History Internships and Experiential Learning Opportunities
Hands-on experience in a professional setting has never been as important a component in undergraduate education as it is today. History majors and minors are strongly encouraged to undertake experiential learning/internship as part of their program of study. Internships can be as short as two weeks or as long as a year. Museums, educational institutions, archives, historic sites, government organizations and non-profits are just a few of the many internship options available. Students may take an internship for credit (HIS 475 ) during the academic year or over the summer or participate in internships without credit; both options offer students the opportunity to experience the relevance of the past to the present through participation in contemporary institutions and organizations.
Internship Requirements:
1. To earn three (3) credits, students should devote an average of eight (8) hours per week to the internship.
2. Students seeking to pursue an internship should consult the Internship Coordinator, Prof. Edward McCarron, at least two weeks before registering for HIS 475 - History Internship .
3. Complete the online U.S. Internship Request for Approval Form (myHill > myPlans > U.S. Internship Application) to start the registration process.
4. During the period of the internship, students will keep a journal or field notes, meet periodically with Prof. McCarron, the Internship Coordinator, who will direct and grade the internship (with input from the intern’s on-site supervisor), and submit by the last day of classes an academic paper of 10-12 typed pages on a topic related to the internship.
For additional information regarding internships, and a sampling of recent History and other internships, see: http://www.stonehill.edu/academics/areas-of-study/history/internships-opportunities or email Prof. Edward McCarron at emccarron@stonehill.edu.