2016-2017 HillBook (Class of 2020) [ARCHIVED HILL BOOK]
HIS 101/113 - Faith & Violence in Early Modern Europe (Core/First-Year Seminar)Three or Four Credits Not Offered 2016-2017
This course introduces students to college-level historical research within a specific topical framework: religious violence, persecution and conflict in post-Reformation Europe. Using primary and secondary readings, students will analyze the willingness to kill (inquisitions, witch hunts, religious warfare), the willingness to die (martyrdom), and the emergence of religious toleration and coexistence.
Prerequisite(s): HIS 113 is a First-Year Seminar and open to First-Year Students only. Considered a European History.
When offered as HIS 101, for 3-credits, fulfills the History Cornerstone Requirement.
When offered as HIS 113, for 4-credits, fulfills the First-Year Seminar and History Cornerstone Requirements.
Counts towards Elementary Education licensure.