Sep 27, 2024  
2020-2021 Hill Book (Class of 2024) 
2020-2021 Hill Book (Class of 2024) [ARCHIVED HILL BOOK]

Course Descriptions



  • CHM 333 - Physical Chemistry I

    Four Credits
    Fall Semester

    This course provides in-depth exploration of key chemistry topics in thermodynamics and kinetics. Topics include: gas laws, energy transfer, phase equilibrium, chemical potential, properties of solutions, and kinetic theory and mechanism. Specific applications of physical chemistry are given in terms of material science, nanoscience, biochemistry, environmental chemistry, and technology.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): MTH 126  & CHM 232  or CHM 244 
  • CHM 334 - Physical Chemistry II

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    This course explores quantum chemistry and spectroscopy. The Schrödinger equation is solved for a one-dimensional particle-in-a-box, the harmonic oscillator, the rigid rotator, and the hydrogen atom. Approximation methods for many-electron atoms, chemical bonding, group theory, molecular spectroscopy, and lasers are studied as well.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CHM 333 .
  • CHM 432 - Advanced Topics in Analytical Chemistry

    Three Credits
    Alternate Years: Fall 2019, 2021

    This course provides in-depth coverage of advanced analytical chemical topics, expanding upon the fundamentals of analytical chemistry learned in   . The specific content focuses on recent advances in the subject as they relate to a variety of different topics. Examples from current chemical literature will be used throughout. This course is an advanced chemistry elective for chemistry and biochemistry.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CHM 331 .
  • CHM 435 - Advanced Topics in Organic Chemistry

    Three Credits
    Alternate Years: Spring 2020, 2022

    This course provides in-depth coverage of advanced organic chemical topics, expanding upon the fundamentals of organic chemistry learned in CHM 222. The specific content focuses on recent advances in the subject as they relate to a variety of different topics. Examples from current chemical literature will be used throughout. This course is an advanced chemistry elective for chemistry and biochemistry.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s):   , and   or  .
  • CHM 441 - Advanced Chemistry Laboratory - Fall (WID)

    Four Credits
    Fall Semester

    Complementary in content to the Advanced Chemistry Laboratory - Spring (CHM 442). Modern chemistry techniques, methods, and instrumentation will be applied to experiments integrating material from organic, inorganic, analytical, and physical chemistry. The course will serve to merge concepts from each discipline and to develop self-guided inquiry. Advanced instrumentation to produce useful data and subsequent interpretation of data is emphasized.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s):   and  .
    General Education Attribute(s): Writing-in-the-Disciplines
  • CHM 442 - Advanced Chemistry Laboratory - Spring

    Four Credits
    Spring Semester

    Complementary in content to the Advanced Chemistry Laboratory - Fall ( ). Modern chemistry techniques, methods, and instrumentation will be applied to experiments integrating material from organic, inorganic, analytical, and physical chemistry. The course will serve to merge concepts from each discipline and to develop self-guided inquiry. Advanced instrumentation to produce useful data and subsequent interpretation of data is emphasized.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s):  ,   and  .
  • CHM 443 - Advanced Topics in Physical Chemistry

    Three Credits
    Alternate Years: Spring 2021, 2023

    This course covers current, cutting edge topics in the field of physical chemistry. Students apply and expand their knowledge of thermodynamics and kinetics to explore applications like technology and biochemistry. Examples from the latest papers in the chemical literature are used throughout the course.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CHM 333  
  • CHM 444 - Advanced Topics in Inorganic Chemistry

    Three Credits
    Alternate Years: Fall 2020, 2022

    This course builds upon the fundamentals of inorganic chemistry learned in CHM 244  and also includes recent advances in the field. Topics include: symmetry, group theory, molecular orbital’s, frontier orbital’s, ligand field compounds, organimetallic reactions and catalysis, bioinorganic and environmental chemistry.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CHM 244 .
  • CHM 447 - Junior Fall Chemistry Seminar

    Zero Credits
    Fall Semester

    Third-year Chemistry majors meet with Chemistry and Biochemistry faculty once a week for both internal and external seminars. Each student is required to prepare and present a half-hour seminar on a topic of his/her choice found in a current professional journal. All students are expected to attend and provide professional evaluations of other students’ seminar presentations.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Junior Chemistry majors only.
    Note: Students will earn four credits in the second semester senior year upon completion of CHM 447,  ,  , and  .
  • CHM 448 - Junior Spring Chemistry Seminar

    Zero Credits
    Spring Semester

    All third-year Chemistry majors meet with Chemistry and Biochemistry faculty once a week for both internal and external seminar presentations.


