Jun 15, 2024  
2017-2018 HillBook (Class of 2021) 
2017-2018 HillBook (Class of 2021) [ARCHIVED HILL BOOK]

Course Descriptions



  • EDU 476 - Internship in Education

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Research or practical experience in the field of education at an outside agency. The upper-class student is expected to carry out a supervised assignment based upon experiences in the field working alongside a supervising practitioner.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Permission of instructor and Department Chairperson required. Not open to first-year students.
    Note: Must complete the “U.S. Internship Request for Approval” process found under the myPlans tab in myHill to register for this Internship.
  • EDU 490 - Directed Study - Education

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Investigation in a field of education for which the student has special interest not covered by a normally-scheduled course. Prior to Registration, students must present a plan to a full-time faculty member who will agree to direct and evaluate the project.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Not open to first-year students. Students must complete the online Directed Study and Independent Research Application process and obtain the signatures of the faculty member and the Department Chair.
  • EDU 496 - Independent Research in Education

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Opportunity for upper-class students to carry out an advanced research project in a specialized area of education under the direction of a faculty member from the Education Department. The research may be part of an ongoing project being conducted by the faculty member, or the student and faculty member may develop an original project.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Approval of both faculty member directing the project and the Department Chairperson. Not open to first-year students.


  • ENG 100/110 - Island Living/Island Leaving (Core/First-Year Seminar)

    Three or Four Credits
    Fall 2017 & Spring 2018

    This seminar explores the literature of islands. This will be a semester-long inquiry into how the unique conditions of island living shape literature and culture. We will study texts about castaways, pirates, tourists, islanders, and adventurers to discern what makes stories about islands so compelling and enduring.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 110 is a First-Year Seminar and open to First-Year Students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): ENG 100, for 3-credits, fulfills the Literature Cornerstone.
    ENG 110, for 4-credits, fulfills the First-Year Seminar and Literature Cornerstone.
  • ENG 100/112 - First Person: Film Theory/Film Practice (Core/First-Year Seminar)

    Three or Four Credits
    Not Offered 2017-2018

    This seminar will introduce students to film, and film representation, through theory and practice: intensive study of film language, technique, and theory will be followed by a basic introduction to film-making (creating short films). This will enable students to apply the theories and techniques they have learned in class.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 112 is a First-Year Seminar and open to First-Year Students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): ENG 100, for 3-credits, fulfills the Literature Cornerstone.
    ENG 112, for 4-credits, fulfills the First-Year Seminar and Literature Cornerstone.
  • ENG 100/113 - Machine Culture: Our Technology, Ourselves (Core/First-Year Seminar)

    Three or Four Credits
    Spring 2018

    This course explores the representation of technology as created by artists from ancient Athens to the 21st century. Questions we will pursue: is technology the friend or foe of humanity? Will machines enable our perfection or enhance our flaws? Should our machines be more or less like us?

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 113 is a First-Year Seminar and open to First-Year Students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): ENG 100, for 3-credits, fulfills the Literature Cornerstone.
    ENG 113, for 4-credits, fulfills the First-Year Seminar and Literature Cornerstone.
  • ENG 100/116 - Literature in Translation? (Core/First-Year Seminar)

    Three or Four Credits
    Fall 2017 & Spring 2018

    Many of the texts that you read in your core courses are translations into English. What exactly does it mean to read a text in translation? We will ask and answer that question, using these 19th-century texts: Baudelaire, Les Fleurs du mal/Flowers of Evil; Flaubert, Madame Bovary; Tolstoy, Anna Karenina.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 116 is a First-Year Seminar and open to First-Year Students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): ENG 100, for 3-credits, fulfills the Literature Cornerstone.
    ENG 116, for 4-credits, fulfills the First-Year Seminar and Literature Cornerstone.
  • ENG 100/119 - Gods and Monsters (Core/First-Year Seminar)

    Three or Four Credits
    Not Offered 2017-2018

    This course focuses on the dialogue between classical authors and later artists who re-visit, revise, re-voice the epic tradition. We will work on certain skills: close reading, engaging with and applying secondary literature, thinking through complex ideas, formulating readings of these texts. Authors will include Euripides, Homer, Ovid, Virgil, and Anne Carson We will also examine film, music, and dance.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 119 is a First-Year Seminar and open to First-Year Students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): ENG 100, for 3-credits, fulfills the Literature Cornerstone.
    ENG 113, for 4-credits, fulfills the First-Year Seminar and Literature Cornerstone.
  • ENG 100/120 - “The Lunatic, the Lover, and the Poet”: Metaphor and the Unconscious (Core/First-Year Seminar)

    Three or Four Credits
    Not Offered 2017-2018

    This course explores the connections between reading strategies encouraged by lyric poetry, fairy tales, and Freud’s account of the operation of dream narratives. Texts to be examined include drama, fiction, and essays by such authors as William Shakespeare, Charles Perrault, Sigmund Freud, and Angela Carter, as well as poetry by W.H. Auden, W.S. Merwin, Sylvia Plath, Wallace Stevens, Adrienne Rich, and William Carlos Williams. We will also look at films from Alfred Hitchcock, David Kaplan, and Wes Craven.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 120 is a First-Year Seminar and open to First-Year Students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): ENG 100, for 3-credits, fulfills the Literature Cornerstone.
    ENG 120, for 4-credits, fulfills the First-Year Seminar and Literature Cornerstone.
  • ENG 100/121 - Violence and Nonviolence (Core/First-Year Seminar)

    Three or Four Credits
    Not Offered 2017-2018

    We only have to look around us to see that our world is defined in a fundamental way by violence. Writers and thinkers from various historical moments have both recognized the problem of violence in society and have offered critiques of it. Our study this term will be guided by the following question: what perspective does literature provide on the issues of violence and nonviolence in the world? We will encounter novelists, poets, playwrights, and essayists whose work contains original, thought-provoking, and moving representations of and reflections on violence and nonviolence. We will pose a number of additional questions of our readings: how do these texts represent the causes and consequences of violence? How do the texts convey the relationships among different types of violence - interpersonal, political, psychological, and socioeconomic? Is nonviolence a viable ethical position in these texts? How is nonviolence defined, and what, if any, are the impediments to lessening the violence of the world? Lastly, what might the role of literature, and art more generally, be in our imagining of nonviolence?

