Students who major in Religious Studies must take a minimum of nine courses beyond the first-year requirement (this includes REL 412 , the senior Capstone research project). With the advice of a faculty mentor, majors will design their own curriculum of study, which will include a broad grounding in Religious Studies (as represented in the three categories listed below) and also allow them to focus on particular interests, such as ancient and biblical religions, Catholic Studies, religion in the modern world, religion and gender, and comparative religious ethics. (See the Department’s web site for sample templates for these tracks in the major.) As appropriate, with the approval of the Chairperson, students may take courses in other departments to fulfill major requirements.
All Religious Studies majors must pursue a major Capstone research project, REL 412 , normally in the spring semester of their senior year. This paper should demonstrate a working knowledge of academic approaches to the study of religions and focus on a topic selected by the student in consultation with a Religious Studies faculty member with whom the student consults in tutorial meetings. REL 412 students must also participate in a seminar with other students working on senior theses and must present their research at a colloquium.