    Note: Students will earn four credits in the second semester senior year upon successful completion of   , CHM 448,  , and  .


    Students in the Notre Dame dual-degree program in Chemical Engineering will only take CHM 447  and CHM 448 and will earn one credit for CHM 448.

  • CHM 449 - Senior Fall Chemistry Seminar

    Zero Credits
    Fall Semester

    All fourth-year Chemistry majors meet with Chemistry and Biochemistry faculty once a week for both internal and external seminar presentations. Each student is required to prepare and present a half-hour seminar on a topic of his/her choice found in a current professional journal. During the fall semester of the fourth year, each student will be expected to start writing a thesis. Preferably this thesis will cover experimental or theoretical research the student has actually done.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s):  .
    Note: Students will earn four credits in the second semester senior year upon successful completion of    ,  , CHM 449, and  .
  • CHM 450 - Senior Spring Chemistry Seminar & Thesis

    Four Credits
    Spring Semester

    All fourth-year Chemistry majors meet with Chemistry and Biochemistry faculty once a week for both internal and external seminar presentations. Each fourth-year student will be expected to write and defend his/her thesis in the spring semester of the fourth year.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s):  .
    Note: Students will earn four credits in the second semester senior year upon successful completion of  ,  ,  , and CHM 450.
  • CHM 475 - Internship in Chemistry

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Research or practical experience in the field at an outside industrial, government, hospital, or university setting.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Must complete the “U.S. Internship Request for Approval” process found under the myPlans tab in myHill to register for this Internship.
    Note: An Intern will typically spend at least 8-10 hours/week for a minimum of 112 hours on site to earn 3 credits. 
  • CHM 490 - Directed Study - Chemistry

    One to Four Credits
    Offered as Needed

    Opportunity for upper level students to do advanced work in a specialized area of chemistry.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Approval of a faculty member willing to supervise the project and the Department Chair or Program Director; and submission of the online Directed Study Application and Contract to the Registrar’s Office.
    Note: Students must complete 45 hours work/semester per credit.
  • CHM 496 - Independent Chemistry Research

    One to Four Credits
    Offered as Needed

    Students carry out an advanced research project in a specialized area of chemistry under the direction of a faculty member from the Department of Chemistry. The research may be part of an ongoing project being conducted by the faculty member, or the student and faculty member may develop an original project.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Approval of a faculty member willing to supervise the research and the Department Chair or Program Director; and submission of the online Independent Research Application and Contract to the Registrar’s Office.
    Note: Students must complete 45 hours work/semester per credit. Independent Research must be taken for three credits to count as a course towards the major. May be taken more than once.
  • CHM 497 - Senior Thesis

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Students complete an advanced research project in a specialized area of chemistry under the direction of a chemistry faculty member, resulting in a senior thesis. This course will be graded on a pass/fail basis.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Senior standing in the department; approval of both the faculty member directing the project and the Department Chairperson required


  • CHN 131 - Elementary Chinese I

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    An introduction to modern standard Chinese commonly referred to as Mandarin. Focus of the course is on basic listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and Pinyin (spelling the sound) system. Students will learn common vocabulary, simple sentence structures and everyday conversational Chinese. Both simplified and traditional character formations will be introduced but the writing will emphasize the simplified form. Chinese culture, customs and history will be incorporated into the course curriculum.

    Course Applies to: Asian Studies
  • CHN 132 - Elementary Chinese II

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    This course is a continuation of  .

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CHN 131  or equivalent.
    Course Applies to: Asian Studies
  • CHN 231 - Intermediate Chinese I

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    In both semesters of the intermediate course, students expand their previous ability in their foreign language and develop the ability to: when speaking, use strings of related sentences; when listening, understand most spoken language when the message is deliberately and carefully conveyed by a speaker accustomed to dealing with learners; when writing, create simple paragraphs; when reading, acquire knowledge and new information from comprehensive authentic text. The course integrates history and culture, as well as contemporary events and issues.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CHN 132  or equivalent.
    Course Applies to: Asian Studies
  • CHN 232 - Intermediate Chinese II

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    This course is a continuation of  .

