Inquiry and Catholic Intellectual Traditions. The main goal of Moral Inquiry courses is to provide students with the ability to understand the varying or conflicting solutions that, in a global world, have been proposed to fundamental moral and ethical questions. Courses that fulfill the Catholic Intellectual Traditions (CIT) requirement explore, from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, enduring questions, both theological and philosophical, that emerged from and shaped Catholicism, from ancient times to the present. Some examples are: What is the meaning of human nature? What is the best human life to live? What is the nature of the universe? In some cases, one course will fulfill both the Moral Inquiry Requirement and the CIT requirement. Another feature of the third year at Stonehill is the Writing-in-the-Disciplines (WID) requirement. Writing-in-the-Disciplines (WID) courses introduce students to the stylistic and scholarly conventions of particular disciplines and fields. Students fulfill this requirement through advanced writing-intensive courses offered in their majors. These courses build on students’ experiences in First-Year Seminars and provide valuable opportunities to practice the craft of writing in the context of their chosen disciplines or fields of study. Many Stonehill students choose to spend a semester abroad in their third year, expanding their horizons in countless ways. Distributed Requirements
Three Cornerstone requirements may be fulfilled in years one - four: Social Scientific Inquiry, Natural Scientific Inquiry, and Statistical Reasoning. Social Scientific Inquiry courses help students to develop theoretical and evidence-based thought to apply social scientific theories, concepts, research findings and methods, and to identify and comprehend broad societal trends and important events. The primary goal of the Natural Scientific Inquiry courses is to equip students with some basic science-based tools that they can use to make informed decisions about the impact of science and regulatory policies on their lives and communities. The study of Statistical Reasoning allows students to develop and apply the requisite skills and tools to determine whether the results of empirical studies are meaningful enough to warrant changes in one’s behaviors, attitudes, and/or beliefs. Senior Year
The focus of the student’s fourth year is broad synthesis, integrating and applying the many parts of a Stonehill education into a cohesive and meaningful whole. Capstone Courses and Experiences in a student’s major draw together elements from the Cornerstone Program, major and minor courses, electives, co-curricular activities, and community-based learning experiences and frame them within a real-world or disciplinary context. If First-Year Seminars are the gateway into the academic community, Capstone Courses and Experiences provide a sense of closure. Internships, typically undertaken in the third or fourth year, are another way of applying a Stonehill education and of transitioning into the workplace or advanced study. The Cornerstone Program Course Listing
All courses that fulfill Cornerstone Program requirements emphasize clear communication, writing, critical thinking, analytical reasoning, contextualization, and information fluency. The emphasis and focus of these courses will differ, as appropriate to specific disciplines, themes, and topics. First-Year Seminars
Writing-focused courses exploring an engaging question or topic designed to help first-year students develop their writing skills as they engage in academic inquiry, close examinations of texts, rigorous analysis and reasoning, and evaluating information. These courses may also fulfill other general education or major requirements. Philosophy
These courses introduce students to the Western philosophical tradition, the primary objective of which is to lead students to an appreciation of philosophy as a mode of thought that has decisively shaped Western culture through the centuries. Religious Studies
These courses are designed to help students develop a critical appreciation of how religious traditions grapple with recurring existential, moral, and social issues (the “big questions” in life) and recognize that religions are systems of ideas, practices, and institutions that affect social, economic, and political dimensions of cultures. Literature
These courses encourage students to approach literature as a historical, cultural and aesthetic objects of inquiry. Students are introduced to a variety of methods of analyzing, interpreting, ad appreciating literary texts within historical and cultural contexts. History
These courses provide students with an ability to understand how the past shapes the present while exploring their own beliefs and values. Students are introduced to historical thinking and learn how to read both primary and secondary sources critically and contextually. - HIS 100/110 - Becoming Modern: America in the 1920s (Core/First-Year Seminar)
- HIS 100/112 - Heretics, Reformers and Radicals: Women & Power in American History (Core/First-Year Seminar)
- HIS 101/113 - Faith & Violence in Early Modern Europe (Core/First-Year Seminar)
- HIS 101/115 - The Declaration of Independence in World History (Core/First-Year Seminar)
- HIS 101/116 - Antisemitism, Nazism, and the Holocaust (Core/First-Year Seminar)
- HIS 101/117 - Pathfinders: A Global History of Exploration (Core/First-Year Seminar)
- HIS 100/118 - Beneath the Skull and Cross Bones: A Global History of Piracy (Core/First-Year Seminar)
