Mar 11, 2025  
2014-2015 HillBook (Class of 2018) 
2014-2015 HillBook (Class of 2018) [ARCHIVED HILL BOOK]

Communication Minor

Six courses are required for the minor.

Required Courses

Internship Requirements

Only Communication majors and minors with a 3.00 GPA after the completion of the second semester of Sophomore year are eligible for Communication internships.

Normally, a 3.00 GPA is required for permission to intern. Exceptions may be granted by the Coordinator of Internships:
a) When the GPA in the major or minor is higher than 3.00 and the overall GPA suffered from a single bad semester.
b) When the internship will not be calculated in completing the major or minor and the Coordinator of Interns judges that the student is unusually well prepared otherwise for the internship experience.

In addition, both majors and minors MUST have completed at least four (4) COM courses before being eligible for an internship. Without exception, interns must have successfully completed the prerequisite course(s) for the desired internship.
Prospective interns must have a specific kind (e.g. TV production, Public Relations, Newspaper, etc.) of internship in mind prior to seeking the Director’s permission.

Interns must spend a minimum of eight (8) hours a week (112 hours total) at the internship site and be evaluated by the site supervisor. Written work is to be submitted to the Coordinator every week and a research paper or other project must be completed and turned in to the Coordinator by a predetermined deadline.

Interns must meet with the Coordinator at least three times during the semester to discuss the progress of the internship, readings, or the research project. This may be done electronically during the Summer Session when the site is at a distance.

No more than one of the following internship courses, for a total of three credits, may be counted toward the major requirements:

All Communication internships earn three credits, even if total hours exceed 112.

Students doing a summer-fall “split”  internship may not do another internship during the same semester s/he is completing work for the “split.”