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CHN 231  or equivalent.
    Course Applies to: Asian Studies
  • CHN 331 - Advanced Chinese I

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    In both semesters of Advanced Chinese, students build upon their previous ability and develop the ability to: speak simple dialogue of paragraph length; understand more authentic speech; write a series of coherent paragraphs; read authentic text to acquire information. The course integrates history and culture, as well as contemporary events and issues.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CHN 232  or equivalent.
    Course Applies to: Asian Studies
  • CHN 332 - Advanced Chinese II

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    This course is a continuation of  

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CHN 331  or equivalent.
    Course Applies to: Asian Studies
  • CHN 333 - Chinese TV Series

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Study of contemporary Chinese TV Series with an emphasis on conversation, culture and language proficiency. The class will view and discuss TV episodes. Students will study the corresponding scripts, related grammar and vocabulary. Completion of written and oral assignments is also required.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s):   or equivalent.
    Course Applies to: Asian Studies
  • CHN 334 - Chinese Conversation and Composition

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2019-2020

    This course is designed to strengthen speaking and writing skills. Students will work independently or with others to write short skits and rehearse them in class. Topics will be related to issues in daily life, such as friendships, school life, dating, shopping, dining, traveling, etc.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CHN 232  or higher.
    Course Applies to: Asian Studies
  • CHN 490 - Directed Study: Topics in Chinese

    One to Four Credits
    Offered as Needed

    Opportunity for upper-level students to do an advanced research project or investigation in a Chinese field of special interest not covered by a normally-scheduled course. The student and a full-time faculty member familiar with the student’s area of interest agree on a plan of study and research and on evaluation methods.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Approval of a faculty member willing to supervise the project and the Department Chair or Program Director; and submission of the online Directed Study Application and Contract to the Registrar’s Office.
    Note: Students must complete 45 hours work/semester per credit.


  • COM 103 - Public Speaking

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Theory and practice of communicating in one-to- many situations. Students research, organize, and deliver several types of speeches, as well as critique various forms of public communication.

  • COM 105 - Interpersonal Communication

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    The basic elements of interpersonal communication, with special emphasis on developing knowledge and skills applicable to face-to-face interactions between individuals. The class facilitates an exploration of verbal and nonverbal communication.

  • COM 107 - Introduction to Media Studies

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    An overview of the history, structure, performance, content, effects and future of the mass media, including issues of media ownership, regulation, and the importance of advertising.

    Course Applies to: Visual Studies
    Note: Equivalent to COM 110 . May not take both.
  • COM 110 - Navigating the Media Landscape (First-Year Seminar)

    Four Credits
    Fall Semester

    This course will provide an overview of the history, structure, performance, content, effects, and future of mediated communication, including issues of media ownership, regulation, and media literacy. As a first-year writing-intensive seminar, students will engage in frequent writing assignments, rigorous analysis of texts, critical thinking, and information literacy.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Open to First-Year Students only
    General Education Attribute(s): First-Year Seminar
    Course Applies to: Visual Studies
    Note: Equivalent to COM 107 . May not take both.
  • COM 201 - Business and Professional Communication

    Three Credits
    Offered Periodically

    Advanced study and practice in specialized audience analyses, conference procedures, group problem solving, interviewing techniques, and professional presentations.

  • COM 203 - Studies in Persuasion

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Analysis of social and theoretical aspects of persuasion, development of attitudes, beliefs and attitude change in contexts such as advertising, marketing, and social media.

    Course Applies to: American Studies
  • COM 206 - Introductory Statistics for Communication

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semester

    Examines statistical techniques used in social science research. Topics include: types and importance of variables; descriptive and inferential statistics; sampling; correlational and causal relationships; hypothesis construction and testing through various statistical measures.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): COM 105  or COM 107  or COM 110 .
    General Education Attribute(s): Statistical Reasoning
  • COM 207 - Media Criticism

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Survey of internal and external constraints in production of mediated messages. Analysis of news, advertising, and entertainment processes and products.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): COM 107 .
    Course Applies to: American Studies, Visual Studies
  • COM 220 - Understanding Film

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Introduction to film analysis through the study of a variety of film texts, with an emphasis on film form, and how the various components of filmmaking, including elements of mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing, sound and music, and narrative structure function within that system.