- HIS 100/119 - Chuck Berry’s America: The United States from 1955 to 1965 (Core/First-Year Seminar)
- HIS 100/120 - Crosscurrents and Connections: Encounters in the Atlantic World (Core/First-Year Seminar)
- HIS 100/121 - Perspectives on China (Core/First-Year Seminar)
- HIS 100/122 - Made in China: A History of Trade and Culture (Core/First-Year Seminar)
- HIS 101/124 - History of American Freedom (Core/First-Year Seminar)
- HIS 101/125 - The Ancient Dead: Mummies and Other Ancestors (Core/First-Year Seminar)
- HIS 101/126 - Shamans, Prophets and Saints: Mystics in World History (Core/First-Year Seminar)
- HIS 100/127 - The Great Depression and World War II (Core/First-Year Seminar)
- HIS 100/128 - The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass (Core/First-Year Seminar)
- HIS 100/129 - America During the Cold War, 1945-1990 (Core/First-Year Seminar)
- HIS 100/130 - The Way We Never Were: American Family History (Core/First-Year Seminar)
- HIS 100/131 - Medicine, Healthcare and Society in Europe, 1000-1700 (Core/First-Year Seminar)
- HIS 100/132 - Heretics, Reformers and Radicals: Women and Power in American History (Core/First-Year Seminar)
- HIS 271 - World History I (History Cornerstone)
- HIS 272 - World History II (History Cornerstone)
- HIS 281 - American Nation I (History Cornerstone)
- HIS 282 - American Nation II (History Cornerstone)
- HIS 285 - Women in Early America: 1630-1865 (History Cornerstone)
- VPH 181 - History of Art I (History Cornerstone) (WID)
- VPT 110 - Theatre as Mystery, Myth, and History (HIS Core/First-Year Seminar)
- VPT 182 - Realism and Reality: Road to the Modern Stage (History Cornerstone)
Foreign Languages
Foreign language study is an essential part of the liberal arts at Stonehill, strengthening students’ communication skills, deepening their scholarly ability, preparing them for study abroad, and broadening their cultural horizons. Two semesters of a foreign language are required to help students develop insight into the nature of language and culture, improve their ability to communicate in a language other than English, and to make connections with other cultures at home and abroad. Course offerings and descriptions can be found under the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures . Learning Community Integrative Seminars
Each student chooses from a variety of Learning Communities (LCs), developing the ability to integrate two disciplinary approaches to a significant issue or problem. LCs typically include innovative experiential learning activities, such as community-based learning, individualized research, or short-term travel. The following descriptions represent LCs that have been offered in the past and are meant to be illustrative. LC offerings change from year to year. Current listings are available on the Registrar’s website. - LC 150 - Learning Community: The Soul, the Self, and the Good Life
- LC 205 - Learning Community: The Practice of Medicine and You
- LC 207 - Learning Community: Mathematical Experiments in Computer Science
- LC 209 - Learning Community: Organic Chemistry of the Cell
- LC 228 - Learning Community: Uncovering Judaism and Nazism in Christian Europe
- LC 230 - Learning Community: Through the Looking Glass
- LC 235 - Learning Community: Quantum Waves (WID)
- LC 240 - Learning Community: Building Leaders
- LC 245 - Learning Community: Society Through the Lens
- LC 254 - Learning Community: Children, Science and the Arts: Classroom Practice
- LC 261 - Learning Community: Love, Sex, Dreams: The Mind and the Modern World
- LC 265 - Learning Community: The Impact of News on Financial Markets
- LC 269 - Learning Community: Culture and Commerce
- LC 272 - Learning Community: Women’s Global Issues
- LC 279 - Learning Community: Swamp Walks and Roadside Shrines: The Religion and Science of Place
- LC 284 - Learning Community: Business and Communication in China: Changes and Challenges
- LC 285 - Learning Community: Society on Stage
- LC 290 - Learning Community: Mentoring Through Art - Theory and Practice
- LC 294 - Learning Community: Social Problems and Performance
- LC 295 - Learning Community: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
- LC 296 - Learning Community: The Paradox of Sovereignty: Native Nations, Public Policy, and the Politics of Power
- LC 305 - Learning Community: Integrated Marketing Communication
- LC 307 - Learning Community: Inclusive Learning Through Technology
- LC 308 - Learning Community: Power & Propaganda in the Ancient World
- LC 309 - Learning Community: Risky Business
- LC 310 - Learning Community: Becoming America
- LC 311 - Learning Community: Food Politics
- LC 313 - Learning Community: From Luther to Hitler: The German Path to the Holocaust
- LC 315 - Learning Community: I Am a Camera: Life in Words and Images
- LC 316 - Learning Community: Grass Roots: The History and Politics of Community Organizing
- LC 317 - Learning Community: Banned in Boston: Sex, Scandal & Censorship on the Stage and the Page
- LC 318 - Learning Community: The Ethics and Science of Climate Change: Global Problems and Local Solutions
- LC 319 - Learning Community: The Story of Stonehill’s Water
- LC 320 - Learning Community: The Big Bang Theory and Other Scientific Artforms
- LC 321 - Learning Community: Joyful Noise: Music Technology and Contemporary Culture
- LC 322 - Learning Community: Dazed and Confused: Substance Abuse Prevention in the Community
- LC 323 - Learning Community: Stonehill and How to Fix It
- LC 324 - Learning Community: Discovering Devotion in Creative Practice/Sacred Spaces
- LC 325 - Learning Community: Is Sex Destiny?