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 121 is a First-Year Seminar and open to First-Year Students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): ENG 100, for 3-credits, fulfills the Literature Cornerstone.
    ENG 121, for 4-credits, fulfills the First-Year Seminar and Literature Cornerstone.
  • ENG 100/123 - “In Sickness and in Health”: Bodies in Literature (Core/First-Year Seminar)

    Three or Four Credits
    Fall 2017 & Spring 2018

    This course presents an introduction to the study and appreciation of literature. Our thematic focus is the representation of human bodies in the works of poets, dramatists, novelists, and essayists at various significant moments in western cultural history. As we read some famous and influential literary texts alongside less familiar works, we will become acquainted with key concepts and methodologies employed in literary studies. We follow, more or less, a historical track and begin the semester with Ovid’s Metamorphoses, which set the standard for literary representations of the body, before turning to one of Shakespeare’s more obscure works, Titus Andronicus, a bloody revenge drama, Miss Evers’ Boys, a play about the infamous Tuskegee experiment, and finally Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis, a tale about a man who wakes one morning to find that he has turned into an insect. Midway through the course we will also read poetry by physicians and other health care workers. We examine films that deal with questions about human embodiment, but most of our time is devoted to the close reading of texts, to formulating arguments about literature, and to exploring methods of interpretation.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 123 is a First-Year Seminar and open to First-Year Students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): ENG 100, for 3-credits, fulfills the Literature Cornerstone.
    ENG 123, for 4-credits, fulfills the First-Year Seminar and Literature Cornerstone.
  • ENG 100/124 - On the Road: Encounters with the “Other” (Core/First-Year Seminar)

    Three or Four Credits
    Not Offered 2017-2018

    In this course we will ask how authors from Homer to Kerouac write about journeying and encounters with “other” people, places, ideas, values, and modes of conduct. The texts we read come from disparate historical periods and from a variety of cultural contexts. As we investigate their formal and stylistic elements and their possible meanings, we will become acquainted with different literary modes, from poetry, to drama, to prose. Although the overarching theme of the course is the journey and the encounter with “otherness,” the individual texts we read present very different engagements with the subject. The journeys about which we read may be mythic, factual, intellectual, spiritual, and/or artistic; they may constitute a rite of passage or initiation; they may be brief or interminable, alienating or rewarding; they may end tragically or lead to new understanding. The course emphasizes close reading and open questioning of cultural meaning. And these are some of the works you will encounter this semester: Homer’s Odyssey; selections from Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales; Shakespeare’s Tempest; Goethe’s Faust; and Kerouac’s On the Road.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 124 is a First-Year Seminar and open to First-Year Students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): ENG 100, for 3-credits, fulfills the Literature Cornerstone.
    ENG 124, for 4-credits, fulfills the First-Year Seminar and Literature Cornerstone.
  • ENG 100/125 - The Imaginary Primitive (Core/First-Year Seminar)

    Three or Four Credits
    Not Offered 2017-2018

    Our seminar will focus on how the modern idea of Western “civilization” took shape in response to the image of the non-European, “native.” Specifically, we will examine the “primitive” (and the related figures of the “cannibal,” the “savage,” and the “barbarian”) in British and French literature and visual art as the essential-if often invented-figure at the heart of modern concepts of empire, subjectivity, aesthetics, ethics, and culture. Although much of our work will concentrate on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, we will begin by examining several foundational early modern and Enlightenment-era texts to see how images of first contact between so-called “natives” and European explorers influenced more contemporary discourses of anthropology, biology, social science, psychoanalysis, and imperial politics. Readings will examine several key contact zones between European and non-European peoples: Africa, India, Oceania, and the Middle East. Our semester will end with a section devoted to contemporary responses to European constructions of racial ‘Otherness’ from the Sudan, France, and England. Authors to be covered include William Shakespeare, Michel de Montaigne, Montesquieu, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Rudyard Kipling, Paul Gauguin, Joseph Conrad, W. Somerset Maugham, E.M. Forster, George Orwell, Marjane Satrapi, Tayeb Salih, and Zadie Smith. We will also look at art by Gauguin, Jean-Léon Gérôme, Man Ray, and Pablo Picasso, among others, as well as films such as Cannibal Tours and Dirty, Pretty Things.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 125 is a First-Year Seminar and open to First-Year Students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): ENG 100, for 3-credits, fulfills the Literature Cornerstone.
    ENG 125, for 4-credits, fulfills the First-Year Seminar and Literature Cornerstone.
  • ENG 100/126 - Love and Other Difficulties (Core/First-Year Seminar)