    Course Applies to: American Studies, Cinema Studies
  • COM 310 - Organizational Communication

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Principles of communication in business and nonprofit organizations. Topics include communication theories, leadership and motivation, superior-subordinate communication, organizational culture, networks, and conflict management.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): COM 105 .
  • COM 311 - Public Relations I: Principles

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Theoretical and practical. Written and visual materials for a variety of organizational goals. Tools of communication, public relations – law and ethics, problem solving, persuasion and public opinion, media relations.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): COM 203  or COM 310  or BUS 333  or BUS 340 .
  • COM 312 - Public Relations II: Practices

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Practice of public relations in several typical environments: public agencies, corporations and the like; case study method.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): COM 311  or   
    Course Applies to: American Studies, Gender & Sexuality Studies
  • COM 313 - Gender and Communication

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Examines the impact of gender on the communication process. Topics discussed within a variety of contexts.

    Course Applies to: American Studies, Gender & Sexuality Studies
  • COM 314 - Media Industries

    Three Credits
    Wintersession (For Students Participating in the LA Program)

    Advanced survey of media organization operation, including ownership, personnel, programming, and audience research.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): COM 107 .
    Note: Only open to students participating in the Los Angeles program.
  • COM 315 - Intercultural Communication

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Examines the role of communication in the creation and transmission of cultural knowledge and practice. Discusses the impact of communication differences in cross cultural contexts.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): COM 105 .
    Course Applies to: Asian Studies, Middle Eastern Studies
  • COM 316 - Family Communication

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    This course is designed as an introduction to communication phenomena in the setting of the family. The overall goal is help you understand how, through communication, we develop, maintain, enhance, or disturb family relationships.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): COM 105  
  • COM 318 - Persuasion and Social Movements

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Role of discourse in the life cycle of social movements. Rhetorical analysis of stages of movement development. Examination of theory and research.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): COM 203 .
    Course Applies to: American Studies
  • COM 319 - Political Communication

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2018-2019

    Examines nature and impact of diverse communication strategies in political contexts, such as congressional and presidential campaigns.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): COM 203 .
    Course Applies to: American Studies
  • COM 321 - Topics in Film Genres

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    A survey of one or more film genres. Topics may vary.

    Course Applies to: Cinema Studies, Digital Media Production
    Note: Course may be taken up to four times, but Communication students may only count one toward the major or minor.
  • COM 322 - Communication Research Methods

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Introduction to basic techniques for investigating common communication problems. Topics include focus group interviews, questionnaire design, critical methodology, content analysis, and other basic data collection methods used in communication organizations. Designed for Communication majors seeking a research course which emphasizes practical applications.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Sophomore standing.
    Course Applies to: Data Analytics
  • COM 323 - Topics in Film

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    The topics of this seminar vary, but include a critical analysis of film-related subject matter.

    Course Applies to: American Studies, Cinema Studies, Digital Media Production, Gender & Sexuality Studies (depending on topic), Visual Studies (depending on topic)
    Note: Course may be taken up to four times, but Communication students may only count one toward the major or minor.
  • COM 325 - Leadership and Communication

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Examination of leadership theories and diverse styles of leading within various contexts. In particular, this course will explore the vital role of communication processes in relation to leadership effectiveness. This course will also give students the opportunity to reflexively examine their own styles of leadership as well as identify areas for continued improvement.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): COM 103  and COM 105 .
  • COM 333 - Topics in Media Studies

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    The topics of this seminar vary according to student’s needs and interests. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): COM 107  or COM 110 .
    Note: Course may be taken three times as long as topics differ.
  • COM 412 - Advanced Interpersonal Communication

    Three Credits
    Not Offered 2018-2019

    Examines major theories and research in interpersonal communication, including advanced investigation of concepts introduced in COM 105 . Topics include theories of relationship development and decline, marriage and family communication, and communicative competence.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): COM 105 .
  • COM 414 - Topics in Communication

    Three Credits
    Offered Periodically

    The topics of this seminar vary according to student needs and interests. Course may be taken three times.

  • COM 417 - Communication Theory

    Four Credits
    Spring Semester

    An advanced survey of major communication theories. Focus on how communication theories are built and tested and how different theories are related. Includes theories from interpersonal, organizational, persuasion, and other communication areas.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): COM 322  and Senior standing. Instructor consent required for Juniors.
  • COM 418 - Rhetorical Theory

    Four Credits
    Fall Semester

    A consideration of the intellectual tradition of rhetoric from a theoretical and critical perspective. Ideas from the classical, modern, and contemporary periods are examined.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): COM 203 , COM 322  and Senior standing. Instructor consent required for Juniors.
    Note: Fulfills the Communication Studies Capstone requirement.
  • COM 419 - Media Theory

    Four Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Survey of development of media communication theory and research. Discussion of production, mediation, reception, and effects theories. Students will take part in an extensive community-based learning project at an after-school program.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): COM 207  and COM 322  and Senior standing. Instructor consent required for Juniors.
  • COM 441 - Rhetorical Criticism (WID)