- LC 327 - Learning Community: Renaissance of the Virgin Mary
- LC 328 - Learning Community: #Reimagining Education
- LC 331 - Learning Community: Crime and Punishment in North America
- LC 332 - Learning Community: Ireland: Literature, Landscape, and History
- LC 333 - Learning Community: Communicating & Miscommunicating in Washington, D.C.
- LC 334 - Learning Community: Frederick Douglass & His Circle: Race, Writing, & the Tropics of History
- LC 336 - Learning Community: The Origin of Resources: From Farm to Studio
- LC 337 - Learning Community: Media and American Culture
- LC 339 - Learning Community: Making Movies
- LC 340 - Learning Community: Economy and Business Practices of Cuba
- LC 341 - Learning Community: Catholic History, Theology, and Literature
- LC 342 - Learning Community: Yoga, Mindfulness and Indian Philosophy
- LC 343 - Learning Community: Pop Culture and “Bibliodigigogy” in Early Modern England
- LC 344 - Learning Community: The Global Struggle for Female Education
- LC 345 - Learning Community: Gender and Wellness
- LC 346 - Learning Community: Making a Magazine about Big Questions
- LC 347 - Learning Community: A Rogue’s Progress: Mapping Kit Marlow’s Social Network
- LC 348 - Learning Community: Dark Power, Dirty Money
- LC 349 - Learning Community: Graphic Design for Marketing
- LC 351 - Learning Community: Mind, Health & Education
- LC 352 - Learning Community: Creative Writing & Graphic Design & Bookmaking
- LC 353 - Learning Community: Honors “Create Your Own LC” Integrative Seminar
Catholic Intellectual Traditions
Courses that fulfill the Catholic Intellectual Traditions requirement explore, from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, enduring questions, both theological and philosophical, that emerged from and shaped Catholicism, from ancient times to the present. - ECO 316 - Markets and Morality
- ENG 247 - Topics in Catholicism and Literature
- ENG 248 - Catholic Literature and the Modern World
- ENG 349 - Irish Literature: Nationalism, Religion, Mother Ireland
- ENG 351 - The Calamitous 14th Century
- ENG 373 - Gerard Manley Hopkins and his Contexts
- ENV 299 - Ecology, Theologies and Worldviews
- HIS 227 - Renaissance and Revolutions: Early Modern Europe
- HIS 233 - American Catholic Social History (This course is cross-listed with REL 233)
- HIS 263 - Religion in America (This course is cross-listed with REL 262)
- HIS 326 - The Christian Churches in Nazi Germany
- HIS 333 - The American Catholic Experience (This course is cross-listed with REL 333)
- HIS 349 - The Inquisition: Myth and History
- LC 228 - Learning Community: Uncovering Judaism and Nazism in Christian Europe
- LC 324 - Learning Community: Discovering Devotion in Creative Practice/Sacred Spaces
- LC 327 - Learning Community: Renaissance of the Virgin Mary
- LC 341 - Learning Community: Catholic History, Theology, and Literature
- PHY 193 - Science and Belief
- POL 348 - Peace and Conflict Studies
- REL 226 - Women, Slaves & Sin: Paul and the Creation of Christianity
- REL 233 - American Catholic Social History (This course is cross-listed with HIS 233)
- REL 238 - Migrants, Immigrants, Refugees: Justice Issues and Catholic Responses
- REL 248 - Christian Prayer, Liturgy and Sacrament
- REL 249 - Sacraments, Justice, and the Moral Life
- REL 251 - Introduction to the Old Testament
- REL 252 - Introduction to the New Testament
- REL 253 - Models of the Church: Historical Developments
- REL 254 - Global Catholicism
- REL 255 - Religions in the Roman Empire
- REL 256 - Church and Social Justice
- REL 262 - Religion in America (This course is cross-listed with HIS 263)
- REL 267 - Liberation Theology: Latin American Perspectives
- REL 269 - The Muslim Jesus
- REL 276 - EcoSpirituality
- REL 300 - The Catholic Tradition: Past and Present
- REL 302 - Violence and Sex in the Bible
- REL 303 - The Virgin Mary and Visions of the Feminine in Christianity
- REL 310 - Catholicism-1850 to Present: History and Theology
- REL 325 - Theology and Community Service
- REL 327 - Vatican II: Revolution or Reform
- REL 329 - Justice, Peace, Ecology
- REL 333 - The American Catholic Experience (This course is cross-listed with HIS 333)
- REL 334 - The Mystery of Evil
- REL 337 - The God Question: Modern Challenges to Faith and Christian Responses
- REL 340 - Jesus and Moral Decisions
- REL 346 - Feast or Famine? The Mass in the Modern Age
- REL 351 - Heretics, Saints & Martyrs