    Three or Four Credits
    Fall 2017

    What does it mean to desire something-or someone? What is the nature of the relationship between the enamored and the object of desire? In this course, we will explore love and desire as fundamental aspects of identity and self-awareness as well as central themes of literature across diverse cultures and historical periods. Through readings in poetry, drama and fiction, we will examine desire in its many forms, from desire for friendship and familial connection to romantic and libidinal desire, to the desire for material goods and power. Authors to be considered may include Plato, Ovid, Shakespeare, Keats, Brontë, Freud, Rilke, Joyce, Kafka, Nabokov, Wilde, Mann, Duras, Neruda, García Márquez, and Morrison.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 126 is a First-Year Seminar and open to First-Year Students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): ENG 100, for 3-credits, fulfills the Literature Cornerstone.
    ENG 126, for 4-credits, fulfills the First-Year Seminar and Literature Cornerstone.
  • ENG 100/127 - The Art of Memory (Core/First-Year Seminar)

    Three or Four Credits
    Fall 2017

    This course will be an interdisciplinary study of memory that encourages students to investigate both critically and creatively how different artists, writers, and filmmakers depict memory. We will discuss not only how it’s used in their work, but also how they represent the way it functions and how different approaches and mediums reveal or expose different aspects of experience. Artists, writers, filmmakers and composers we may explore include: Jonathan Caouette’s Tarnation, Chris Marker’s La Jetee, poet Marie Howe’s What the Living Do, Marcel Proust’s In Search of Lost Time, Joe Brainard’s I Remember, as well as various essays (by authors such as Joel Agee and bell hooks). We will also examine the artwork of Christian Boltanski, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, and Harry Dodge and Stanya Kahn, as well as composer William Basinski’s Disintegration Loops.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 127 is a First-Year Seminar and open to First-Year Students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): ENG 100, for 3-credits, fulfills the Literature Cornerstone.
    ENG 127, for 4-credits, fulfills the First-Year Seminar and Literature Cornerstone.
  • ENG 100/128 - Wonderlands (Core/First-Year Seminar)

    Three or Four Credits
    Spring 2018

    A portal opens to another world: what wonders will we find there? In this course, we will travel down rabbit holes, through secret doorways, across borders, and back in time, encountering the stuff of dreams-and sometimes nightmares. Along the way, we will ask what these alternate realities tell us about our own world and our own imaginations. Texts may include: Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, J.M. Barrie’s Peter and Wendy, The Wachowskis’ The Matrix, Neil Gaiman’s Coraline, Hayao Miyazaki’s Spirited Away, Guillermo Del Toro’s Pan’s Labyrinth, Octavia Butler’s Kindred, and short works by Margaret Cavendish, Jorge Luis Borges, Ray Bradbury, and Adrienne Rich.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 128 is a First-Year Seminar and open to First-Year Students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): ENG 100, for 3-credits, fulfills the Literature Cornerstone.
    ENG 128, for 4-credits, fulfills the First-Year Seminar and Literature Cornerstone.
  • ENG 100/132 - Altered States: Literature and Intoxication (Core/First-Year Seminar)

    Three or Four Credits
    Fall 2017 & Spring 2018

    Various types of altered states of consciousness have long been reflected in Western literature. Changes to identity – not just states brought about by alcohol or drugs, but also spiritual or other intensely emotional experiences – have been a broad theme explored by many authors, from Homer’s Lotus eaters to the enchantments of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream to contemporary confessional memoir. In this course, we will explore the many ways in which altered states have been represented by authors, ranging from the celebratory to the repentant, and the ways in which they construct or challenge the identities of authors, characters and audiences. We will also consider the acts of writing and reading as themselves challenges to conventional identity.


    ENG 132 is a First-Year Seminar and open to First-Year Students only. 
    General Education Attribute(s): ENG 100, for 3-credits, fulfills the Literature Cornerstone.
    ENG 132, for 4-credits, fulfills the First-Year Seminar and Literature Cornerstone.

  • ENG 100/139 - “Getting the Joke”: Satire and Sentimentality (Core/First-Year Seminar)

    Three or Four Credits
    Not Offered 2017-2018

    In this course, we’ll read short works and excerpts of canonical Western literature in their social, historical, and literary contexts in order to “get the joke.” Through careful reading and close analysis, students will explore intersections of satire and sentimentality in both their literary and colloquial contexts. Be forewarned: very often, the joke will be on us.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 139 is a First-Year Seminar and open to First-Year Students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): ENG 100, for 3-credits, fulfills the Literature Cornerstone.
    ENG 139, for 4-credits, fulfills the First-Year Seminar and Literature Cornerstone.
  • ENG 100/140 - Daddy’s Girls (Core/First-Year Seminar)

    Three or Four Credits
    Not Offered 2017-2018

    This course focuses on the relationship between fathers and daughters as represented in literature from the classical age to the present day.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 140 is a First-Year Seminar and open to First-Year Students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): ENG 100, for 3-credits, fulfills the Literature Cornerstone.
    ENG 140, for 4-credits, fulfills the First-Year Seminar and Literature Cornerstone.
  • ENG 100/142 - Between Two Worlds: Multi-Ethnic Literature and Film (Core/First-Year Seminar)

    Three or Four Credits
    Fall 2017 & Spring 2018

    In this course we study the work of contemporary writers and filmmakers from Native American, African American, Caribbean immigrant, and Asian American communities. We will examine how these artists explore questions such as community, belonging, and identity; race, nation, and assimilation; power and representation; colonization, history, and institutionalized racism; and writing and resistance. Students are expected to read at least one novel, a number of short stories, poems, and personal essays in preparation for class discussion, as well as watch documentary and feature films, mainstream as well as independent. There will be weekly response papers, at least one presentation, and two or three longer papers. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 142 is a First-Year Seminar and open to First-Year Students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): ENG 100, for 3-credits, fulfills the Literature Cornerstone.
    ENG 142, for 4-credits, fulfills the First-Year Seminar and Literature Cornerstone.
  • ENG 100/143 - Literature and the American South (Core/First-Year Seminar)

    Three or Four Credits
    Fall 2017

    This course looks at literature about the American South from the colonial era through contemporary culture. We will particularly focus on race and gender in literature and film about the Civil War, Reconstruction, and the emergence of the “New South.”