    Four Credits
    Fall Semester

    This course will focus on enhancing students’ abilities to critically analyze and respond to public messages found in political speaking, public advocacy, popular culture and media narratives. Students will learn and apply effective writing techniques throughout the term, resulting in a final critical essay.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Completion of the First-Year Seminar requirement.
    General Education Attribute(s): Writing-in-the-Disciplines (This is a particularly good option for students in Communication, Creative Writing, and Journalism.)
    Note: May not receive credit for both WRI 441  and COM 441.
  • COM 452 - Communication Honors Thesis

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    In consultation with a faculty member, students in the Department of Communication Honors Program conduct original research on a topic related to their emphasis in communication. Students must begin their research no later than one semester prior to the semester in which they plan to graduate. An official copy of the thesis will remain on file with the Department and with the college archives.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): COM 322  and open to Junior and Senior Communication Majors in the Department of Communication Honors Program. Permission of Instructor.
    Note: May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits.
  • COM 475 - Internship in Communication

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Practical experience in various professional fields related to the Communication discipline complementary to the work done in courses.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): COM 105  and COM 107 , minimum of 3.00 GPA and permission of Internship Coordinator. Must complete the “U.S. Internship Request for Approval” process found under the myPlans tab in myHill to register for this Internship.
    Note: An Intern will typically spend at least 8-10 hours/week for a minimum of 112 hours on site to earn 3 credits. Communication Majors and Minors make take 3 times (max 9 credits).
  • COM 490 - Directed Study - Communication

    One to Four Credits
    Offered as Needed

    Opportunity for upper-level students to do an advanced research project or investigation in a field of special interest not covered by a normally-scheduled course. Student and a full-time faculty member familiar with the student’s area of interest agree on a plan of study and research and on evaluation methods.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Approval of a faculty member willing to supervise the project and the Department Chair or Program Director; and submission of the online Directed Study Application and Contract to the Registrar’s Office.
    Note: Students must complete 45 hours work/semester per credit.

Computer Science

  • CSC 090 - Healthy Computer Use for Computer Science

    One Credit
    Not Offered 2019-2020

    Healthy computer use for computer scientists using the Alexander Technique. Survey medical literature related to computer use and musculoskeletal disorders. Pathomechanics of the human-computer interface. Ergonomic conditioning, physical conditioning, mental conditioning and work conditioning. Based on the Alexander Technique: a way of uncovering and correcting mental and physical habits that lead to musculoskeletal injury.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Open to Computer Science or Computer Engineering majors. Open to other majors with permission of the instructor.
  • CSC 101 - From Gutenberg to Berners-Lee

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    This course explores the history of information technology and its impact on our society. It provides students with the background to understand these changes and the tools they need to manage them, as well as a strong foundation in research, critical thinking, and oral and written communication skills.

    General Education Attribute(s): Natural Scientific Inquiry
    Course Applies to: Digital Humanities
  • CSC 102 - Introduction to Programming

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    An introduction to computers, programming and problem solving using a modern programming language such as Python, Java, or Visual Basic.

    General Education Attribute(s): Natural Scientific Inquiry
    Course Applies to: Data Analytics, Digital Humanities
  • CSC 103 - Computer Science I

    Four Credits
    Fall Semester

    An introduction to programming and problem solving using Java. Topics include: Input and Output; Selection; Repetition; Methods; Recursion; Arrays; Classes and Objects.

    Course Applies to: Data Analytics, Digital Humanities, Data Science
  • CSC 104 - Computer Science II

    Four Credits
    Spring Semester

    Inheritance; Polymorphism; Exceptions; Stream IO; Elementary Data Structures; Graphics; Event Driven Programming.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CSC 103 .
    Course Applies to: Data Analytics, Data Science, and Digital Humanities
  • CSC 195 - How Computers Work

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    An exploration of how computers work: what goes on inside the computer (hardware), how to program computers (software), the Internet and communication revolution, artificial intelligence, and the limits of computation.