- VPH 214 - The Age of Cathedrals
- VPH 215 - Early Renaissance Art: Italy and the North
- VPM 183 - History of Music I: European Roots
- VPM 243 - Hear Her Voice! Women Music Makers, Religion and Spirituality
- VPM 244 - Ten Centuries of the Musical Mass
- VPT 324 - Medieval Theatre: Staging the Divine
- WRI 261 - Violence and Peace in God’s Name
Moral Inquiry
Moral Inquiry courses provide students with an opportunity to continue their personal growth and discovery process and to continue to develop the ability to think critically about ethical choices and social issues. - BUS 334 - Business Ethics: Moral Perspectives and Business Decisions
- CHM 301 - Professional Ethics in Chemistry and Biochemistry
- CRM 353 - Ethics, Values, and Diversity in Criminal Justice
- CRM 355 - Global Crime
- ECO 316 - Markets and Morality
- ENV 270 - Environmental Ethics (This course is cross-listed with PHL 230)
- HIS 207 - The Holocaust
- HIS 233 - American Catholic Social History (This course is cross-listed with REL 233)
- HIS 326 - The Christian Churches in Nazi Germany
- HIS 335 - Abolitionist and Proslavery Thought
- HIS 347 - Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany
- IRS 205 - Memory and Violence in Ireland
- LC 342 - Learning Community: Yoga, Mindfulness and Indian Philosophy
- PHL 220 - Topics in Ethics
- PHL 221 - Ethics and the Good Life
- PHL 222 - Freedom and the Just Society
- PHL 224 - Contemporary Moral Issues
- PHL 230 - Environmental Ethics (This course is cross-listed with ENV 270)
- PHL 235 - Biomedical Ethics
- PHL 236 - Ethics and the Arts
- POL 143 - International Politics
- POL 348 - Peace and Conflict Studies
- POL 380 - Dirty Hands: Moral Dilemmas
- POL 381 - Citizens of the World
- POL 383 - Environmental Justice
- REL 226 - Women, Slaves & Sin: Paul and the Creation of Christianity
- REL 233 - American Catholic Social History (This course is cross-listed with HIS 233)
- REL 247 - Topics in Religious Approaches to Moral Issues
- REL 249 - Sacraments, Justice, and the Moral Life
- REL 251 - Introduction to the Old Testament
- REL 252 - Introduction to the New Testament
- REL 256 - Church and Social Justice
- REL 274 - The Religions of Egypt
- REL 301 - Islam and the Bible: Jewish and Muslim Morality and Ethics
- REL 302 - Violence and Sex in the Bible
- REL 307 - Buddhist Ethics
- REL 317 - Gods, Kings and Justice in the Ancient World
- REL 323 - Gods and War: Religion, Ideology, and Nationalism in Japan and the United States
- REL 340 - Jesus and Moral Decisions
- REL 351 - Heretics, Saints & Martyrs
- REL 373 - Buddhism, Nature & Environmental Ethics
Writing-in-the-Disciplines courses introduce students to the stylistic and scholarly conventions of particular disciplines and fields. Students fulfill this requirement through advanced writing-intensive courses offered in their majors. These courses build on students’ experiences in First-Year Seminars and provide valuable opportunities to practice the craft of writing in the context of their chosen disciplines or fields of study. Natural Scientific Inquiry
The primary goal of these courses is to equip students with basic tools to address issues involving science so that they can make informed decisions about the impact of science and regulatory policies on their lives and communities. Social Scientific Inquiry
These courses help students to develop theoretical and evidence-based thought and to apply social scientific theories, concepts, research findings and methods to identify and comprehend broad societal trends and significant events. Statistical Reasoning
These courses help students to develop and apply the requisite skills and tools to determine whether the results of empirical studies are meaningful enough to encourage change in one’s behaviors, attitudes, and/or beliefs. Capstone Courses and Experiences
Capstone courses at Stonehill are designed as culminating experiences in which students integrate and apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired in their chosen fields of study and Cornerstone Program. Capstone activities vary by department and include internships, practica, senior theses, research colloquia, research seminars, studio seminars, and senior projects. In every case, students work closely with faculty members to bring a sense of satisfying closure to their academic experience. Capstone Course descriptions can be found by department. |
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