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 143 is a First-Year Seminar and open to First-Year Students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): ENG 100, for 3-credits, fulfills the Literature Cornerstone.
    ENG 143, for 4-credits, fulfills the First-Year Seminar and Literature Cornerstone.
  • ENG 100/144 - Literary Evolutions (Core/First-Year Seminar)

    Three or Four Credits
    Fall 2017 & Spring 2018

    Etymologically (at the word’s root), literature is associated with “humane learning” and “literary culture” (see OED). Our primary goal in this course is to recognize the interdependence of literary evolution and human culture. We will explore how literature evolves over time and across discourses. Close readings of core texts and their offshoots will offer insight into the concepts of adaptation, intertextuality, and cultural capital. Finally, we shall analyze how authors revise key literary themes in the context of poetry, prose, drama, music, film and the graphic novel, and television.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 144 is a First-Year Seminar and open to First-Year Students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): ENG 100, for 3-credits, fulfills the Literature Cornerstone.
    ENG 144, for 4-credits, fulfills the First-Year Seminar and Literature Cornerstone.
  • ENG 100/146 - Telling It Slant: Unreliable Narrators in American Literature (Core/First-Year Seminar)

    Three or Four Credits
    Not Offered 2017-2018

    Should we trust the narrators of the literature we read? Why or why not? What about the “speakers” in poetry or the characters on stage in a play? In these works of fictions, moreover, is there a way to assess the reliability or unreliability of the voices telling us the story? How do these issues affect our experience of reading literature? This course uses these questions to examine a diverse set of texts: selections from Emily Dickinson’s poetry; Herman Melville’s Benito Cereno; Henry James’s The Turn of the Screw; Nella Larson’s Passing; a play by Anna Deavere Smith; as well as short stories by Sherman Alexie, Kate Chopin, Junot Díaz, and Toni Morrison. Along with exploring these works, we will also read and discuss relevant secondary and theoretical work (from Wayne Booth, Peter Rabinowitz, and others) that can shed light on the challenges-and pleasures-of negotiating reliable and unreliable voices in literature.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 146 is a First-Year Seminar and open to First-Year Students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): ENG 100, for 3-credits, fulfills the Literature Cornerstone.
    ENG 146, for 4-credits, fulfills the First-Year Seminar and Literature Cornerstone.
  • ENG 100/147 - Romanticism and How to Live (Core/First-Year Seminar)

    Three or Four Credits
    Not Offered 2017-2018

    This cornerstone literature course reads major texts of the Romantic Age as explorations of paths toward the good life, broadly and diversely construed. Works by authors such as Blake, Wordsworth, Godwin, the Shelleys, Keats, and Austen will be read and analyzed in terms of the insights they provide on large and relevant topics such as justice, science, beauty, violence, among others; while responses to these Romantics texts from the Victorian Age through the present will be considered as well. We will not only learn to read Romantic texts carefully and thoroughly, but we will also begin to grasp the legacy of Romanticism in the present – such as, for example, how Godwin’s dilemma in “Political Justice” (whom would you save from a burning house if you had to choose between X and Y) provides the opening set-piece for Michael Sandel’s influential contemporary exploration of justice.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 147 is a First-Year Seminar and open to First-Year Students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): ENG 100, for 3-credits, fulfills the Literature Cornerstone.
    ENG 147, for 4-credits, fulfills the First-Year Seminar and Literature Cornerstone.
  • ENG 100/148 - Sport Stories (Core/First-Year Seminar)

    Three or Four Credits
    Fall 2017

    This course centers on the study of contemporary fiction and literary nonfiction that is about sports by authors such as Sherman Alexie, John Edgar Wideman, Joyce Carol Oates, and David Foster Wallace, among others.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 148 is a First-Year Seminar and open to First-Year Students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): ENG 100, for 3-credits, fulfills the Literature Cornerstone.
    ENG 148, for 4-credits, fulfills the First-Year Seminar and Literature Cornerstone.
  • ENG 100/149 - Women in Literature: A Home in the Word

    Three or Four Credits
    Fall 2017

    This course includes some of the most widely-read and influential American women authors of the last hundred years. While novels form the backbone of the course, we will also read poems, short stories, essays, memoirs, recipes, advice literature, and a graphic memoir. The course will function as an introduction to reading critically and to writing about literature; additionally, we will use our texts as a lens onto the condition of women over time, and attend to the relationship of women’s writing to the evolution of gender politics in the twentieth century. Throughout, we will attend to issues of social location such as race and class, with an emphasis on intersectional thinking. The course is loosely organized around the theme of “home” conceived broadly-as a literal dwelling, the locus of productive and of creative work, and as an important historical site of female meaning-creation.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 149 is a First-Year Seminar and open to First-Year Students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): ENG 100, for 3-credits, fulfills the Literature Cornerstone.
    ENG 149, for 4-credits, fulfills the First-Year Seminar and Literature Cornerstone.
  • ENG 100/150 - Writing About Film (Core/First-Year Seminar)

    Three or Four Credits
    Fall 2017

    Our goal this semester will be to develop an easy fluidity with the language of cinema, and explore how to use this language to think and write critically about film. We’ll spend substantial time examining the work of five great directors, learning how these filmmakers use and experiment with the vocabulary of cinema.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 150 is a First-Year Seminar and open to First-Year Students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): ENG 100, for 3-credits, fulfills the Literature Cornerstone.
    ENG 150, for 4-credits, fulfills the First-Year Seminar and Literature Cornerstone.
  • ENG 100/151 - In Passing: Performed Identities in Literature (Core/First-Year Seminar)

    Three or Four Credits
    Fall 2017

    What does it mean to pass as someone you’re not? Or to not pass as someone you are? Focusing on gender, race, and ethnicity, this course will explore how identity can be performed. Through readings in drama, fiction, and poetry, we will consider the experiences of the gender-bending character in disguise, the mixed-race person passing as white, and the assimilating immigrant adapting to a new culture. By looking at ways identity can be literally enacted (through costuming, affectation, and language), we will examine the underlying social constructs that reveal how identity is performed in everyday life. What is at stake in these performances and what is their relationship to authenticity?