    General Education Attribute(s): Natural Scientific Inquiry
    Course Applies to: Digital Humanities
  • CSC 201 - Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science I

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    Discrete mathematical models for applications in computer science. Mathematical induction, graphs, trees, sets, equivalence relations, functions, and partially ordered sets. Asymptotic complexity, Big-O, and Big Omega, recursion and recurrence equations, finite and infinite sums. Predicate logic and first order logic. Basic counting methods, simple combinatorics. Probability and Markov Chains. Linear algebra, applications of linear algebra in computer science.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): MTH 126 , CSC 104 .
    Course Applies to: Data Science
  • CSC 202 - Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science II

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Discrete mathematical models for applications in computer science. Mathematical induction, graphs, trees, sets, equivalence relations, functions, and partially ordered sets. Asymptotic complexity, Big-O, and Big Omega, recursion and recurrence equations, finite and infinite sums. Predicate logic and first order logic. Basic counting methods, simple combinatorics. Probability and Markov Chains. Linear algebra, applications of linear algebra in computer science.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): MTH 126 , CSC 104 .
  • CSC 211 - Data Structures

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    The fundamental methods used to organize data in computer algorithms: stacks, queues, linked lists, trees, graphs, searching, and sorting. Design and analysis of algorithms.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CSC 104 .
    Course Applies to: Data Science, Digital Humanities
  • CSC 221 - Computer Logic and Organization

    Three Credits
    Alternate Years: Fall 2019, 2021

    The basics of digital logic design. Binary representation of information, Boolean algebra, truth tables, combinatorial logic, Karnaugh maps, memory elements, flip flops, latches, registers, RAM and variations. ALU’s, control logic, and finite state machines. The design of a simple computer. Gates and their implementation with transistors and integrated circuits.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CSC 103 .
    Course Applies to: Management of Information Systems
  • CSC 304 - Computer Architecture

    Three Credits
    Alternate Years: Spring 2020, 2022

    The basics of computer organization, architecture and assembly language. Instructions sets, address modes, and the run/time stack are explored by programming on a RISC machine. CPU and ALU design, performance analysis, pipelining, cache, virtual memory is examined. Trade-offs between RISC, CISC and advanced architectures is discussed. Assumes basic knowledge of digital logic.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CSC 221 .
  • CSC 311 - Algorithms and Complexity

    Three Credits
    Alternate Years: Spring 2021, 2023

    Basic algorithm techniques: recursion, dynamic programming, greedy method branch and bound. Analysis of algorithms: recurrence equations, NP-completeness, asymptotic complexity. Applications include graph and combinatorial algorithms.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CSC 201  and (CSC 211  with a grade of C- or better).
    Course Applies to: Data Science
  • CSC 312 - Compiler Design

    Three Credits
    Alternate Years: Fall 2019, 2021

    Finite automata and lexical analysis, context free grammars, top-down and bottom-up parsing, syntax directed translation, symbol table techniques, runtime storage administration, code generation, optimization.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CSC 211  (with a grade of C- or better).
  • CSC 314 - Operating Systems

    Three Credits
    Alternate Years: Spring 2021, 2023

    Process management, concurrency, virtual storage organization, processor management, auxiliary storage management, operating system performance.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CSC 211  (with a grade of C- or better).
  • CSC 321 - Data Visualization

    Three Credits
    Alternate Semesters: Spring 2020, 2022

    An introduction to data visualization theory and techniques used for creating visual representations of large data sets.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CSC 211 .
    Course Applies to: Data Analytics, Data Science
  • CSC 322 - Machine Learning

    Three Credits
    Alternate Semesters: Fall 2019, 2021

    The algorithms that enable computers to learn from experience. Supervised and unsupervised learning. Learning from Networks. Machine learning from big data.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CSC 211 .
    Course Applies to: Data Analytics, Data Science
  • CSC 323 - Programming Languages

    Three Credits
    Alternate Years: Spring 2020, 2022

    Formal language concepts including syntax and basic characteristics of grammars. Control structures, data flow, run-time considerations. Scripting, Functional, and Logic languages.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CSC 211  (with a grade of C- or better).
  • CSC 324 - Web Programming

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    Programming for the world wide web. Design patterns. Presentation Layer: XHTML, CSS, Javascript. Processing Layer: XSLT, Servlet Frameworks. Data Layer: XML, Document Object Model.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CSC 211  (with a grade of C- or better).
    Course Applies to: Digital Humanities
  • CSC 325 - Database Management Systems

    Three Credits
    Alternate Years: Fall 2020, 2022

    Data Modeling using the Entity-Relationship approach. The Relational Model and Relational Algebra. SQL. Functional dependencies and normalization. Database design Process. Record storage and primary file organization. Index structures for files. Concurrency control techniques.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CSC 211  (with a grade of C- or better).
    Course Applies to: Data Analytics, Data Science, Digital Humanities, and Management Information Systems
  • CSC 382 - Artificial Intelligence