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 151 is a First-Year Seminar and open to First-Year Students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): ENG 100, for 3-credits, fulfills the Literature Cornerstone.
    ENG 151, for 4-credits, fulfills the First-Year Seminar and Literature Cornerstone.
  • ENG 100/152 - Site-Specific Literature (Core/First-Year Seminar)

    Three or Four Credits
    Spring 2018

    This course will explore literature about space and place. How do writers craft the feeling of a particular place in their work? What is our experience of this place in our imaginary-or what is the experience of reading this literature in the very place it was written about? We will examine how being “here” or “there” relates to issues of identity, community, belonging, displacement, power, and privilege. We will find ourselves in Joyce’s Dublin, compare Dickens’s and Woolf’s London to the city as experienced by a West Indian immigrant, contemplate geography with John Green, and read a poem about Boston’s Public Garden in the Public Garden itself, all the while discovering how we locate ourselves in and outside of these texts.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 152 is a First-Year Seminar and open to First-Year Students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): ENG 100, for 3-credits, fulfills the Literature Cornerstone.
    ENG 152, for 4-credits, fulfills the First-Year Seminar and Literature Cornerstone.
  • ENG 100/153 - Border Stories: Transcultural Literature (Core/First-Year Seminar)

    Three or Four Credits
    Spring 2018

    In many ways, globalization and technological advances have made the world a more open and interconnected place than ever before.  Yet around the world borders remain sites of contestation. The course asks two interrelated questions: how authors represent borders, and how the genres in which they work shape our understandings of the issues themselves. Topics include the ethics of dividing culture along ethnic, linguistic, and national lines on the one hand and the problems of the universalizing category of “the global” on the other. We will also examine the relationship between creative production and such topics as empire, travel/diaspora, translingualism, and literary reconfiguration. Readings may include works by Judith Butler, Michel Foucault, Arjun Appuadurai, Suketu Mehta, Suki Kim and Teju Cole.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 153 is a First-Year Seminar and open to First-Year Students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): ENG 100, for 3-credits, fulfills the Literature Cornerstone.
    ENG 153, for 4-credits, fulfills the First-Year Seminar and Literature Cornerstone.
  • ENG 100/154 - The Essay: Contemporary Voices (Core/First-Year Seminar)

    Three or Four Credits
    Spring 2018

    We currently live in what James Wood has called “the golden age of the essay.” In this course, we will study a diverse range of contemporary essayists, from those who practice compelling literary or creative nonfiction to those who write the most incisive cultural commentary. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 154 is a First-Year Seminar and open to First-Year Students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): ENG 100, for 3-credits, fulfills the Literature Cornerstone.
    ENG 154, for 4-credits, fulfills the First-Year Seminar and Literature Cornerstone.
  • ENG 200 - Introductory Topics in Literary Studies

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Introduction to the vocabulary and practices of literary-critical analysis and the skills of close reading with a focus on the major literary genres.

    Note: Course may be taken twice as long as topics differ. Specific topics and descriptions offered in a given semester can be found on the Registrar’s website.
  • ENG 201 - British Literature to 1700

    Four Credits
    Fall Semester

    Introduction to English literary history through poetry, drama, and narrative from Anglo- Saxon roots to the development of British literary genres in the medieval and early modern periods.

  • ENG 202 - Literary History II

    Four Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    Exploration of literature in the modern period, paying particular attention to the development of genres, the expansion of the British Empire, and the emergence of the British and American literary traditions.

  • ENG 204 - Drama

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    Through the study of traditional and non-traditional types of drama (to include screenplays as well), students are introduced to new ways of classifying and reading texts. Designed for both entering and upper-level students with a particular emphasis on close reading.

  • ENG 205 - Fiction

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Through the study of traditional and non-traditional types of fiction (to include short stories as well), students are introduced to new ways of classifying and reading texts. Designed for both entering and upper-level students with a particular emphasis on close reading.

  • ENG 220 - Introductory Topics in Literature

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Introductory literary seminars that emphasize the development of writing and analytic skills necessary for upper-division English courses. Topics will vary from semester to semester. Priority given to first- and second-year students. Course may be taken twice as long as topics differ.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Priority given to first- and second-year students.
    Note: Topics will vary from semester to semester. Course may be taken twice as long as topics differ. Specific topics and descriptions offered in a given semester can be found on the Registrar’s website.

    Course may be applied to the Gender & Sexuality Studies program.

  • ENG 221 - Introductory Topics in Digital Humanities

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    This course features an introduction to a range of digital methods and tools for humanistic inquiry.

  • ENG 242 - Topics in Creative Writing: Poetry

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    An introduction to poetry writing that will include the examination of literary models in a variety of genres, writing exercises, and writing workshops.

    Note: Course may be taken twice as long as topics differ. Specific topics and descriptions offered in a given semester can be found on the Registrar’s website.

    Course may be applied to the Creative Writing minor.

  • ENG 243 - Topics in Creative Writing: Short Fiction

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    An introduction to narrative writing, including description, setting, dialogue, characterization, plot.

    Note: Course may be taken twice as long as topics differ. Specific topics and descriptions offered in a given semester can be found on the Registrar’s website.

    Course may be applied to the Creative Writing minor.

  • ENG 247 - Topics in Catholicism and Literature

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    An engagement with Catholic writers and themes in British and American Literature.

    General Education Attribute(s): Catholic Intellectual Traditions
    Note: Course may be taken twice as long as topics differ. Specific topics and descriptions offered each semester can be found on the Registrar’s website.
  • ENG 248 - Catholic Literature and the Modern World

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Through literature and film this course will introduce students to the development of the Catholic imagination from the late nineteenth through the early twenty-first centuries. We will examine the struggle between the Catholic Church and modernity, which developed into a more cooperative relationship by the time of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), and which continues to evolve into the contemporary period.

    General Education Attribute(s): Catholic Intellectual Traditions
    Course Applies to: Catholic Studies
  • ENG 256 - Madness and Insight: Modernist Psychopathology

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    What do we learn about ourselves from looking through the lens of madness? This course will explore how narratives of insanity from the 18th century to the present have shaped our understanding of human cognition, perception, emotion, desire, and the unconscious. Authors to be considered Descartes, Poe, Dostoevsky, Gilman, Schnitzler, Woolf, Kafka, Breton, Didion, Pynchon and DeLillo.

  • ENG 257 - Global Detective Fiction

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    A critical study of contemporary novels by authors offering new, globally inflected twists on an old form. Readings might include mysteries and crime fictions by Henning Mankell, Luiz Garcia Roza, Dennis Potter, Alexander McCall Smith, and Donna Leon.

  • ENG 258 - Literature and Sports

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    Students will read and study literature that draws on or engages in some way sports and its diverse cultures. Some of the stories, novels, and essays will be about sports; others will, for example, incorporate sports into their broader aesthetic and social visions; others still will use the culture of sport as the canvas on which to paint characters and their internal lives.

    Note: Course may be applied to the Sports, Science and Society program.
  • ENG 271 - Film and Story

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    An introduction to film art through a comparison of its distinguishing features with those of fiction and of drama.

    Note: Course may be applied to the Cinema Studies minor.
  • ENG 272 - Film History

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    A survey of major film industries and canonical texts presented in a chronological order serving specific themes (for example, film-making in a given geographical region).

    Note: Course may be applied to the American Studies program and Cinema Studies minor.
  • ENG 273 - Hitchcock

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    A survey of Alfred Hitchcock’s work and obsessions. This course welcomes students with no prior experience in the study of film. Additional screening time required.

    Note: Course may be applied to the American Studies, Cinema Studies and Gender & Sexuality Studies programs.
  • ENG 279 - Harry Potter: Magic, Muggles, and Metaphor

    Three Credits
    Alternate Years: Spring 2017, 2019

    This course will immerse students in the world of J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series. Reading the novels as literary and cultural texts, the course will explore how Rowling creates an intricate alternative universe with parallel political and social dimensions. The course will examine the novel series as narrative and cultural artifacts, paying special attention to how the texts offer construct new notions of nation, authority, education, morality, folklore, and fandom.

  • ENG 280 - Shakespeare for Everyone

    Three Credits
    Alternate Years: Spring 2018, 2020

    This course provides a general introduction to the drama of William Shakespeare. We will carefully explore the genres that Shakespeare mastered - comedy, tragedy, romance, and the history play - by focusing primarily on how Shakespeare uses language to create character and dramatic tension and engages with larger ethical, social, and political questions.

  • ENG 300 - Topics in Literary and Cultural Theory

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Explorations in literary, critical, and cultural theories with an emphasis on connections between language, literary expression, and cultural and historical contexts.

    Note: Course may be taken twice as long as topics differ. Specific topics and descriptions offered in a given semester can be found on the Registrar’s website.
    Course may be applied to the American Studies and Gender & Sexuality Studies programs.
  • ENG 301 - Topics in Medieval Literature (WID)

    Four Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    A thematic study of texts, figures, and influences associated with the literature of the Middle Ages.

    General Education Attribute(s): Writing-in-the-Disciplines
    Note: Course may be taken twice as long as topics differ. Specific topics and descriptions offered each semester can be found on the Registrar’s website.
  • ENG 304 - Topics in Early Modern Literature (WID)

    Four Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    A thematic study of texts, figures, and influences associated with the literature of the early modern period.

    General Education Attribute(s): Writing-in-the-Disciplines
    Note: Course may be taken twice as long as topics differ. Specific topics and descriptions offered each semester can be found on the Registrar’s website.
  • ENG 306 - Topics in British Literature, 1700-1900 (WID)

    Four Credits
    Fall Semester

    A critical analysis of various cultural and literary issues that emerge in British literature.

    General Education Attribute(s): Writing-in-the-Disciplines
    Note: Course may be taken twice as long as topics differ. Specific topics and descriptions offered each semester can be found on the Registrar’s website.
  • ENG 307 - Topics in British Literature, 1900 - Present

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    A critical analysis of various cultural and literary issues that emerge in British Literature in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

    Note: Course may be taken twice as long as topics differ. Specific topics and descriptions offered in a given semester can be found on the Registrar’s website.
  • ENG 310 - Topics in World and Comparative Literature

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    A critical analysis of literature outside of the American and British traditions and/or a comparative look at themes across national literatures and traditions.