    Three Credits
    Alternate Years: Spring 2021, 2023

    Introduction to artificial intelligence. Knowledge representation. Natural language processing. Deduction and inference. Expert systems. Computer vision. Robotics. Programming in LISP, PROLOG, or another AI language.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CSC 211  (with a grade of C- or better).
    Course Applies to: Data Analytics, Digital Humanities
  • CSC 384 - Theory of Computation

    Three Credits
    Alternate Years: Fall 2020, 2022

    Introduction to the general theory of computation. Formal grammars: regular, context-free, and context-sensitive languages. Formal automata: finite-state and pushdown models. Decidability. Turing Machines. The Chomsky hierarchy. NP-Completeness and Complexity Theory.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CSC 201 .
  • CSC 390 - Computer Networks

    Three Credits
    Alternate Years: Fall 2019, 2021

    Computer Networks: Data communication system components, network architecture, layered protocols, traffic analysis, and capacity planning.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CSC 211  (with a grade of C- or better).
  • CSC 393 - Numerical Analysis

    Three Credits
    Alternate Years: Spring 2021, 2023

    For description and semester schedule, see MTH 393 .

  • CSC 399 - Topics in Computer Science

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    An advanced topic in an area of current interest in computer science.

  • CSC 400 - Capstone: Software Engineering (WID)

    Four Credits
    Spring Semester

    Large-scale software project involving teamwork, written reports and oral presentations.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Senior standing in Computer Science.
    General Education Attribute(s): Capstone, Writing-in-the-Disciplines
  • CSC 450 - Computer Science Honors Thesis

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    For fourth-year students in the Computer Science Honors Program. Students are required to consult with a faculty member regarding a suitable thesis topic. The final project is judged by a panel of three faculty members. The project may be completed either in one or two semesters.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): A grade-point average of 3.5 in all Computer Science courses.
  • CSC 475 - Internship in Computer Science

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Opportunity for qualified students to gain practical experience in the computer industry under professional supervision.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Must complete the “U.S. Internship Request for Approval” process found under the myPlans tab in myHill to register for this Internship.
    Note: An Intern will typically spend at least 8-10 hours/week for a minimum of 112 hours on site to earn 3 credits. 
  • CSC 490 - Directed Study - Computer Science

    One to Four Credits
    Offered as Needed

    Opportunity for upper level students to do advanced work in a specialized area of computer science.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Approval of a faculty member willing to supervise the project and the Department Chair or Program Director; and submission of the online Directed Study Application and Contract to the Registrar’s Office.
    Note: Students must complete 45 hours work/semester per credit.


  • CRM 111 - At-Risk Families and Youths (First-Year Seminar)

    Four Credits
    Fall Semester

    This course examines characteristics of the growing numbers of families and youths on the “fault line” of present-day society in the United States. Causes and solutions that have been proposed to understand, control, and redress problems of at-risk families and youths are discussed. Topics include social stratification, victimization, crime prevention, innovative school programs, and other social intervention programs.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Open to First-Year Students only.
    General Education Attribute(s): First-Year Seminar
    Note: Equivalent to CRM 432 - Seminar: At-Risk Families and Youth . May not take both. CRM 111 may not count as an advanced seminar in Criminology.
  • CRM 120 - Critical Introduction to Criminal Justice

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    An introduction to the major institutions of criminal justice from a social scientific perspective. Examines the structure and operation of police, courts, and corrections. Theories and concepts of sociology and other disciplines will be used to describe the workings of the criminal justice system and raise questions for critical analysis.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Open to First-Years and Sophomores or by permission of the instructor
    General Education Attribute(s): Social Scientific Inquiry
  • CRM 201 - Criminological Theories

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    This course provides a broad overview of sociological and interdisciplinary theories of criminal behavior and social control. Students learn how to analyze theories and research on crime for the purpose of advancing theory as well as developing policies for crime prevention and control.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): Sophomore or Junior standing or by permission of the instructor.
  • CRM 204 - Sociology of the Prison

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    This course examines the basic structure of American prisons-their purposes and their effects. Focal issues include: the history and rationale for imprisonment; the world of the prisoner and the correctional officer; and rehabilitation. Students will examine the development of prison policy and its implementation with regards to current criminological theory and research. Current public opinion will be discussed throughout the course.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CRM 120  or CRM 201 .
  • CRM 205 - Introduction to Policing