    Note: Course may be taken twice as long as topics differ. Specific topics and descriptions offered in a given semester can be found on the Registrar’s website.
  • ENG 315 - The Romantic Age

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    A comprehensive study of the literature of the Romantic Age in British literature (1789-1832). Examination of the poetry, novels, drama, and non-fiction prose of the period with attention to aesthetic inheritance and historical context. Authors include Blake, Wordworth, Coleridge, Godwin, Burke, Wollstonecraft, Paine, Keats, Percy Shelley, Mary Shelley, Byron, Austen, Scott, Hazlitt, De Quincey, Clare, and others.

  • ENG 322 - Topics in World Cinema

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    A critical study of specific topics related to cinema production in countries outside of Europe and North America.

    Note: Course may be taken twice as long as topics differ. Specific topics and descriptions offered in a given semester can be found on the Registrar’s website.

    Course may be applied to the Cinema Studies minor

  • ENG 324 - Topics in Television Studies

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    An examination of specific topics related to television genres or periods through application of contemporary critical theories.

    Note: Course may be taken twice as long as topics differ. Specific topics and descriptions offered in a given semester can be found on the Registrar’s website.
    Course may be applied to the American Studies program and Cinema Studies minor.
  • ENG 326 - Topics in American Cinema

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    A critical study of specific topics related to the American narrative film.

    Note: Course may be taken twice as long as topics differ. Specific topics and descriptions offered in a given semester can be found on the Registrar’s website.
    Course may be applied to the American Studies program, Gender & Sexuality Studies program and the Cinema Studies minor.
  • ENG 336 - The Romance

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    An historical survey of the romance from Heliodorus to the Harlequin.

  • ENG 344 - Topics in Creative Non-fiction

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    An introduction to the various practices of the emerging field of creative non-fiction, including memoir, personal essay, literary journalism, travel writing , and hybrid forms that blur the boundaries between fiction and nonfiction.

    Note: Course may be taken twice as long as topics differ. Specific topics and descriptions offered in a given semester can be found on the Registrar’s website.

    Course may be applied to the Creative Writing minor.

  • ENG 345 - Topics in Advanced Creative Writing: Fiction

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    This course will provide students who have already taken ENG 243  the opportunity to advance their fiction-writing skills and develop longer, more complex narrative forms.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 243  or Consent of Instructor.
    Note: Course may be taken twice as long as topics differ. Specific topics and descriptions offered in a given semester can be found on the Registrar’s website.

    Course may be applied to the Creative Writing minor.

  • ENG 346 - Topics in Advanced Creative Writing: Poetry

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    This course allows students to further develop the skills acquired in the beginning poetry workshop by concentrating on more complex aspects of poetic practice. Students will work on composing and revising their own poetry, critiquing peer work in a workshop setting, and reading the work of established poets.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 242  or Consent of Instructor.
    Note: Course may be taken twice as long as topics differ. Specific topics and descriptions offered in a given semester can be found on the Registrar’s website.

    Course may be applied to the Creative Writing minor.

  • ENG 348 - Topics in Religion and Literature

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    This course examines the emergence of spiritual themes and traditions in literary texts.

    Note: Course may be taken twice as long as topics differ. Specific topics and descriptions offered in a given semester can be found on the Registrar’s website.
  • ENG 349 - Irish Literature: Nationalism, Religion, Mother Ireland

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    A critical analysis of various cultural and literary issues that emerge in Irish fiction, poetry, and drama.

    General Education Attribute(s): Catholic Intellectual Traditions
  • ENG 350 - Chaucer

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    A study of Chaucer’s poetry, with attention to the cultural and political forces that shaped late medieval poetics.

  • ENG 351 - The Calamitous 14th Century

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    Focusing on the writing of Chaucer and Langland and their contemporaries, this course studies the representation of the social and literary upheavals of the late 14th century.

    General Education Attribute(s): Catholic Intellectual Traditions
  • ENG 353 - Shakespeare

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Close readings of Shakespeare’s work.

  • ENG 354 - Shakespeare’s Rivals

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    A study of theater in early modern culture, with attention to the drama of Shakespeare’s competitors: Kyd, Marlowe, Jonson, and Middleton.

  • ENG 357 - English and Irish Drama

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    A critical survey of dramatic genres and texts from England and Ireland with a focus on specific themes and on performance texts.

  • ENG 358 - Classical Backgrounds to English Literature

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    An introduction to the literature of ancient Greece and Rome, including mythology, Greek drama, and the epic poems of Homer and Virgil.

  • ENG 359 - Nineteenth-century British Poetry

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    A critical reading of Romantic and Victorian poets, along with relevant prose.

  • ENG 360 - American Literature to 1865

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    A chronological survey of texts, figures, and influences associated with American literature of the period.

    Note: Course may be applied to the American Studies program.
  • ENG 361 - American Literature, 1865-present

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    A chronological survey of texts, figures, and influences associated with the period.

  • ENG 362 - Topics in Poetry

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    A critical reading of poetry. Topics vary from semester to semester.

    Note: Course may be taken twice as long as topics differ. Specific topics and descriptions offered in a given semester can be found on the Registrar’s website.
    Course may be applied to the American Studies program.
  • ENG 366 - Topics in Twentieth-Century American Literature

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    An examination of themes in twentieth-century literature. Topics will vary from semester to semester.

    Note: Course may be taken twice as long as topics differ. Specific topics and descriptions offered in a given semester can be found on the Registrar’s website.

    Course may be applied to the American Studies program.

  • ENG 367 - Topics in Nineteenth-Century American Literature (WID)

    Four Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    An examination of themes in nineteenth-century literature. Topics will vary from semester to semester.

    General Education Attribute(s): Writing-in-the-Disciplines
    Course Applies to: American Studies
    Note: Course may be taken twice as long as topics differ. Specific topics and descriptions offered each semester can be found on the Registrar’s website.
  • ENG 368 - Race, Ethnicity, and American Culture

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    An exploration of the relationship between American racial and ethnic politics and twentieth-century American culture.