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    This course will explore the law enforcement component of the criminal justice system. It will include discussions on different policing models; police management and organization; the recruitment and selection process; the patrol function; the investigation function; as well as, special topics in policing like use of force and the impact of technological advances.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CRM 120 . Open to First-Years and Sophomores or by permission of the instructor.
  • CRM 208 - Sex Offenders: Patterns and Behaviors

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    This course examines theories and research on sexual assault and sex offenders, evaluates the effectiveness of assessment and treatment practices, and explores supervision/legal strategies designed to prevent recidivism of sex offenders.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CRM 201  
  • CRM 224 - Juvenile Delinquency

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    An examination of juvenile delinquency in American society. Topics included are the historical background and “invention” of delinquency, cross-cultural definitions of delinquency, theories of delinquency, social class differences, and the juvenile court system. The course critically examines the social, health, and mental health services which have been utilized by this society in attempts to prevent or “treat” delinquent behavior.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CRM 120  or CRM 201 .
    Course Applies to: American Studies
  • CRM 273 - Criminal Mind, Mental Illness and Criminality

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    The course examines crime and mental illness, including social-psychological theories of crime; co-occurring psychological disorders; problem-solving courts (drug treatment, mental health, and re-entry) comprising the emerging field of “therapeutic jurisprudence”; and mentally ill offenders in prison and community settings. Sociological issues of gender, class and race will be discussed wherever relevant.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s):  .
  • CRM 295 - Topics in Criminology

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    Examines topics of current interest in criminology, including the etiology and characteristics of specific categories of crime. The specific content focuses on timely, cutting edge research and case studies that are of academic importance. Content varies as topics evolve.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CRM 120  or CRM 201 .
    Note: Course may be taken twice as long as topics differ.
  • CRM 303 - Procedural Criminal Law

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    This course covers how the amendments within the Bill of Rights impact the due process rights of those accused of crimes. These include: arrest; search and seizure; electronic surveillance; entrapment, right to counsel; privilege against self-incrimination; plea bargaining; and double jeopardy.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CRM 120  or CRM 201 .
  • CRM 304 - Victims of Crime

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    This course involves the study of crime victims and their experiences with the Criminal Justice System, with some focus on intimate partner violence and its history as a social problem. Additionally, time is spent on victims from marginalized sub-groups (those living in rural areas; ethnic minorities; LGBTQ community, children, elders, the disabled) who have a difficult time seeking justice through the courts.

  • CRM 305 - Substantive Criminal Law

    Three Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    This course provides an overview of basic legal concepts pertaining to criminal law, including violent, property, theft, and inchoate offenses. Students will examine the principles of criminal liability through three sources of criminal law: the Common Law, the Model Penal Code, and any modern statutory distinctions Analysis of affirmative defenses and the concept of reasonable doubt as a defense are explored.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CRM 120  or CRM 201 .
  • CRM 307 - Mechanics of the Courtroom

    Three Credits
    Spring Semester

    The first half of the course is an examination of our nation’s court system through a sociological lens to learn about the roles of the court work group members, their decision making patterns, and their impact on sentencing. The second half of the course covers basic principles of legal strategy: preparation of witnesses; techniques for effective openings, closings, cross and direct examinations; and impeachment of witnesses. The class ends with an interactive mock trial.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CRM 120  or CRM 201 . (  is recommended).
  • CRM 309 - The Jury System

    Three Credits
    Fall Semester

    The course is designed to provide students with a foundation of knowledge about the participants, current issues and rules of procedure, evidence and law which govern jury trials. After examining the historical and contemporary role of the jury system and comparing alternative foreign justice systems, the class focuses on the importance of the jury in the justice system.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CRM 120  or CRM 201  
  • CRM 310 - Research Methods for Criminology (WID)

    Four Credits
    Fall and Spring Semesters

    This course examines the methods and techniques of research in criminal justice and criminology. Emphasis will be given to the development of hypotheses from theory, ethical considerations in social research, research design, modes of scientific observation, application and analysis of data, and interpretation of results.  Students receive a basic conceptual framework for understanding, interpreting, and critiquing social science research as well as practical experience in designing empirical research and writing a review of literature.  This class serves as the Writing-in-the-Discipline class for Criminology and as such involves intensive writing and peer review.

    Prerequisite(s)/Restriction(s): CRM 120  or CRM 201 . Open to Junior and Senior Criminology or Sociology majors.
    General Education Attribute(s): Writing-in-the-Disciplines

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