    Note: Course may be applied to the American Studies program.
  • ENG 369 - African-American Literature

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    An exploration of landmarks in African-American writing from the time of slavery to the contemporary period.

    Note: Course may be applied to the American Studies program.
  • ENG 371 - Topics in Contemporary Literature

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    A critical study of contemporary writing linked by thematic or theoretical interests.

    Note: Course may be taken twice as long as topics differ. Specific topics and descriptions offered in a given semester can be found on the Registrar’s website.
  • ENG 372 - ‘Zines, Chapbooks, and DIY Publishing

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    Whether you are interested in poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, or cross genre writing, this course will help you explore ways to get your work into the world. Focusing on small press publishers, artist made books, ‘zines, and literary journals. Creative writing experiments will result in your own independent publishing project which will be a chapbook, ‘zine, or handmade book.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 242 , ENG 243  or ENG 344 .
    Note: Course may be applied to the Creative Writing program.
  • ENG 373 - Gerard Manley Hopkins and his Contexts

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    This course focuses on nineteenth-century poet Gerard Manley Hopkins in his various contexts: as a poet in the wake of the Romantic movement; as a Catholic convert and Jesuit in the wake of the Oxford Movement; as a Victorian engaged with and troubled by the social and political tumult around him.

    General Education Attribute(s): Catholic Intellectual Traditions
  • ENG 380 - Modern Poetry

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    A critical analysis of issues of voice, persona, and genre in modern and contemporary poetry.

    Note: Course may be applied to the American Studies program.
  • ENG 381 - Modern Drama

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    A critical survey of world drama since the late nineteenth century.

  • ENG 382 - American Drama

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    A study of specific topics related to North American plays of the twentieth century.

    Note: Course may be applied to the American Studies program.
  • ENG 385 - Taking the Victorians to the Movies

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    An exploration of why the Victorians have never gone out of style, using films to understand the novels on which they are based and vice-versa.

  • ENG 389 - Alternative Modernisms

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    An examination of the anti-colonial, feminist, and queer foundations of literary modernism between 1890 and 1945.

    Note: Course may be applied to the Gender & Sexuality Studies program.
  • ENG 390 - Topics in Modernism (WID)

    Four Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Critical study of representative literature from the modernist period.

    General Education Attribute(s): Writing-in-the-Disciplines
    Course Applies to: Gender & Sexuality Studies
    Note: Course may be taken twice as long as topics differ. Specific topics and descriptions offered each semester can be found on the Registrar’s website.
  • ENG 391 - Topics in Gender & Sexuality Studies

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    A study of issues of gender, race, and class as they emerge in critical and literary texts.

    Note: Course may be taken twice as long as topics differ. Specific topics and descriptions offered in a given semester can be found on the Registrar’s website.

    Course may be applied to the Gender & Sexuality Studies program.

  • ENG 392 - Topics in Postcolonial and Global Literature (WID)

    Four Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    An investigation of themes within the frame of postcolonial studies. Topics will vary from semester to semester.

    General Education Attribute(s): Writing-in-the-Disciplines
    Note: Course may be taken twice as long as topics differ. Specific topics and descriptions offered each semester can be found on the Registrar’s website.
  • ENG 394 - Sexuality and Textuality

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    A critical examination of the definitions of sexual orientation found in diverse texts.

    Note: Course may be applied to the American Studies and Gender & Sexuality Studies program.
  • ENG 395 - Introduction to Postcolonial Literature and Culture

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    A critical introduction to the poetry, fiction, and drama of the postcolonial world. Discussions will be informed by an introduction to postcolonial theory.

    Note: Course may be applied to the Asian Studies program and the Latin American Studies program with permission of the Program Director.
  • ENG 398 - Telling Tales: Theories of Narrative

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2016-2017

    The study of how and why we construct stories: an introduction to narrative theory, using texts from Jane Austen to comic books.

  • ENG 422 - English Capstone Seminar

    Four Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    An examination of thematically related works within the framework of contemporary critical theory.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 300 , ENG 391 , ENG 398 , and GND 300 .
    Note: Specific topics and descriptions offered in a given semester can be found on the Registrar’s website.

    Fulfills the Capstone requirement in English.

    Course may be applied to the Cinema Studies minor.

  • ENG 475 - Internship in English

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Designed to give English majors an acquaintance with - and experience in - careers that extend from their training in the major. Internships provide a practicum where students work for a business and a seminar where students meet on a regular basis with the instructor.

    Note: Must complete the “U.S. Internship Request for Approval” process found under the myPlans tab in myHill to register for this Internship.
  • ENG 476 - English Teaching Apprenticeship

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Designed for senior English majors seriously intending to pursue graduate study, this apprenticeship gives the students experience in creating and coordinating a general studies course under the direction of a faculty member.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): ENG 200  and ENG 300 , and permission of Department Chairperson.
    Note: Course may be taken twice as long as topics differ.
  • ENG 496 - Independent Research

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Opportunity for a student to do a research project in a specialized area of English or literature under the direction of a member of the English Department faculty.


    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Approval of both the faculty member directing the research project and the English Department Chair.

  • ENG 497 - Senior Thesis

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    A course for students who want to do an extended project.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Permission of the Department Chairperson.

Environmental Sciences and Studies

  • ENV 101 - Eco Representatives

    One Credit
    Fall Semester

    Students enrolled will learn the basics of ecological sustainability, and then design and implement sustainability programs for their peers (in their residence hall or among the commuter population).

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): First-Year Students only.

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